Our narrator looks fondly back at his childhood in Liverpool and the antics of his best friend Johnno. Well known for being a showman and a keen one for joking and the like, Johnno starts to change for the worse after he announced that his father has died.
A rich and challenging account of the experiences of a German Jewish musician who settled in Britain to escape Nazi persecution. Two of his friends are being sued by a former SS Kommandant, who denies their accusation that he was responsible for the genocide of 300 Belgians. Documentary interviews and archive footage merge with dramatised scenes to create a new way of representing history and memory.
En los pacificos prados de Inglaterra vive una comunidad de conejos. Cuando su madriguera se ve amenazada, un pequeño grupo de valientes conejos escapa de la madriguera en busca de un nuevo hogar. Conducidos por Fiver el visionario, Bigwig el valeroso, y el honorable Hazel hacen frente a multitud de desafíos y peligros que superan gracias a su fuerza y astucia para sobrevivir, mientras persiguen su sueño.