Enid y Rebecca, dos rebeldes adolescentes amigas desde hace años, no saben cómo pasar el rato ahora que ya han acabado los estudios de secundaria. Pese a sus tímidos esfuerzos por encontrar trabajo, a menudo acaban deambulando por las calles, escrutando el comportamiento de la gente que les rodea. Atraídas por los personajes excéntricos, suelen mirar los anuncios personales del periódico local. Enid llama al autor del anuncio más lamentable, un hombre solitario de cuarenta años, coleccionista de discos, y le invita a una cita a ciegas. Ambas acudirán al restaurante convenido para espiarle y saber cómo es su vida...
Self (uncredited)
In 1987, Robert Crumb presents himself: raised by a Marine father, educated in Catholic schools, married at 21 in Cleveland where he worked for a greeting card company, dropping acid in 1965, heading to San Francisco and getting in on the formation of Zap Comix, gaining celebrity, loving old time jazz, starting a band, living in a commune, meeting Aline Kominsky who became his second wife and his partner in art, having a daughter, and developing a more realistic drawing style. The confessions include his loneliness, his obsessions with women, his bewilderment by fame, his sense of the disintegration of Sixties' subculture, his nervous breakdown in 1973, and his peace now.