Arnaud Chabance


Third Grade
Unit Production Manager
After being constantly bullied at school by her classmate Kevin, 8-year-old Claire discovers that the boy who is giving her hard time is also suffering and might need her help…
Los casos de Victoria
Unit Manager
Victoria Spick, abogada penalista en pleno vacío sentimental, acude a una boda donde se encuentra con su amigo Vicent y Sam, un ex narcotraficante al que ella ha ayudado. Al día siguiente, Vincent es acusado de intento de asesinato por su compañera. El único testigo de la escena es el perro de la víctima. Victoria acepta a regañadientes defender a Vicent mientras que contrata a Sam de asistente personal. Esto es el comienzo de una serie de complicaciones para Victoria.
Planet B
Location Manager
The film follows Julia, one of the activists who mysteriously disappeared after participating in a violent protest. After being shot in the eye by a flash-ball gun, Julia fainted and woke up in an unknown world, known as Planet B.