Flavio pertenece a una especie de anfibios que viven en las profundidades del mar, presos de un drástico destino biológico que los obliga a abandonar la seguridad de su inmenso hábitat. Su vida submarina transcurre entre el temor al cambio de sus células y la fascinación por lo que lo rodea. El canto de las sirenas al que se resiste termina por seducirlo y abandona todo por seguirlas. Con ellas descubre la ternura, la sensualidad y el amor, pero su destino biológico pondrá en riesgo las posibilidades de ese amor.
Flavio pertenece a una especie de anfibios que viven en las profundidades del mar, presos de un drástico destino biológico que los obliga a abandonar la seguridad de su inmenso hábitat. Su vida submarina transcurre entre el temor al cambio de sus células y la fascinación por lo que lo rodea. El canto de las sirenas al que se resiste termina por seducirlo y abandona todo por seguirlas. Con ellas descubre la ternura, la sensualidad y el amor, pero su destino biológico pondrá en riesgo las posibilidades de ese amor.
This heterodox work draws on fiction resources and the register of documentary to denounce the phenomenon of rape in Mexico. With a complex essay-like structure, the film is a reflection on the various types of sexual violence, from the classist legal apparatus and the connivance of religious institutions, to rejection of and discrimination against victims. At the same time, it introduces community alternatives for victim support. A project by “Cine Mujer,” this film exemplifies the group’s motto and mode of production, and thus one of the maxims of feminism: no personal solutions; only collective action for collective solutions.
This heterodox work draws on fiction resources and the register of documentary to denounce the phenomenon of rape in Mexico. With a complex essay-like structure, the film is a reflection on the various types of sexual violence, from the classist legal apparatus and the connivance of religious institutions, to rejection of and discrimination against victims. At the same time, it introduces community alternatives for victim support. A project by “Cine Mujer,” this film exemplifies the group’s motto and mode of production, and thus one of the maxims of feminism: no personal solutions; only collective action for collective solutions.
An uncompromising documentary, shot on black and white 16mm, which follows a young sociology student as she undergoes an illegal abortion.
An uncompromising documentary, shot on black and white 16mm, which follows a young sociology student as she undergoes an illegal abortion.
An uncompromising documentary, shot on black and white 16mm, which follows a young sociology student as she undergoes an illegal abortion.