Sound Designer
Johnny (Mekhi Phifer) regresa a Hell's Kitchen, el barrio de su infancia y juventud, tras pasar cinco años en la cárcel, por un turbio asunto de drogas que se cobró la vida del hermano de su novia (Angelina Jolie). No será un regreso sencillo: Johnny intenta rehacer su vida retomando su carrera de boxeador profesional, pero deberá enfrentarse en Hell's Kitchen a viejos recuerdos, reencuentros difíciles, enemigos en busca de venganza, rivalidades y peleas entre bandas, conflictos, raciales, miserias, drogas...
Sound Effects Editor
After getting fired from his teaching job and dumped by his girlfriend, Jack, a painter, embarks on a soul searching road trip with his dog, Scout. However, bad weather and bumps in the road quickly cause more problems than he can handle. An impulsive decision to take from a bag full of unknown pills leads him on a drug-fueled journey with no destination in sight, and he soon finds himself making both friends and foes along the way.