Cmdt Heinrich
The crew of a German u-boat on a mission in the North Atlantic witness strange phenomena on board. After an inexplicable explosion in the engine room, the submarine slowly sinks to the abyssal depths, while madness decimates the submariners.
Cédrick Riendeau
El filme sigue el ascenso y la brutal caída de la empresa financiera Norbourg. En ella, el inspector y auditor Éric Asselin tiene el mandato de supervisar las actividades de la empresa. Fascinado por la audacia de Vincent Lacroix, el presidente de la compañía, Asselin deja su puesto y se convierte en la mano derecha de este. Ambos cómplices en uno de los mayores escándalos financieros nunca antes vivido.
Félix es un niño de 12 años que está convencido de que su padre, desaparecido en el mar hace dos años, sigue con vida. Un día decide salir en su búsqueda acompañado por Tom, un marinero retirado; Squak, un loro pirata; y Rover, un gato que se comporta como un perro. Su aventura les lleva hasta la isla de Darkshadow, donde encuentran una ciudad subterránea secreta en la que reina Morgäa, una tirana que guarda un increíble secreto.
By the summer of his 19th birthday, Charlie Hall, champion wakeboarder, doesn’t know if he’ll ever get back on a wakeboard following an injury. When he flees his anguish and uncertainty by going to his cousin Noah’s house in the town of Chambly, he meets Juliette, a young employee of the local marina. The chemistry clicks and the two youngsters develop a unique relationship that only has as obstacles the fear of their ambitions.
Examinateur 1
An unassuming middle-aged accountant learns he has only weeks to live. Rather than tell everyone, Martin determines to learn the three pages of a Bach adagio for piano he'd abandoned as a child. That accomplished, he performs the piece for his wife and friends, completing his life and thanking those who brightened it along the way.
Dave is young and rebellious. A self-proclaimed King, influenced but not unconscious. As he sets out to find the stranger who danced with his girlfriend grabbing her ass, as if nothing had happened, he decides to take justice into his hands. Between violence, heartbreak and friendship betrayal, Dave will put his finger through the wringer and rush forward, unable to stop.
Sgt. Létourneau
Marcel Talon se ve acosado por un pasado que no logra superar y se siente culpable ante los ojos de la sociedad. Para vengarse decide robar los 200 millones de dólares que se encuentran en la caja de seguridad de un banco de Montreal. Con la ayuda de un grupo muy peculiar decide excavar un túnel que llegue hasta dicha caja...