David Bracknell

Nacimiento : , Chelmsford, Essex, England, UK


En busca del fuego
First Assistant Director
Una aventura colosal que retrocede hasta el comienzo mismo de la existencia del hombre. Hace 80.000 años, cuando el hombre deambulaba por la tierra, se vio expuesto a los elementos hostiles de la naturaleza. Contra una atmósfera peligrosa, terrenos accidentados, tribus rivales y las bestias salvajes, "En busca del fuego" gira en torno a una pacífica tribu y su búsqueda por el elemento fuego y el conocimiento para crearlo. Centrado en el sueño humano, las realistas percepciones del hombre prehistórico y la lucha constante por la supervivencia están vivamente recreadas en esta sensacional producción.
All in a Good Cause
The children load up shopping trolleys and help their neighbours.
Jam Session
The kids decide to earn money by making jam from damaged apples, but disaster occurs.
Magpie's Talking Duck
Magpie wins a duck which proves to be alive and no use for the Sunday dinner. The kids invent a device which makes the duck seem to talk.
Putting on a pantomime, the kids find they must share the Church hall with a rock group. They decide to present a rock panto.
The kids take part in a bicycle race and manage to win new bikes, in spite of the organiser's treachery.
Pot Luck
The Chiffy Kids go camping on a farm. Magpie causes a tent to collapse and as a punishment is tied to a large cooking pot. Freeing herself, she prepares a stew which is eaten by Herbert. The kids find only bones in the pot, and the repentant Herbert returns with sausages.
Room to Let
Smoke bombs fail to dislodge an old busker who has taken over the kids' headquarters, an abandoned circus caravan. One of Magpie's hidden treasures, a half-eaten fish, finally drives him out.
Decorators Limited
In hopes of winning a home decoration competition, the overbearing Mrs. Foster employs two men to repaint her flat. The kids volunteer to decorate the neighbouring flat of the elderly sisters. The front door keys are mixed up...
Shove Tuesday
A supermarket offers free groceries to the winner of a Shrove Tuesday pancake race. The kids, after messy experiments with pancake batter, enter Susie in the race; she wins, despite the efforts of the unscrupulous "Mrs. Shove".
The Great Snail Race
A race is arranged after Magpie boasts about her pet snail. Paid to catch snails in the Colonel's cabbage patch, Fiddler later persuades Magpie's Mum to give her daughter's snail collection to a French restaurant.
Magpie Lays an Egg
Fiddler tricks Magpie into swapping her stamp collection for a supposed penguin egg.
Nueva moda en el crimen
Assistant Director
El veterano agente secreto Robert Elliot (Coburn) va a ser nombrado consejero del gobierno americano. Para asegurarse de que su pasado no salga a la luz en el futuro, tendrá que ocuparse de sus cuatro ayudantes mediante un plan tan ingenioso como letal.
Swallows and Amazons
Assistant Director
On holiday with their mother in the Lake District in 1929 four children are allowed to sail over to the nearby island in their boat Swallow and set up camp for a few days. They soon realise this has been the territory of two other girls who sail the Amazon, and the scene is set for serious rivalry.
The Sex Thief
Assistant Director
A struggling pulp fiction writer who doubles as an incompetent jewel thief. He gets caught in the act every time, but he uses his looks and charm to make the best of it. Soon he becomes a celebrity. Wealthy women start leaving their jewels out like milk and cookies for Santa Claus in hopes that the sex thief will unlawfully invade their domiciles.
Una vez más
Assistant Director
Charles Salt y Christopher Pepper están a punto de inaugurar un club en Londres, pero la posibilidad se frustra al ser multados por incumplimiento de las normas. El hermano gemelo de Christopher, Lord Sydney Pepper, acepta pagar la multa con la condición de que abandone Inglaterra, ya que su presencia le supone un auténtico desprestigio. Cuando Chris retorna para hablar con su aristocrático hermano, lo encuentra cadáver.
La batalla de Inglaterra
Second Unit Director
En 1940, cuando los alemanes han ocupado prácticamente todo el continente europeo, Inglaterra resiste. Hitler prepara la invasión de las islas, pero para realizarla, necesita conseguir la superioridad aérea. La RAF y la Luftwaffe se enfrentan así en una cruenta batalla de cuyo resultado depende el destino de Gran Bretaña.
Funeral en Berlín
Assistant Director
El jefe del servicio de espionaje soviético, el coronel Stock, proyecta huir a Occidente. Harry Palmer, un hombre que ejerce de espía a la fuerza tras haber sido atrapado en un sucio asunto, es enviado a Berlín para ayudar a Stock, pero para ello tendrá que cambiar de identidad.
Four in the Morning
Production Manager
The parallel stories of two couples in crises and their connections to a drowned woman found in a river.
Cup Fever
The children of Barton United are trying to win the cup in their local football (soccer) league. Nasty councillor Mr Bates doesn't like them and wants the team his son plays for to win instead so he makes life as difficult as he can for them. But Barton United are offered help by the local professional team that just happens to be Manchester United with boss man Matt Busby.
Cup Fever
The children of Barton United are trying to win the cup in their local football (soccer) league. Nasty councillor Mr Bates doesn't like them and wants the team his son plays for to win instead so he makes life as difficult as he can for them. But Barton United are offered help by the local professional team that just happens to be Manchester United with boss man Matt Busby.
Go Kart Go
Assistant Director
Jimpy leads a gang of kids as they attempt to beat another gang, no matter how underhanded their tactics are.
Go to Blazes
Assistant Director
A gang of aspiring bank robbers involve themselves with arsonists and purchase their very own fire truck in an attempt to create the ultimate diversion. But posing as firemen leads them to disaster.
Hunted in Holland
Assistant Director
English schoolboy and his Dutch pen friend chase a diamond smuggling gang in Holland.