Iacopo Zanon


Carla, a young girl 25 years old, is a waitress at a restaurant. While Giulia, the same age as her and with the same economic difficulties, gets paid to get undressed on the internet, in a pornographic video-chatroom. One night, they will need each other.
Carla, a young girl 25 years old, is a waitress at a restaurant. While Giulia, the same age as her and with the same economic difficulties, gets paid to get undressed on the internet, in a pornographic video-chatroom. One night, they will need each other.
Carla, a young girl 25 years old, is a waitress at a restaurant. While Giulia, the same age as her and with the same economic difficulties, gets paid to get undressed on the internet, in a pornographic video-chatroom. One night, they will need each other.
Carla, a young girl 25 years old, is a waitress at a restaurant. While Giulia, the same age as her and with the same economic difficulties, gets paid to get undressed on the internet, in a pornographic video-chatroom. One night, they will need each other.
Los virreyes
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Basada en la novela homónima de Federico De Roberto. A mediados del siglo XIX, últimos años de la dominación borbónica en Sicilia, en vísperas del nacimiento del Estado italiano. El funeral de la princesa Teresa es la ocasión para presentar a la familia Uzeda, descendientes de los virreyes de España. A través de la mirada de un niño, Consalvo, último heredero de los Uzeda, se desvelan los misterios, las intrigas, las complejas personalidades de los miembros de la familia, dominados por grandes pasiones y obsesiones.