An epic story set in the early western 1860s involving a working cowboy and a young Indian boy. As a child, Sandy Steele witnesses the death of his family at the hands of a brutal raiding Indian Party. Growing to manhood and working as a ranch foreman, Steele encounters the hand of fate when he is thrown together with Little Hawk, an Indian child whose family has just been killed by white men.
Marine Sgt.
A principios del siglo XX, el jefe de los bereberes, El Raisuni, secuestra en Tánger a una bella viuda estadounidense y a sus hijos para pedir un fuerte rescate. Este hecho desencadena un conflicto diplomático en el que se verán involucrados el gobierno americano (Theodore Roosevelt: 1901-1909), tropas alemanas y diversas facciones del sultanato de Marruecos.