Mario Bolduc


Summer Crisis
In the summer of 1969, Bernard, a Gaspesian fisherman's son, arrive in Perce to fin work. He meets Paul, Jacques and Francis, Quebec Independence activists who have come to open the 'Fisherman's House'. They aim to organize public conferences and offer lodgings to young travelers. A motley crowd of Quebecers from all over the province soon flocks to Perce: artists, hippies, rockers, hitchhikers and the like shake local authorities. Bernard is won over by the trio's ideas and gets increasingly involved in their project. The following year, the will join the Front de liberation du Quebec (FLQ) and play a pivotal role in the Summer Crisis 1969.
The Last Tunnel (El atraco del siglo)
Marcel Talon se ve acosado por un pasado que no logra superar y se siente culpable ante los ojos de la sociedad. Para vengarse decide robar los 200 millones de dólares que se encuentran en la caja de seguridad de un banco de Montreal. Con la ayuda de un grupo muy peculiar decide excavar un túnel que llegue hasta dicha caja...
L'oreille d'un sourd
A philandering wife and a sleazy womanizing con-man team up to off a troublesome father-in-law in this acid-tinged French Canadian black comedy. Leon, the con-artist makes his living cheating Catholic bingo players by hosting bogus religious pilgrimages. He is involved with a woman, but that doesn't stop him from getting involved with the frustrated Sophie who hates living in a tiny apartment with her lazy husband, her ever-gloomy teenage daughter and her husband's demanding, self-centered father, Emile. Sophie is so desperate to escape and start a new life that she convinces Leon to help her kill Emile who allegedly has $150,000 tucked away. The murder is to occur during one of Leon's pilgrimages. He convinces his son Paolo, an ex-con, to assist. Despite their careful planning, nothing prepares the would-be killers for the surprising result.
Night Shift
Informal English Title of Night Shift, a French Film.
Night Shift
Informal English Title of Night Shift, a French Film.