The making of FRANCES, a retrospective documentary.
Link Reilley
A family living in an isolated cabin in the woods are terrorized by a gang of escaped convicts. Their leader, a serial killer, is a disturbed Vietnam veteran. What the gang doesn't know is that the family's father is also a Vietnam veteran, and he has no intention of letting his family come to any harm.
Judge #1
El fiscal del distrito Tom Logan es propuesto para otro cargo más importante, pero antes tiene que hacerse cargo de la defensa de su impredecible cliente Chelsea Deardon, que veinte años atrás presenció cómo su padre moría en un incendio junto a sus obras de arte. Se la acusa de robar algunos de los cuadros que sobrevivieron al incendio.
Ernest Farmer
Frances Farmer debuta en el cine con sólo 23 años. Es hermosa e inteligente, y muchos le auguran una brillante carrera. Pero es, además, una persona poco convencional, algo que en el Hollywood de los años treinta no se considera precisamente una cualidad. Tras un fracaso sentimental, se da a la bebida y emprende el camino de la autodestrucción. Su madre, una mujer autoritaria, obtiene la custodia legal y la interna en un hospital psiquiátrico, donde es sometida a electrochoques y a una cura de insulina. Frances se encuentra al borde del abismo y no le queda más que una esperanza: recurrir a su mejor amigo, Harry York.
Ray Crocker
A love story about two teenagers who fall in love, have a child, and escape from their families in an attempt to make life for themselves in New York City.
A psycho-on-the-loose story, about a burned-out newspaper columnist and his circulation-hungry publisher who wants him to turn the killer into Page One news.
Fire Chief
The story of a fire in the Triangle Shirt Mfg. Co. building in New York City in 1911 that resulted in the deaths of 146 employees, mostly young women. The ensuing investigation revealed the company's almost total disregard for its workers' safety in pursuit of increased production and profits, and resulted, among other things, in the passage of new worker safety laws and the formation of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union.
Robert Maheu
Biografia completa de Howard Hughes,un hombre ambicioso y visionario que se enriqueció y destacó como director y productor de Hollywood, pionero de la aviación y hombre misterioso.
A professional gambler finds himself on the run from the mob, the federal government, and a band of Indians, all of whom have an interest in a piece of land he won in a poker game.
In this pilot film that preceded the short-lived series, a street cop in his last week on the force before his retirement investigates the murder of his partner.
A world-weary crime boss is losing his grip on his organization.
Gypsy truckers -- a tough veteran driver and his young college-educated partner -- come to the aid of embattled citrus growers in this pilot for the 1974-75 series, "Movin' On," about these free-spirited, civic-minded teamsters.
Adaptación de una obra teatral del dramaturgo americano Eugene O'Neill. En una taberna se reúne un grupo de gente desesperada: parásitos, inadaptados, revolucionarios frustrados, alcohólicos y prostitutas que ahogan sus penas en el alcohol y hacen disparatados planes de redención. Sin embargo, la llegada de Hickey (Lee Marvin) los saca de su letargo: él les demuestra que son precisamente sus fantasías las que les impiden vivir en paz consigo mismos y adaptarse a la realidad.
Dr. Loomis
Año 1883. Un grupo de condenados ingresa en la prisión federal de Arizona. Entre ellos está Paris Pitman (Kirk Douglas), un hombre que ha enterrado un botín de medio millón de dólares en el desierto y vive con la obsesión de fugarse para recuperarlos. Con este fin trata de convencer a varios presos para que lo secunden y, al mismo tiempo, intenta ganarse la confianza del nuevo alcaide (Henry Fonda).
Older Senator (uncredited)
In 1960, the ruins of an American bomber were found in the Libyan desert, but the remains of the crew were never located. In Guerdon Trueblood's teleplay, the ghosts of a bomber crew hang around their derelict plane, awaiting the day that their bones will be recovered and given a decent burial. The sole survivor, navigator Russell Hamner, has in the intervening 25 years become a General. He joins an investigation team that has come across the wreckage, while the ghosts, headed by Major Devlin, plot to expose Hamner as a coward who deserted his post and left his crew mates to die.
Secret Service White House Chief Art Corwin
En plena Guerra Fría, se sospecha que un enigmático general pretende derrocar al Presidente de EE.UU. por medio de un golpe de estado. El Presidente dispone sólo de siete días para encontrar pruebas que le permitan abortar el golpe.
Pvt. Raker - Co. G
Sam Gifford, un terrateniente del Sur casado con la hija de un coronel, y que trata mal a sus trabajadores de la plantación de algodón que posee, comprende lo equivocado de su postura al tener que enrolarse en las tropas americanas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, donde tiene que compartir tristezas y penalidades con compañeros de todas las capas sociales.
Juror #6
Twelve Angry Men is a 1954 teleplay by Reginald Rose for the Studio One anthology television series. Initially staged as a CBS live production on 20 September 1954, the drama was later rewritten for the stage in 1955 under the same title and again for a feature film, 12 Angry Men (1957). The episode garnered three Emmy Awards for writer Rose, director Franklin Schaffner and Robert Cummings as Best Actor.