Heinz Moog

Heinz Moog

Nacimiento : 1908-06-28, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Muerte : 1989-05-09


Heinz Moog


Affäre Nachtfrost
Mahuliena, Golden Maiden
The adventure fairy-tale about the brave prince and his faithful butler Jan wandering together.
Die Försterbuben
Tod eines Schaustellers
Herr van Schuuten
Springtime in Vienna
Martin Powolny, a down and out actor, calls himself Tiger. He lives in a tree house and practices his characteristic yell. An offer to make a film and an air-travel ticket entice him into the big city of Vienna. The director hopes he can finance the film if Tiger plays the leading role. There is no screen story as yet. Running away from a mean nightclub owner, Tiger is hit by an automobile and lands in a hospital.
Der Datterich
Drehermeister Dummbach
Josef Luft
Beleaguered by choppy editing and potholes in the script, this story is about the bond that develops between an aging, former railroad worker living in an abandoned theater and Willie, the wayward, alcoholic architect he shelters (Elliot Gould). The flaws in the script and story development, and the architect's exaggerated character traits, work against the concept of a growing friendship between the two men and leave the main thrust of the film in limbo. A subplot has a gang of street thugs chasing Willie all over the city in order to retrieve some photos of a murder he accidentally recorded. At the same time, Willie is trying to reconcile with his son, left in the care of his neglected wife. ...
In the 26th century the inhabitants of Utopia have so lost their individuality, which varies in number. They live in glass houses (this was written before the invention of television), which allows the political police, called “Keepers” can easily supervise them. They all wear the same uniform and usually turn to each other or as a ”cipher-so” or "UNIFEM" (uniform). They feed on artificial food and rest hour marching in fours in a row the anthem of the One State, pouring out of the loudspeakers. As they are allowed to put a break on the hour (known as the ”sexy time“), draw the curtains of their glass houses. At the head of the One State is one called The Benefactor, which are replaced every year the whole population, usually unanimously. The guiding principle of the State is that happiness and freedom are incompatible.
Der Schatz des Priamos
Rudolf Virchow
Die Fahrt nach Schlangenbad
Herr von Blum
Der Poltergeist
Herr Rothschild
Die Wildente
Konsul Werle
Consul Werle holds a reception in honour of the homecoming of his son Gregers. At the reception, Gregers meets his childhood friend, Hjalmar Ekdal, who is married to Gina, a former maid of the Werle family. Hjalmar is unaware that Werle had an affair with Gina and that their 14-year-old daughter Hedwig is not his child. Gregers moves in with the Ekdals with the intention of allowing unsuspecting Hjalmar and his family to share in the "happiness of truth". Hedwig is entirely devoted to a wild duck, which lives on a pond outside their house. When Hjalmar learns the truth about his daughter, he wants to leave his family. Gregers advises Hedwig to kill the wild duck so that her father, impressed by this sacrifice, will return home. On the following day, Hedwig's birthday, she doesn't shoot the duck, but shoots herself instead.
Es war die Lerche
William Shakespeare
Der Strick um den Hals
Baron von Chandoré
Der Katzensteg
Friedrich Götz
Karl May
Oskar Gerlach
This ethereal, three-hour biopic is the middle film in Hans-Jürgen Syberberg’s “German Trilogy” on the mythological foundations of the Third Reich. By fusing theater, music, and cinema, Syberberg conjures up Karl May (1842-1912), the immensely popular German author, who set many of his adventure novels in an idealized version of the American Wild West. His tales of the cowboy and the Ubermensch alike were beloved by many, including (Our) Hitler, who supposedly ordered his generals to read May works after defeats in the Russian campaign.
Luis II de Baviera, el rey loco
Professor von Gudden
En 1864, antes de cumplir los veinte años, Ludwig de Wittelsbach (Luis II, "el rey loco") ocupó el trono de Baviera. El joven rey era generoso y romántico y soñaba con traer la felicidad a su pueblo. Fue un gran mecenas que amaba el arte, la paz y la armonía universal. Sin embargo, por confiar en sus consejeros, llevó a Baviera a una desastrosa guerra que la dejaría en manos de Bismarck. Hasta sus más fieles colaboradores conspiraban contra él; lo traicionó incluso su principal protegido, Richard Wagner. Únicamente su prima Elizabeth ("Sissi"), la esposa del Emperador de Austria, que sentía por él un afecto casi maternal, le fue incondicionalmente fiel. Luchó toda su vida contra su homosexualidad.
Vom Hackepeter und der kalten Mamsell
Herr Hacke
Film based on a play written by Elias Canetti.
Der Datterich
Drehermeister Dummbach
Die gefälschte Göttin
Hofrat von Schlaub
Die Weber
And Jimmy Went to the Rainbow's Foot
Hofrat Groll
The son of an Argentine chemist travels to Vienna, to solve the murder of his father. Step by step, he realizes that his father was internationally entangled in secret service machinations and chemical weapon sales, and ends up in mortal danger himself. Meanwhile, he also realizes that there is no connection between his father's murderess and those dubious activities. Her motive for killing him goes back much futher, to a court hearing during the Third Reich...
Die Stadt unter Segeln
Monsieur Roi
Tod nach Mitternacht
Arthur Freesen
Das Vermächtnis
Freiherr von Felden
Goldmacher Tausend
Der Tod des Sokrates
John Gabriel Borkman
John Gabriel Borkman
Ein treuer Diener seines Herrn
Der Tag des Zornes
Die venezianische Tür
Martin Harkfast
Ein Bruderzwist in Habsburg
Melchior Klessel
Wahn oder Der Teufel in Boston
Samuel Parrish
Professor Kio
Der Verschwender
Platons Gastmahl
Mademoiselle Löwenzorn
Heinrich VI
Kümmert euch nicht um Sokrates
Professor and Sokrates
Nerz ist in der kleinesten Hütte
Aus Gründen der Sicherheit
Siegfrieds Tod
Hagen von Tronje
Caminos secretos
Minister Sakenov
Poco después de la invasión soviética de Hungría en 1956, Michael Reynolds, un aventurero americano (Widmark), es contratado para sacar de Budapest al profesor Jancsi, el cerebro de la revuelta popular. Las autoridades comunistas persiguen a Reynolds, que tendrá que afrontar mil peligros para cumplir su misión.
Bedienung, bitte!
Gregory Wagner
Das weite Land
Bankier Natter
Geliebte Bestie
Direktor Larzheim
Sebastian Kneipp
Prof. v. Ziemssen
Solang' die Sterne glüh'n
Schimmelpfennig, Chefredakteur
Maria Stuart
Graf von Shrewsbury
Götz von Berlichingen
Baron Letten
Oberst Alfred Redl heads the military intelligence department of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Frequent letters from the Russian Empire, however, make him suspect of sharing his knowledge with unauthorized authorities.
Il conte Serpieri
Año 1866. Livia, una bella dama de una aristocrática familia italiana, vive un intenso romance con el teniente Franz Mahler, un oficial del ejército austriaco, en plena guerra de independencia italiana frente a Austria.
Sinfonia d'amore
Count Esterhazy
Der Verschwender
Wolf, Kammerdiener
April 1, 2000
Hajji Halef Omar
Ciencia ficción política con toques de comedia. En el año 2000 Austria es gobernada por los representantes de las cuatro potencias (EEUU, Inglaterra, Francia y URSS), y el primer ministro austriaco proclama la independencia, mostrando la historia de los últimos cien años.
Verlorene Melodie
Direktor Gayer
Symphonie Wien
Viennese Women
A mix between Italian neo-realism, German expressionism and Austrian exploitation.
The Magic Face
Hans Harbach
Actor becomes Hitler's valet, murders him, takes his place and ruins Nazi Germany's war efforts.
Call Over the Air
A smugglers gang is active on the Austrian-Swiss border. Until now, no one has come to their attention. But one day a little girl gets seriously ill and needs medical attention; the young operator will forget that he has to be careful and calls for help through the secret channel.
Duell mit dem Tod
The Trial
Baron Ónódy
In 1882 a country girl disappears from a small Hungarian village. The inhabitants suggest that she was murdered by the Jews. Everything is done to accuse them before the trial. A study in stubbornness, racism and intolerance and how to fight against it.
The World Turns Backward
Franz Xaver Silvester Pomeisl travels thru the decades looking for the good old times.
Der Fall Molander
Der gebieterische Ruf
Dozent Janowski
Lache Bajazzo