Guy Mairesse

Guy Mairesse

Nacimiento : 1924-06-14, Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, Val-de-Marne, France

Muerte : 2009-04-11


Guy Mairesse


S.A.S. agente Malko
Enrique Chacón mata a Oscar Romero, arzobispo católico de San Salvador. La CIA llama a un agente especial, Malko Linge, un príncipe arruinado que vive con una cara mujer - la condesa Alexandra.
La decisión de las armas
Boxing coach
Mickey y Serge se acaban de escapar de la cárcel y caen en una emboscada preparada por un viejo enemigo. Serge resulta gravemente herido y le pide a Mickey que lo lleve a casa de un ladrón retirado, Noel, pero muere al poco de llegar. Mickey, de carácter agresivo y violento, amenazará la vida apacible que llevaba Noel junto a su esposa.
Hue and Cry
After the Great War, a wounded Frenchman lives atop a mountain with his wild brother who violates the property of villagers below.A second kind of war ensues.
Pauline et l'ordinateur
The police inspector
Seeking medical advice to lose a few pounds, a woman lands up finding out about the usefulness of a computer, not just for her diet but also for work, with her parents,and to find a new boyfriend after the previous one has left her.
Marchar o morir
Maurice, Legionnaire at the Station
El Mayor Foster (Gene Hackman), Comandante de la Legión Extranjera, y sus hombres deben proteger a los miembros de una expedición arqueológica, cuyo objetivo es excavar una tumba, hecho que desaprueba pues los componentes de la última expedición fueron eliminados. Marco Segrain (Terence Hill), un hombre que está huyendo de la policía, se une a ellos y, durante el viaje a Marruecos, se enamora de la misma mujer que Foster.
Lo importante es amar
Laurent Messala
Servais Mont es un fotógrafo freelance que trabaja para algunos gánsteres sacando fotos comprometedoras. Un día conoce a Nadine Chevalier, una actriz casada que se gana la vida actuando en cutres películas de bajo presupuesto.
The Purloined Letter
Part of a 6-film collection called “Grands Détectives” about famous fictional private detectives.
The Black Hand
Antonio, an Italian immigrant in New York finds himself drawn into the Mob when his options are limited and his desire to make a new life for himself becomes increasingly difficult.
Una razón para vivir y una para morir
Donald MacIvers
Durante la Guerra Civil Americana, el ejército yanki prepara la ejecución de diez hombres autores de distintos delitos. Un coronel degradado y acusado injustamente de traición propone conmutarles la pena a cambio de participar en una misión suicida.
La ruta del opio
Joseph Coppola tiene lo que muchos hombres envidian. Posee un night club que le proporciona mucho dinero y que incrementa más aún su patrimonio, además tiene éxito con las mujeres; no obstante, este americano rico no se conforma con su riqueza y quiere más. Un día, viaja a Turquía con la intención de emprender algún negocio. Allí pasará unas jornadas idílicas, rodeado de mujeres, alcohol y drogas, y establecerá contacto con una red de narcotraficantes a los que comprará un abultado cargamento de opio. Don Vincenzo le enseña un plan para transportar la droga a Estados Unidos, parando antes en Sicilia. El camino de regreso será accidental y muy arriesgado; sin embargo, no es hasta que llega a Estados Unidos que se da cuenta que la policía le pisa los talones. Joseph tiene poco tiempo para idear un plan y salir impune.
La confesión
El guión de Jorge Semprún se basa en el libro homónimo de Artur London que narra en primera persona las purgas estalinistas de las que fueron víctimas los disidentes del Partido Comunista checoslovaco, entre ellos el propio London. Estas purgas tuvieron lugar en el famoso Proceso de Praga de 1952.
Le chien qui a vu Dieu
Dumas aka The Russian
En un país regido por una corrupta democracia, donde el gobierno utiliza a la Policía y al Ejército para erradicar cualquier amenaza izquierdista, un diputado de la oposición es asesinado en plena calle cuando acababa de presidir un mitin de carácter pacifista. De la investigación del caso se encarga un joven magistrado consciente de que se trata de un crimen político cometido por dos sicarios a sueldo. Al mismo tiempo, un ambicioso periodista se servirá de métodos poco ortodoxos para acumular pruebas que inculpen a varios militantes de un partido de extrema derecha, los cuales, a su vez, atribuyen la responsabilidad del atentado a altos cargos de la policía y del ejército.
Sobra un hombre
Un grupo de franceses son liberados por la Resistencia, pero sospechan que entre ellos hay un traidor.
Red siniestra
Un espía francés en Viena es sospechoso de ser un agente doble, y envían a un colega suyo a investigar. Cuando el supuesto agente doble es secuestrado por los soviéticos, su compleja red de contactos comienza a ser desenredada para poder encontrar un microfilm importante que estaba en su poder.
Miss Muerte
Hans Bergen
Un profesor intenta mediante cirujía, convertir a los hombres buenos en malos. Cuando este fallece, su hija prosigue sus experimentos adueñándose de la voluntad de una bailarina, Miss Muerte, para vengarse de los médicos que dejaron morir a su padre.
In the Affirmative
Robert Blam
The film is a road movie that follows a middle aged man who gives a young woman a lift. On the car radio, news bulletins warn the population against a recently escaped sadist who is known to prey on young women and children. Lelouch often cuts away from the main story, if only briefly, to parallel events that are not necessarily crucial to the story but illustrate what is suggested by the radio.
Sergeant X of the Foreign Legion
A remake and rewriting by director Bernard Borderie and scripters of a well-made 1932 film, this routine French drama seems a little outdated. The story has changed from a Russian officer who returns home from the war to find his wife has remarried, to a former paratrooper who tries to drive a stolen truck back from Morocco and suffers an accident -- and the same fate as the Russian. As a result of his injuries and the subsequent delay, the ex-military man is unable to get home as scheduled, and the woman he loves decides that he has left her. Once she "realizes" that supposed truth, she decides to marry her boss. As in the earlier film, one of the protagonists ends up in the French Foreign Legion and all three head toward a fateful meeting in a North African desert.
Le Sicilien
M. Bonbon
The Mask of the Gorilla
Géo Paquet, aka The Gorilla, breaks from jail. Now an escaped convict, the elite agent must infiltrate a dangerous gang working for a foreign embassy as their leader, a spy enjoying diplomatic immunity, can't be arrested by regular police.
A Dutch slave captain, on a voyage to Cuba, faces a revolt fomented by a newly captured African slave, Tamango. The slaves capture the captain's mistress, forcing a showdown.
Les Ratés
A 1958 French language short film written and directed by Costa-Gavras, starring Guy Mairesse, Paniaras and Jean Patrick.
The Red Cloak
The Guercio
Cosimo de' Bardi is assassinated by a gentleman called the Flemish. Time passes and at some point a masked knight wearing a red cloak enters the scene. He is the son of the killed. These and the Flemish are also rivals in love. In the final duel the Flemish will be eliminated.
Les impures
Bob, l'ami de Mario
When Mario, a bad boy, is released from prison, he plans to live honestly with his wife Geneviève. But the latter has not waited for him and Mario, out of spite, accepts to work as a tout for Mr. Charlie, the boss of a white slave trade gang. His first assignment consists in seducing Michèle, a Montmartre nightclub singer and hostess, into signing a contract for Tangier. The young woman, however, who does this job only to support her young sister Danièle, falls for him and he for her. From then on Mario, without betraying himself, does his utmost to save Michèle -and Danièle for that matter - from the clutches of the gang...
The Road to Damascus
Saul De Tarse is a Roman soldier who is making rough all over. He arrives at the Golgotha when the apostles remove the cross. He ruthlessly persecutes the Christians, even though they are his own friends.
A Tough Day
A strike has broken out in a big factory in the North of France. Two workers, Robert and Etienne, go through the experience in a different way. Etienne, who has worked there since the start, is still influenced by the time when workmen and their bosses found an agreement directly. Unlike him, his young friend believes in the power of labor unions. He even goes to Paris to attend special classes in trade unionism.
The Merry Pilgrims
With no contract in view, Aimé Barelli, the leader of the band of the same name, decides to take a holiday. As this is the Holy Year, the young artist accepts to follow his mother on a pilgrimage to Rome. His band members - complete with their agent - decide to follow suit. Good idea because on the train to Rome, there is a whole class of charming schoolgirls, including charming Rosita and - surprise ! - Nicole, Aimé's pretty but elusive beloved. The trip is cheerful but eventful and life gets even more complicated with the interference of Duranval, a fake talent agent but genuine trouble shooter. At a time confusion is such that a bomb explodes and the whole gang find themselves in ... heaven! But Saint Peter has pity on them and sends them back to earth. At long last Aimé can marry Nicole while his musicians spread mirth around them.
Juliette o La llave de los sueños
Michel ha robado a su patrón, el señor Bellanger para conseguir esos recursos que le tenían que permitir casarse con Juliette. Una vez encarcelado, mientras duerme en su celda, se despierta y ve que las puertas están abiertas y conducen a un extraño pueblo en el que sus habitantes han perdido su memoria. Ahí vuelve a encontrarse con Juliette, también afectada por ese mal, y parece estar´conforme en casarse con un hombre rico.
Skipper Next to God
A Jewish passenger
Captain Joris Kniper believes so strongly that he is "skipper next to God" that he is used to playing God on his ship. Tough and bossy, he gives orders which are not to be discussed. But, some day, he is driven to accept on board several German Jews fleeing the nazis and who are refused asylum everywhere. He gradually realizes that skipper he is, but next to God only.The Bible will help him to find the way to self-questioning, awareness and charity.