Nicholas Hutchison

Nicholas Hutchison


Nicholas Hutchison


The All Together
Kenny Tinsel
Dos gángsters irrumpen en la casa de un artista londinense (Velibor Topic) mientras su compañero de casa (Martin Freeman) está ausente.
Miss Potter
Meeting Chairman
Beatrix Potter fue una mujer inteligente y carismática que se vio obligada a luchar contra los convencionalismos de su época para poder dedicarse a su pasión: los libros infantiles. Potter se enamoró de Norman Warne, su editor, quién le ayudó a alcanzar la fama con sus creaciones para niños del personaje Peter Rabbit.
Daddy's Girl
British television film starring Martin Kemp
Un niño grande
Will Lightman (Hugh Grant) es un soltero de 38 años que vive de los derechos de autor de una canción compuesta hace años por su padre. Su miedo al compromiso es tal que sólo se relaciona con madres solteras, porque piensa que es más fácil romper con ellas. Sin embargo, sus convicciones se tambalean cuando se convierte en el mejor amigo de Marcus, un niño de 12 años al que conoce en una de sus citas.
Anybody's Nightmare
Gordon Pollock QC
Based on the true story of Shelia Bowler, accused of murdering her elderly aunt.
Another Life
Dr Maudsley
A woman is wrongly accused of murdering her husband in Edwardian London. Just before the outbreak of World War I, Edith Graydon married her boyfriend Percy Thomson. He survives the war but theirs is not a happy marriage. She doesn't really love him and he feels it every day. He's also possessive and their daily life is a constant battle. She meets and falls in love with Frederick Bywaters, her sister's one-time boyfriend. They have a long affair and her desperate attempts to get either a formal separation of divorce from her husband falls on deaf ears. They are at their wits end and Bywaters decides to do something about it. On a dark evening when Edith is walking with her husband, Bywaters stabs him to death. Edith is charged with murder along with Bywaters and both are found guilty. She claims her innocence right up until the day they are both executed by hanging in 1923. Based on a true story.
The Heart Surgeon
Cardiac surgeon Alex Marsden has an affair with Marcella Duggan, but then finds himself having to operate on her husband Larry, who is also his friend.
Restauración de la monarquía inglesa por parte de Carlos II (mediados del XVII). Tras ser llamado por el rey a palacio, Robert Maribell, un joven médico, sucumbe hasta tal punto a los placeres de la corte que acaba perdiendo sus maravillosas aptitudes como médico y enamorándose de la favorita del rey.