La película narra la vida cotidiana de una batería de defensa antiaérea británica. Muestra el funcionamiento de la artillería antiaérea sobre los bombarderos alemanes. Muestra equipos ópticos de radiogoniometría, cálculos de movimiento de objetivos y la instalación de un detonador remoto para un proyectil. Se menciona de pasada un dispositivo que permite buscar aviones enemigos ocultos y de noche. También se muestran las actividades de ocio de los artilleros antiaéreos, como el billar y el piano.
Director of Photography
Archive footage from the 1920s juxtaposed against a film-within-a-film parodying the melodramatic excesses of popular cinema of the day.
Director of Photography
During the good old days of the Russian aristocracy, that is to say, before the October Revolution, in the city of Moscow there was a fancy restaurant which catered to the appetites and egos of the rich. In one such establishment works a middle-aged waiter who is devoted to serving his bourgeoisie clients correctly. However, his life outside his job is very different: His son was killed during the Russian civil war and the waiter's wife died of grief as a result....