Michelle Sander


Jungle Staff
Cuando se descubre un complot criminal, la C.I.A. recurre a su primer simio, su operativo más singular, para frustrar la trama desde adentro.
Frente al Tornado
Injured Person
A medida que comienza un nuevo día en la pequeña ciudad estadounidense de Minninnewah, los residentes comienzan su día tan ordinario como el siguiente. La madre naturaleza, sin embargo, tiene otros planes para ellos. Los habitantes tienen solo 13 minutos para buscar refugio antes de que el tornado más grande registrado asole la ciudad, dejándolos luchando por proteger a sus seres queridos y luchando por sus vidas. Dejados para lidiar con las secuelas, cuatro familias deben superar sus diferencias y encontrar fuerzas entre sí para poder sobrevivir.
Hostage House
Officer (uncredited)
Una agente de bienes raíces y su hija son tomadas como rehenes por ladrones armados.
Joey and Ella
Mother in Park (uncredited)
When a baby kangaroo gets accidentally swept up in a jewelry heist, she becomes separated from her mother for the first time in her young life. Alone and frightened, a worldly teenage girl Ella, who also knows the pain of losing her mother, discovers her and nurses Joey back to health. However, when Joey is falsely implicated in the robbery, Ella has to work quickly to reunite her with her mother before shes either captured by the bumbling jewel thieves or taken into custody by a determined detective hot on their trail.
The Unbreakable Boy
Austin is a boy with both a rare brittle-bone disease and autism. But what makes Austin truly unique is his joyous, funny, life-affirming worldview that transforms and unites everyone around him.
Dotty and Soul
A comedy about flamboyant entrepreneur Ethan Cox, who is caught in a racially inappropriate video that immediately goes viral. His hopes of being the man in charge of delivering a self-driving car to the public seem destined to blow up in his face. So he hires his aging mother's 71 year old caretaker, African-American Dotty, to be the temporary replacement CEO of his company, until the public furor dies down.