Eva Zora

Nacimiento : 1937-02-28, Zagreb, Croatia


Rain over Santiago
A semi-fictional account on the fatidic September 11, 1973, when the military commanded by General Pinochet took over the power from socialist president Salvador Allende, initiating a dictatorship that lasted until 1988 causing the deaths and disappearances of many people.
El viejo fusil
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), en la Francia ocupada por las tropas alemanas, un viejo médico (Philippe Noiret) pierde a su mujer y a su hija por culpa de los nazis. Jura entonces vengarse de los responsables de su desgracia.
El secreto
Un extraño irrumpe en la casa de una pareja. Ciertas autoridades le van detrás como si de una caza se tratara: quieren capturarlo para que desvele un secreto que sólo él sabe. El extraño comportamiento de este hombre hace que la pareja dude, ¿está diciendo la verdad o es que está loco? ¿Y si estuviese contando la verdad? ¿Quién le persigue y por qué? ¿Cuál es ese misterioso y codiciado secreto?
Un amour de pluie
Elizabeth and her daughter Cecile spend their holidays at a lakeside resort in the French mountains. Elizabeth falls in love with a strange Italian, Giovanni, while young Cecile is courted by an apprentice cook. It seems that mother and daughter are drifting apart from each other, but then their holidays are over.
Muhammad Ali: The Greatest
Universally accepted as a true icon of the 20th century, Muhammad Ali’s phenomenal achievements spanned sport, politics and religion. One man – photographer William Klein had comprehensive access to the events that shaped Ali’s legend. In 1964, the young gregarious Cassius Clay successfully defeated the seemingly invincible Heavyweight Champion of the World Sonny Liston – the manner of Clay’s victory and his amazing persona made him an instant superstar. Through this incredible period, and Clay’s subsequent rematches with Liston, William Klein enjoyed unrivalled access top Clay’s camp – witnessing at first hand Cassius Clay becoming Muhammad Ali and angering the American people with his allegiance to Islam. Forward to Zaire 1974, and the return of Muhammad Ali to the world stage to face another invincible champion George Foreman. As Ali reclaimed the crown for a second time, Klein was ever present, capturing the full story at close quarter.
Grandes vacaciones
Sound Editor
Charles Bosquier es el estricto director de una prestigiosa escuela. Cuando su hijo suspende inglés, quiere mandarlo a Inglaterra de intercambio, pero el joven ya tenía planes para el verano. Así que decide mandar a un compañero en su lugar.
The Lovely Month of May
Candid interviews of ordinary people on the meaning of happiness, an often amorphous and inarticulable notion that evokes more basic and fundamentally egalitarian ideals of self-betterment, prosperity, tolerance, economic opportunity, and freedom.
¡Cuba Sí!
A chronicle of the evolution of the Cuban Revolution, ending with the Bay of Pigs incident and including two interviews with Fidel Castro.
Description of a Struggle
Working primarily in the arena of nonfiction, Marker rejected conventional narrative techniques, instead staking out a deeply political terrain defined by the use of still images, atmospheric soundtracks, and literate commentary. In Description d’un Combat, Marker’s idiosyncratic style, combining location footage with archival material, builds a complex and personal portrayal. Israel’s demography is explored, from the kibbutzim to the Arab minorities, the orthodox Jews, and the tourists. The “battle” of the title does not refer to the tank-and-artillery variety, but to the inner struggle of Israeli citizens to adapt to a new view of themselves, in a new country.