Holger Karsten Schmidt

Holger Karsten Schmidt

Nacimiento : 1965-09-24, Hamburg, Germany


Holger Karsten Schmidt


Lost in Fuseta
Due to his developmental disorder, the autistic inspector Leander Lost has a photographic memory and a feeling for whether his counterpart is lying. For this, he has trouble understanding irony and understanding social and emotional connections. As part of a European exchange program, Lost is transferred to the small fishing town of Fuseta, where he is supposed to help solve the murder of a private detective.
Ramstein - Das durchstoßene Herz
The accident during an air show in Ramstein in the summer of 1988 is one of the greatest tragedies in German post-war history. Against the backdrop of the momentous collision of two aerobatic planes on "Open Day" at the American air base, this film tells the story of four families in fictionalized form - they are visitors to the air show who lost their loved ones in the horrific inferno, and an emergency doctor who cannot forget the sight of the dead and injured. They all suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome. Years after the disaster, they finally have the opportunity to share their experiences and come to terms with the trauma in a specially founded aftercare group. Meanwhile, a duo of investigators commissioned by the German Federal Ministry investigates the background to the air accident and uncovers massive failures in safety precautions and rescue measures. Beyond political responsibility on both the German and American sides, both come up against a wall of silence.
Martha & Tommy
Harter Brocken: Die Fälscherin
A survival seminar in the tranquil Harz mountains? Village policeman Frank Koops is not very enthusiastic. But soon he and the other participants are drawn into a espionage case and actually have to fight for their survival...
Das Gesetz sind wir
Harter Brocken: Der Geheimcode
Policeman Koops witnesses a car accident. The dying driver gives him an envelope with the part of a code. Shortly thereafter, Koops gets in the sights of a contract killer.
Harter Brocken: Der Bankraub
Ironically, the law enforcement officer of integrity Frank Koops is forced by his old colleague Simone Schmidt to take part in a bank robbery...
La muerte llega suavemente
Anja y Frank están disfrutando de sus vacaciones en familia navegando en el Mar Báltico. Anja deja a sus dos hijos pequeños solos en el bote por un momento y cuando regresa, no están por ningún lado.
Harter Brocken:  Die Kronzeugin
A shootout, five fatalities and he himself wounded - in the otherwise quiet station of the village policeman Frank Koops, things are just like in the Wild West. The bloodbath was commissioned by the imprisoned mafia boss Petrovic, who wants to use all means to get rid of a key witness who was hidden in the tranquility of St. Andreasberg in the utmost secrecy.
Jack the Ripper - Eine Frau jagt einen Mörder
A serial killer walks the streets of Whitechapel, London, attacking and killing women, which later came to be known as the 'Whitechapel murders' stretching from 3 April 1888 to 13 February 1891 included in the London Metropolitan Police Service Investigation.
Niebla en agosto
Basada en la inspiradora historia real de Ernst Lossa, un valiente niño que dio a otros la ayuda que él necesitaba. Fog in August es la primera película que habla sobre el programa de eutanasia del régimen Nazi. Sur de Alemania, principios de la década de 1940. Ernst es un niño huérfano, brillante pero con problemas para adaptarse. Los hogares y centros correccionales donde ha vivido hasta ahora lo tachan de “ineducable”, hasta que es internado en una clínica por su naturaleza rebelde. Cuando Ernst descubre un oscuro secreto del lugar, comienza una valiente lucha contra un sistema inhumano.
The White Rabbit
A young 13-years-old girl searches for love in the internet. But the truth about the persons behind the computers can be terrible.
Point Blank
Berlín, Alemania. El oficial de policía Klaus Roth se infiltra en la mafia serbia, especializada en manipular apuestas deportivas, y se hace amigo del ingenuo Luka, con el fin de capturar a Aco Gorić, el enigmático jefe de la banda criminal.
Harter Brocken
A landslide in the Harz releases a corpse. Commissioner Frank Koops leads the investigation. Vanessa Riemann, tourist guide and marksman from St. Andreasberg, sees a lot of money in the backpack of the two hikers and attacks. On her breakneck escape through the undergrowth she is shot and bleeding in the arms of her brother Marco. In her backpack this finds 1.4 million euros - the booty from a bank robbery.
Der Metzger muß nachsitzen
Der Metzger und der Tote im Haifischbecken
Für immer ein Mörder - Der Fall Ritter
At the beginning of 2000, the young commissioner Yvonne Weber moved from Frankfurt am Main to Eisenach. Together with the local colleague Frank Wolf, she is to review an unresolved murder case from the GDR era. The investigation team encounters inconsistencies in the file and it becomes clear that there is no interest in truth-clarifying the Eisenach department and the prosecutor's office in Gotha.
Ein todsicherer Plan
Mord in Eberswalde
Heinz Gödicke (Ronals Zehrfeld) is the chief commissioner of the People's Police in the small town of Eberswalde in Brandenburg. Gödicke is called when two bestial murdered children are found in the forest. The investigator tries to get involved in the perpetrators - a rarely used method at the People's Police - and the perpetrator so on the track. The Stasi-Major Witt (Florian Panzer) is no friend of this procedure and leaves the commissioner only reluctantly free hand in the investigation. The matter does not go to the authorities fast enough and is then simply put to the files. When another murder occurs, it becomes clear that Gödicke was much closer to the enlightenment of the act than everyone thought.
Foreign deployment
Three young soldiers are called up to one of the most dangerous trouble spots in the world - Afghanistan. But it's not just the constant psychological pressure that gets to them, the different cultures and ways of life in the country also pose problems for the young and impetuous men. However, it is precisely the interpersonal aspect that moves them, and so they become friends with Malik Jamil (Omar El-Saeidi) and his children. Life and the situation at the post seem to relax as a result. But then there is a dramatic turn in the life of Malik's daughter, caused by the insurgent Taliban. And in times of battle, one fate affects the lives of others and the soldiers must painfully realize that war is never just.
A mediados del siglo XII gran parte del territorio europeo está gobernado por el sacro imperio romano y la violencia y la crueldad están a la orden del día. Varias comarcas alemanas viven aterrorizadas por un peligroso asesino que se dedica a matar a jóvenes doncellas. Por ello. Isanhart y Laurin, su fiel compañero de armas, recorrerán de cabo a rabo el viejo continente para intentar dar caza al despiadado criminal.
A mediados del siglo XII gran parte del territorio europeo está gobernado por el sacro imperio romano y la violencia y la crueldad están a la orden del día. Varias comarcas alemanas viven aterrorizadas por un peligroso asesino que se dedica a matar a jóvenes doncellas. Por ello. Isanhart y Laurin, su fiel compañero de armas, recorrerán de cabo a rabo el viejo continente para intentar dar caza al despiadado criminal.
Mörderisches Wespennest
Murder on Amrum
Two policemen are stationed on Amrum, a North Sea island on the West coast of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany’ – an elder, and one who is several decades his junior. Life is easy, just that the junior can’t find a wife, because no young woman seems to be interested in the peaceful life on the island. All of a sudden, a wounded lady who turns out to be one of two bodyguard for a threatened witness who lives in hiding on Amrum, bursts into the police station and seeks help from the two officers. I missed some bits of the plot, but somehow, the second one of the bodyguards hiding the witness on the island has been killed already, and the second one, seeking help from the local police, was wounded in the incidence, and then she apparently succumbs, too.
Tod in der Eifel
Der Tote in der Mauer
La tormenta del siglo
Susanne, una meteoróloga de Hamburgo, ha detectado indicios de una incipiente tormenta marítima que podría asolar la ciudad. Aunque da la voz de alarma, las autoridades locales no escuchan sus advertencias. Para asegurarse de la magnitud del maremoto, Susanne decide trasladarse a una plataforma petrolífera situada en alta mar, donde comprueba que sus terribles predicciones se van a convertir en realidad, ya que la tormenta alcanzará pronto la costa, poniendo en peligro la vida de miles de personas.
The Tube
Der Stich des Skorpion
Die schöne Braut in Schwarz
Sylvia Rosch is a woman with dangerous obsessions. Camouflaged by perfectly rehearsed masquerades, she wages a merciless campaign of revenge. Anyone who gets too close will succumb to an insidious murder. The marriage swindler's preferred victims are men worth millions. Barbara Lahn and Til Wegner from the BKA are facing a huge challenge. They are supposed to collect evidence against the angel of death.
Two Days of Hope
Der Mörder ist unter uns
Die Todeswelle - Eine Stadt in Angst
Der Handymörder
14 días de vida
Konrad von Seidlitz, importante abogado, tiene un despacho con su socio Axel Haring. Como gancho publicitario accede a cumplir una sentencia de 14 días por multas impagadas de aparcamiento. El nuevo y arrogante preso, que presume de sus contactos sociales, pronto hace enemigos entre sus compañeros de cárcel. En seguida es víctima de una conspiración que le llevará a permanecer entre rejas durante dos años más por tráfico de drogas. Su novia le deja y su socio le abandona, el joven conoce ahora la dura rutina carcelaria.