Gustav Diessl

Gustav Diessl

Nacimiento : 1899-12-30, Wien, Austria

Muerte : 1948-03-20


Gustav Diessl


Ruf an das Gewissen
Dr. Gregor Karpinski
The Trial
Staatsanwalt Both
In 1882 a country girl disappears from a small Hungarian village. The inhabitants suggest that she was murdered by the Jews. Everything is done to accuse them before the trial. A study in stubbornness, racism and intolerance and how to fight against it.
During Napoleon's victorious campaign in Germany, the city of Kolberg gets isolated from the retreating Prussian forces. The population of Kolberg refuses to capitulate and organizes the resistance against the French army, which immediately submits the city to massive bombardments.
Nebbie sul mare
Pietro Rosati
A woman struggles to make a living after her husband is mistakenly presumed dead.
Dr. Rank
The film is an adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's play A Doll's House. The film uses Ibsen's alternate ending where the unhappy couple are reconciled at the end
La danza del fuoco
Giulio Boldrini
An Italian drama from 1943.
Tommaso Bardelli
El pintor Tommaso Bardelli, de Livorno, salva a Marta durante una noche en Florencia. El artista lleva a la chica a Calafuria, donde se enamora de ella.
Menschen im Sturm
Alexander Oswatic
Il bravo di Venezia
Marco Fuser
Bankdirektor Feerenbach
The Comedians
Ernst Biron, Herzog von Kurland
Although she is known as a patron of the arts, a graceful duchess nevertheless refuses her nephew to marry an enterprising actress in this German melodrama starring Kathe Dorsch and silent screen legend Henny Porten. When Philine (Hilde Krahl), the troupe's ingénue, is rejected as proper marital material by the Duchess of Weissenfels (Porten), Karoline Neuber (Dorsch) creates such a furor that she is banished from the country. A performance at the court at St. Petersburg also ends in disaster for the unhappy actress and abandoned by all, Karoline dies a suicide.
Senza cielo
Dott. Martin
Herz ohne Heimat
Alexander Diersberg, sein Stiefbruder
The Star of Rio
Don Felipe Escobar
Ich bin Sebastian Ott
After a shady collector of paintings has been murdered, adept Dr. Sebastian Ott discovers a big organised fraud with fake paintings. His twin brother Ludwig is responsible for it, kidnaps him and locks him away in his house. He uses Otts ID and 'replaces' him...
Ich verweigere die Aussage
Robert Lenart
Der grüne Kaiser
Henry Miller / Hendrik Mylius
Don Alonzo de Ribeira
About how the British broke the Brazilian monopoly on natural rubber. The storyline suggests a complex relation between adventure, military conquest and imperialism.
Fortsetzung folgt
Fred, sein Freund
The Indian Tomb
Sascha Demidoff
After the events of Der Tiger von Eschnapur, Maharadscha Chandra is ready to execute his well-planned vengeance, in which German architect Peter Fürbringer, his fiancée Irene and his assistant will have to fight for their lives amidst a revolt fueled by traitor Prinz Ramigani.
The Tiger of Eschnapur
Sascha Demidoff
Starke Herzen im Sturm
Rittmeister Alexander von Harbin
Moskau - Shanghai
Sergej Smrirnow
A drama film directed by Paul Wegener.
Schatten der Vergangenheit
Dr. Hans Hellwig, Staatsanwalt
The Love of the Maharaja
Demon of the Himalayas
Dr. Norman - Ethnologe
Movie about an expedition in search of a mythical demon in the Himalaya mountains.
Alles um eine Frau
Frederic Keyne, Flugzeuginsustrieller
White Majesty
Jakob Burghardt
Directed by August Kern & Anton Kutter
S.O.S. Iceberg
Professor Dr. Karl Lorenz
La historia trata sobre una expedición de cuatro hombres que son llevados a Groenlandia para el rescate de un explorador que se suponía que había muerto, pero que se presume vivo tras encontrar una nota escrita en un diario. La expedición se mete en problemas cuando al intentar cruzar una zona semicongelada, ésta se rompe hacia el océano en forma de iceberg en lo que parece su definitivo final.
Roman einer Nacht
Der Fremde
El testamento del Dr. Mabuse
Al inspector Lohmann lo llama por teléfono un antiguo miembro del Departamento de Policía para denunciar un caso de falsificación. Sin embargo, antes de que pueda testificar y revelar los detalles del delito, se vuelve loco a causa de un atentado. Las investigaciones de Lohmann en seguida lo conducen hasta el doctor Mabuse, pero el famoso criminal hace años que está recluido en una clínica mental, cuyo director, el doctor Baum, es un eminente psiquiatra que se ha dejado fascinar por el genio de Mabuse y por su legado: una especie de testamento donde describe el camino que hay que seguir para fundar el Imperio del Crimen.
La Atlántida
Antinea, la reina de la Atlántida, gobierna su reino secreto oculta detrás del desierto del Sahara. Un día dos exploradores perdidos dan con su reino.
The Herrgotts-Grenadiers
In the middle of the mountains around the Lötschental is a lonely village that is exposed to the forces of nature. A state of excitement arouses when an international mining company discover a gold vein and acquired mining rights.
Gilgi: One of Us
A young woman born illegitimately comes to terms with the challenge of getting married.
Teilnehmer antwortet nicht
Konrad Quandt
Nights in Port Said
The niece of a shady tavern-keeper of Port Said, surrounded by dangerous men who haunt the ports, meets a man whom she will love and with whom she flees.
Men Behind Bars
German-language version of "The Big House" (MGM, 1930), with Heinrich George in Wallace Beery's role, filmed by MGM parallel to the English-speaking version, at a time when good subtitles weren't yet in use.
King Fu's yellow house
King-Fu / Scalpa
When a criminal named King Fu who has terrorized a city substitutes himself for a stage actor who resembles him, the staff and spectators at that night's show think the actor is giving an unusually good performance.
Hans in Every Street
Love Comes But Once
Fedor Karew
The Great Longing
During lunch break at the movie studio, the extras rush to the canteen Hans Adalbert Schlettow, Maria Paudler and Luis Trenker are chatting. Eva von Loe a beautiful young extra rushes past; she is looking for her fiancé, Paul Wessel, who is also an extra. She has to return to the set where the famous director Regisseur Hall is shooting a scen. He is dissatisfied with his star, Carla Marventa, who is wrong for the scene he must photograph. Hall notices Eva, but laughs at her desire to replace Marventa. At that moment Conrad Veidt comes on the scene and assumes that Eva is the star.
Morals at Midnight
Brat, a prisoner
Berlin, the center of pleasures and kingdom of small virtues. From all over Germany, young night owls come to burn themselves cheerfully in its lights, to drown in its champagne and fill its boxes and restaurants until dawn.
Cuatro de infantería (Westfront 1918)
A finales de la I Guerra Mundial, en las trincheras alemanas atacadas por el ejército francés, cuatro soldados germanos luchan mientras en la retaguardia aumentan las dificultades por el hambre y la falta de perspectivas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Three Around Edith
Roger Brown
Notorious jewel thief Roger "Tiger" Brown sneaks into the trust of diamond dealer Thomas Morland. Not only does Morland's jewels appeal to him, but also his fiancée, Lady Edith Trent. But when Morland acquires the largest diamond in the world in Amsterdam, Brown decides against Edith and for the diamond, takes it and runs away.
White Hell of Pitz Palu
Dr. Johannes Krafft
Dr. Johannes Krafft climbs a 12,000-foot mountain over and over again to search for his wife, who was lost on their honeymoon. Another couple makes the dangerous climb with him.
Hans Immermann
Die Ehe
La caja de Pandora (Lulú)
Jack the Ripper
Lulú (Louise Brooks) es mujer ambiciosa y sin moral que usa a los hombres a su voluntad. Desinhibida y atractiva, el aprovechamiento de sus encantos conllevará también sus peligros. Obra mayor del expresionismo que encumbró a Louise Brooks, una joya del cine mudo que adaptó magistralmente la obra teatral "Lulu" de Wedeking.
Thomas Beck
Complicado, controvertido y a la vez exitoso, es el estudio psicológico de las distintas personalidades de ese matrimonio, una pareja en crisis caracterizada por los continuos altibajos, la incomprensión, la monotonía y el tedio. Son dos personas muy diferentes y con distintas formas de vida, que deben asumir la ardua tarea de encontrar puntos en común, un esfuerzo que parece condenado al fracaso.
Dr. Spindler
Vineta. Die versunkene Stadt