Robert McFarlane


Still Photographer
Passion concentrates on Grainger's unusual relationship with his mother and his sexual peculiarities (especially his obsessive self-flagellation, though homosexuality is also hinted at) which affect his relationship with a woman who comes to love him. It is set mainly in London in 1914, when Grainger's mother Rose was ill (she would later jump to her death in New York, upset by ill-founded rumours of incest with her son).
La boda de Muriel
Still Photographer
Muriel es una chica con sobrepeso que vive en un mundo de fantasía, canciones de ABBA y catálogos nupciales. Sueña con un príncipe azul que algún día la liberará de su odiosa familia y de sus burlonas amigas. Cansada de esperar su llegada, decide irse a la ciudad y buscarlo. Uno de los mayores éxitos del cine australiano de los noventa.
The Nostradamus Kid
Still Photographer
The spiritual and sexual coming of age of a Seventh-Day Adventist boy in 1950s Australia. Ken Elkin is a "randy young man" who is told that the world is about to end. In a race against time, there's only one goal Ken wants to accomplish: bedding the love of his life, who just happens to be the local pastor's daughter.
Still Photographer
High court judge Holly McPhee devises blueprints for criminal operations and offers them for sale to the crime world. Her scrupulous operation falls apart when she takes part in a multi-million dollar bank robbery and becomes an accessory to murder.
The Last Days of Chez Nous
Still Photographer
The story of sisters Vicki and Beth, when Vicki begins an affair with Beth's intriguing French husband.
Still Photographer
A drama about Aboriginal deaths occurring in police custody.
Sangre de héroes
Still Photographer
Tras una devastadora guerra nuclear, la sociedad ha quedado destruida y la convivencia humana regresa a la barbarie. El entreteniento de la época es un cruel y violento juego, en el que un equipo impone su ley en el desierto, desplazándose de población en población, soñando con llegar a la ciudad y enfrentarse al campeón de la liga profesional
Obesión Asesina
Still Photographer
Tras la muerte de su joven esposa Claudine en un accidente de tráfico, la vida del profesor Morris Martin se convierte en un infierno. Incapaz de aceptar su pérdida, perseguido por los recuerdos y por extrañas teorías conspirativas, el profesor Martin comienza una indiscriminada serie de crímenes. Tom Stewart, un ambicioso reportero de investigación que sigue los casos, no tarda en entrar de lleno en el obsesivo mundo del asesino. Sin embargo, lo peor aún está por llegar. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Year My Voice Broke
Still Photographer
Australia, 1962. Un niño ve cómo su amiga de toda la vida, hasta hace poco compañera inseparable de juegos, se está haciendo una mujercita que se enamora de un jugador de rugby.
The Pack of Women
Still Photographer
Cabaret-style show bringing together songs, prose and poetry that celebrate women.
Habitantes de la pobreza
Still Photographer
Trilby es una adolescente aborígen que vive en una población de Australia con su numerosísima familia. Ella a veces va al pueblo simplemente a mirar en el escaparate de la agencia de viajes, pues sueña con viajar a París, a Londres y a Nueva York. (FILMAFFINITY)
Going Down
Still Photographer
Karli's over the Sydney scene and its small-pond bohemian excesses. That's why she's moving to New York City in the morning. But over the course of one unforgettable night, Karli's best friends will show her that a little Sydney goes a long way .
Still Photographer
A computer genius is confined to a penthouse after a car accident, with only a nurse to look after him. But the advanced computer systems designed to make his life easier appear to be taking control.
Dead Easy
Still Photographer
Tres jóvenes amigos que intentan entrar en el negocio del entretenimiento enojan sin querer a un jefe de la mafia, poniendo en marcha una cadena de eventos que hace que sean cazados por todos los matones y asesinos en la ciudad.
Still Photographer
During a Christmas heatwave, a community activist attempts to stop a redevelopment project that is displacing residents in the Kings Cross section of Sydney.
Winter of Our Dreams
Still Photographer
When a womanizing bookshop owner hears about the suicide of a former girlfriend, he tries to find out more and meets her friend, a prostitute. They hook up, but when she finds her friend's diary, she discovers she's repeating her mistakes.