J.O. Taylor

Nacimiento : 1887-12-27, Virginia, USA

Muerte : 1974-09-07


El hijo de Kong
Director of Photography
Tras el desastroso final de su anterior aventura, Carl Denham monta otra expedición y parte de nuevo desde Nueva York para regresar a la isla de Kong. Allí descubre a su hijo, un gorila blanco que simpatizará con los exploradores.
King Kong
Director of Photography
Un equipo de cine va a rodar una película a la misteriosa isla de Teschio, al este de Sumatra. Allí descubren la existencia de una civilización prehistórica y de una tribu ancestral que secuestra a la atractiva Ann, la actriz protagonista, para ofrecerla en sacrificio ritual a King, un gigantesco gorila.
The Monkey's Paw
Director of Photography
A mother wishes for the return of her dead son, a wish that is granted by the severed paw of a dead monkey.
A Soldier's Plaything
Director of Photography
A pair of hapless half-wits get into continuous mischief during the occupation of Germany after WW I.
The Blood Ship
Director of Photography
A disgraced sea captain signs on as a crewman on a cargo ship. He discovers that the vessel is captained by the very man who stole his ship, a sadistic brute who also took the former captain's wife and daughter. The ship's crew is composed mostly of sailors who were shanghai'ed aboard and are kept in line by the brutal captain and his even more fearsome first mate. The captain and one of his fellow crewmen--who has fallen in love with the man's daughter, who now belongs to the brutal captain--try to unite the crew to end the brutal reign of the captain and his henchman.
Birds of Prey
Director of Photography
Helen Wayne and Archie Crossley, two clever pickpockets, rob J. Hamilton Smith, a well-known metropolitan banker, and he is later recognized by one of their gang as a former prisonmate; they demand a price for their silence, and he is forced to accede.
The Lone Wolf Returns
Director of Photography
The Lone Wolf Returns
The Sea Wolf
Director of Photography
Captain "Wolf" Larsen, the absolute master of a seal schooner, is a mystic and philosopher, though he rules his men with an iron hand. On a ferry going from San Francisco to Oakland, Van Weyden, a critic, and Maud Brewster, a novelist, meet in masquerade costumes and are forced overboard when their boat collides with a steamer. Humphrey, then Maud, are picked up by Larsen's crew. Because of her costume, Maud is taken for a boy and placed in the custody of Mugridge, the cook, who attempts to attack her upon discovering her identity. Larsen takes her under his protection and decides to marry her; but as the ceremony begins, the crew mutinies, and Larsen is stricken with blindness as he faces the rebels. The ship is set afire, and though Humphrey and Maud are rescued by another steamer, Larsen, deserted by his crew, refuses to quit his ship and is enveloped in flames.
The Uninvited Guest
Olive Granger, an heiress survives a shipwreck in the South Seas and is washed ashore an island along with international crooks Irene Carlton and Fred Morgan, who steal her credentials and escape to America, where Irene poses as Olive. Paul Patterson and Jan Boomer, divers, find Olive abandoned in a cave and fight through the jungle in competition for the girl. While diving for pearls, the treacherous Boomer dies in the clutching coils of a giant octopus. Olive and Paul arrive in New York, expose the impostors, and get married.
Scars of Jealousy
Director of Photography
Scars of Jealousy is a 1923 American silent drama film directed by Lambert Hillyer and starring Lloyd Hughes and Frank Keenan. It was produced by Thomas H. Ince and distributed through Associated First National, later First National.
Blind Hearts
Director of Photography
In 1898 friends John Thomas and Lars Larson travel to the Yukon with their wives to make their fortunes. While in Alaska Thomas' wife gives birth to a boy, and Larson's wife has a girl, Julia. However, Larson spots a birthmark on his daughter's shoulder that resembles one on Thomas' shoulder, and he begins to suspect that he may not actually be the girl's father. Over the next 20 years the two become millionaires, but Larson's wife dies. Julia and Thomas fall in love and wish to marry, but Larson is determined to oppose it.
A Private Scandal
Director of Photography
A French orphan girl is adopted into the home of wealthy Americans. There she becomes romantically involved with a farm worker and at the same time entangled in the deteriorating marriage of the American couple who rescued her.
Below the Surface
Director of Photography
A widely respected deep-sea diver is approached by a ring of con artists who want him to be the front man for a phony scheme to recover gold from sunken ships. When he refuses, they send a sexy young woman to seduce his son, and then blackmail the father into going along with their scheme.
Detrás de la puerta
Director of Photography
Oscar Krug es visto con recelo por sus vecinos debido a su apellido. Cuando los Estados Unidos declaran la guerra a Alemania, un grupo de ciudadanos ataca a Krug. Se encuentran con una fuerte oposición de Krug y deciden dejarlo abandonado. Bill Tavish, su mayor oponente, se convierte en su mejor amigo y juntos recorren los mares como capitán y primer oficial. Krug se casa con Alice Morse en contra de los deseos de su familia, siendo expulsada de su hogar, por lo cual se queda en el barco con su marido. Durante un ataque de un submarino alemán, Alice le es arrebatada a Krug por un oficial alemán. Krug, preso de ira, planea una terrible venganza...
The Grim Game
Director of Photography
Jailed unjustly for a murder he did not commit, a young man uses his amazing powers of escape to free himself and pursue the actual killers, who hold his fiancée captive.
A Son of Erin
Director of Photography
Una joven pareja de pobres irlandeses quieren casarse y tener una granja y una vaca. Cuando él lee que la ciudad de Nueva York tiene la mejor fuerza policial de Estados Unidos, gracias a que todos son irlandeses, decide que ése es el lugar que más le conviene. Entonces su novia vende un cerdo que acababa de comprar y él toma prestado el dinero y se va al Nuevo Mundo. Tardará la mitad de la película para entrar en la fuerza policial, pero pierde rápidamente su trabajo, cuando se niega a aceptar pagos por "protecciones" fraudulentas de sus jefes.