Bernard Bloch

Bernard Bloch

Nacimiento : 1949-12-11, Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin, France


Bernard Bloch


Los fantasmas de Ismaël
Un director de cine ve cómo su vida sufre un vuelco cuando su examante regresa cuando está a punto de iniciar el rodaje de su próxima película.
Queen of Montreuil
Le chef de chantier
It's early summer and Agathe is back in France, at home in Montreuil. She has to get over her husband's death and return to her work as a film director. The unexpected arrival at her house of a couple of Icelanders, a sea lion and a neighbour that she has always desired yet never vanquished will give Agathe the strength to get her life back on track...
One Fine Day
La vie est bien ingrate pour François Berthier : un chien hurle toute la nuit et l'empêche de dormir, la machine a café lui explose au visage, il pleut, le chef de bureau à la banque l'humilie et le menace de renvoi. Et puis, du jour au lendemain, tout ce qui était violent ou pénible pour François se transforme comme par miracle. Que se passe-t-il ? Pourquoi le monde devient-il si brusquement doux
S.A.C. : Des hommes dans l'ombre
Pierre-Marie Rosa
In His Hands
Le directeur
In Lille, Claire Gauthier is an ordinary married woman with a young daughter that works in an insurance company analyzing losses of insured properties. When the single veterinary Laurent Kessler claims damage in his basement caused by a flooding due to water leakage, Claire resolves the situation favorably for him. The weird Laurent visits Claire in her office successively, inviting her for drinks and lunch, and they get close to each other. Meanwhile, a serial killer is terrorizing Lille, killing women with a scalpel. Claire feels a great attraction for Laurent, who has an unusual behavior in her apartment. When Claire sees a scalpel in the pocket of Laurent's jacket, she fears him, but still loves him.
The Hook
le portier
A writer of novels in need of an editor accepts the contract offered to him by a famous writer: to eliminate his ex-wife against a large sum of money.
Corto Maltés: Las Célticas
En 1915, Corto se encuentra en Europa, en el centro del conflicto bélico. En Venecia sucumbe el encanto de una mujer peligrosa y desmantelada una red de espionaje. En Sette Casoni organiza el robo del tesoro del reino de Montenegro, por cuenta de los republicanos... y la de una banda de aventureros, algunos de los cuales llegarán a hacer una notable carrera: Onatis (Onassis), Ernestway (Hemingway).
The Cost of Living
Richet, the bailiff
Une héritière qui n'arrive pas à hériter, un radin qui ne peut rien dépenser, un petit garçon qui trouve un billet dans la rue, un restaurateur prodigue qui ne fait que donner... Tels sont, entre autres, les personnages de ce film "choral". Pourquoi certains dépensent-ils de manière convulsive là où d'autres retiennent l'argent comme la partie la plus vitale de leur être ? On croit parler d'argent, mais c'est d'amour dont il s'agit.
La última batalla (Monsieur N.) (2003)
Von Holgendorp
Terminado el Imperio de los Cien Días (1815) y restablecidos los Borbones en el trono de Francia, Napoleón Bonaparte fue desterrado a la isla de Santa Elena, en medio del Atlántico. En ese remoto e inhóspito lugar, Napoleón librará una misteriosa e importante batalla que la historia no ha contado jamás. Alabado biopic con toques de intriga sobre la época del exilio de Napoleón (Philippe Torreton). Richard E. Grant interpreta a Sir Hudson Lowe, el encargado de la vigilancia del estadista durante su exilio
The Cow and the President
Romain, the widowed father of eight-year-old Lucas, is a farmer in Brittany. He owns a herd of about twenty cows,one of which is called Maeva and is his son's favorite. The small Scottish animal is in fact his only friend, with the exception of Sarah, their new neighbor, a writer who has decided to settle in the country in search for peace and quiet. One day though, one of the cows catches BSE and, as a result, the whole herd has to be killed.Totally upset, Lucas decides he won't let his friend be put to death. Even if that means addressing the President himself...
One 4 All
Le chef de service
Olivia, Irina and Masha are improving their acting skills. They no longer believe in Prince Charming, and their career is waning. Olivia works at the front desk at the airport and offers a wonderful plan: he would do so that friends will be aboard the Paris - New York plane and will sit next to wealthy men. Their task is to seduce the rich and pull them out of money. But the fraudsters do not suspect that Comissaire Bayard and his young assistant are closely watching them...
À mort la mort !
The idea for this film about a generation and its lost ideals came to Romain Goupil after attending several funerals of friends in the fall of 1996, where the '68 generation, now in influential positions in media or politics, kept meeting each other. It seemed as if the revolution that they had tried to make was being buried with each coffin. A MORT LA MORT is in some ways an homage to this generation, now in their fifties. They were a privileged generation that thought that they could change the world, doing everything that their parents failed to do. There were no actual deaths in France as there were in Germany or Italy, but the system was not ideal for personal issues or for love. There was always a scapegoat for the injustices of the world, be it capitalism or imperialism. That way the blame could be placed somewhere else. Some of the '68 generation are still faithful to the principles of their youth and still continue to fight for the illusions of the past.
Cuando un equipo internacional de ex-agentes de inteligencia y ex-guerreros de la guerra fría se reunen en una bodega, su aventura de amor, amistad y traición apenas comienza. Al igual que el honorable e independiente samurai de hace cientos de años, estos ronin modernos se embarcan en su más peligrosa misión secreta: recobrar una misteriosa maleta y entregársela a su desconocido jefe y a la vez conservar sus vidas. Un criminal que se vende al mejor postor lidera un grupo de profesionales del crimen que busca un misterioso maletín, cuyo contenido es desconocido incluso para el espectador.
Alors voilà,
A trucker, an accountant, a former plumber hospitalised after a suicide attempt... Presided over by the accountant, the three families decide to buy a truck, a trucker's dream. The father, practical joker, and larger-than-life lover, keeps a watchful eye. The children are his accomplices. One is his heroine. His daughter is his other heroine. A puzzle of life's desires in which all veers into the imaginary, into dreams of far-off lands.
News from the Good Lord
When novelist Alessandro Battavia commits suicide, a taxi driver named Evangile and her brother Nord believe they are characters imagined in a novel, probably one written by God.
Un héroe muy discreto
Durante los últimos meses de la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un hombre decide convertirse en héroe de un conflicto en el que no ha participado. Para ello, se inventa una vida admirable, más viva y rica que la suya, falsificando papeles y urdiendo artimañas que le presentan ante las autoridades francesas como un activo miembro de la Resistencia
El corazón fantasma
Tras su separación de Anne, con quien comparte dos hijos, el pintor Philippe conoce en la calle a Justine, una mujer más joven que él, con la que inicia una relación. A pesar de que Philippe asegura que Justine ha sido su salvación, ella siente que no puede competir con la nostalgia de su vida anterior, mostrándose cada vez más celosa de su ex mujer y sus hijos.
L'Affaire Seznec
Le Her
Guillaume Seznec and Pierre Quéméneur join forces to sell cars to the Soviets. It was then that the latter suddenly disappeared, while driving with the former about 30 kilometers from Paris. The body will never be found. Seznec quickly became the main suspect and was sent to prison for life, even though nothing clearly indicated that he was the culprit.
Les carnassiers
Commissaire Lagorce
Alice, a young Portuguese woman, escapes from a psychiatric hospital where she is locked up under the orders of her father-in-law who intends to take away her inheritance. On her way to France, she falls victim to a truck driver who she kills to defend herself. A few moments after this murder she meets Bernie, a young boxer, who will take care of her, going so far as to hide her from the eyes of the police and the detectives in the pay of her stepfather. He is preparing for the title of world champion.
Arthur Rimbaud: A Biography
Ernest Delahaye
La historia del poeta francés
Agenda oculta
Un abogado estadounidense proderechos humanos muere asesinado en Belfast. Su novia y un duro detective británico, nada satisfechos con la versión oficial de los hechos, investigan por su cuenta para saber qué sucedió realmente. Pronto descubrirán que el hombre había reunido pruebas documentales que sacaban a la luz turbios manejos del gobierno de las islas.
Año 1985, Berlín Este. Klaus Drittemann es un cantautor que se ve obligado a trasladarse a occidente. Ya en el año 1968, debido a una canción reivindicativa, fue incitado a abandonar el país y a reconocer su provocación, eludiendo a cambio cualquier tipo de proceso, pero entonces se negó por el amor a su patria. Ahora, no obstante y casi veinte años después, triste y desilusionado, elige el mismo camino que realizó su padre Jacob tiempo atrás. Para ello se despide de su hijo Thomas, su padrastro y su madre Rosa. Una vez en el Berlín occidental consigue alojamiento gracias a Lucy Bernstein, quien le ofrece un contrato discográfico para la Taube Records. Klaus también pide su apoyo para poder reencontrarse con su padre, ya que hace mucho tiempo que no sabe nada de él. Lucy le encomienda a Emma de Baen, una mujer francesa que, gracias a su trabajo como periodista, puede ayudarle en una búsqueda que le permitirá descubrir una etapa desconocida y sorprendente de la vida de su padre.
A César award winning short film about a young actress who has to disguise her pregnancy bump in order to keep working.
Algunos agentes de la KGB altamente entrenados son enviados al oeste para asesinar a varios disidentes soviéticos. Para detener la trama diabólica, un agente estadounidense debe infiltrarse en la inteligencia soviética y obtener información de una computadora rusa.
Everybody takes advantage of Fernand who has just come out of prison.
The Story of Paul
A young man is checked into a mental hospital for unexplained reasons.
Le Quatrième mur
Sam Akounis