Shapour Bakhtiar


Coup 53
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Teherán, Irán, 19 de agosto de 1953. Un grupo de conspiradores iraníes que, con el beneplácito del depuesto tirano Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, han conspirado con agentes del MI6 británico y de la CIA estadounidense, consiguen poner fin al gobierno democrático liderado por Mohammad Mosaddegh, un dramático hecho que dará inicio a la trágica era de los golpes de estado que, orquestados por la CIA, tendrán lugar, a lo largo de las décadas siguientes, en decenas de países de todo el mundo.
The last two days
Himself (archive footage)
This documentary shows the last two days before the fall of the Shah of Iran and his regime in 1979.
Shapour Bakhtiar - 37 Days
Himself (archive footage)
This documentary looks at the life of Shapour Bakhtiar, the last Prime Minister of Iran in monarchy system and his struggles during 37-days-old government.
From Tehran to Cairo
Himself (archive footage)
A documentary about the latest days of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last king of Iran.
Holy Crime
as Self(archive footage)
A documentary on state terrorism of Islamic regime of Iran in Europe.