David Gurfinkel

David Gurfinkel

Nacimiento : 1938-12-12, Tel Aviv, Israel


David Gurfinkel was born on December 12, 1938 in Tel Aviv, Israel. He is known for Festival At The Poolroom (1975), Over the Top (1987), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (1993) and Dangerous Acts (1998).


David Gurfinkel


Turn Left at the End of the World
Director of Photography
En los años 60, una familia hindú viaja a Israel siguiendo una promesa de la agencia hebrea de entregarles un apartamento en el centro de Israel. Tras horas de viaje en camión, el vehículo se estropea. La hija no tiene idea de dónde se encuentran. Y ahí, en medio del desierto, conoce a una chica que le hará cambiar su vida.
The Order
Director of Photography
Narra la historia de Rudy Cafmeyer -Jean-Claude Van Damme-, un tipo acostumbrado a vivir en la línea de peligro, ya sea blanqueando dinero en Bruselas o robando artefactos privados a las mafias rusas. Su padre, un eminente arqueólogo le explica que ha descubierto un manuscrito antiguo, el único capítulo perdido de un libro sagrado que perteneció a una de las sectas más misteriosas de Israel, la orden de la unidad divina.
La última patrulla
Director of Photography
En un futuro cercano, un terrible terremoto ha convertido el sur de California en una isla desierta por varios supervivientes. Nick Preston (Dolph Lundgren), un capitán de las fuerzas aéreas, asume el mando de un grupo y dirige patrullas diarias al desierto en busca de comida, combustible y otros supervivientes. Por otro lado, un asesino convicto, Jesus (Juliano Mer), que se libró de la silla eléctrica gracias al terremoto, se ha apoderado de una prisión de máxima seguridad que se encuentra cerca y ahora lidera una banda de peligrosos presos decididos a gobernar el nuevo orden que se ha constituido tras la catástofre. Los hombres de Jesus secuestran a la ingenua y encantadora Candy (Rebecca Cross), así que ahora Nick y su pequeña patrulla deberán entrar a la fuerza en la cárcel para salvarla a ella y a un grupo de niños inocentes en un autobús escolar.
Three Sisters
Director of Photography
"Life has passed and we have achieved nothing" Thats's what Ester the youngest says. The eldest, Karola, keeps quite. Fruma, who is my mother, tries to write what she remembers. Three sisters in thier 70's, Holocaust survivors. More then 50 years have passed and still they can't talk of thier memories. This is a film about the trauma...
Dangerous Acts
On the day he is released from prison, Yisarael appears on the doorstep of the woman whose life he had changed. A weird relationship develops between the two.
Las tortugas ninja III: Viaje al pasado
Director of Photography
Cuando un cetro mágico transporta por accidente a April al Japón del siglo XVII, los chicos se lanzan en su busca y aparecen, a través de la alcantarilla, ¡en la tierra de los samuráis! Ahora deben enfrentarse a Nortaga, el malvado Señor de la guerra, y recuperar el cetro que los transportará de vuelta a lo más profundo del metro de Nueva York.
Blink of an Eye
Director of Photography
An agent with psychic powers comes to the rescue of the kidnapped daughter of the CIA director.
Samurái americano
When a father passes on the traditional family sword to one of his two adopted sons, the other--in a fit of jealous rage--joins a yakuza drug smuggling mob. When the other son decides to find him and set things straight, things don't seem to go as smoothly as he planned, and a misunderstanding leads the stepbrothers into a Turkish arena to battle swordsmen from around the world.
Like Adults - Part Two
Director of Photography
Like Adults - Part One
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Michael Anderson es un periodista de Los Ángeles Post que llega a Israel para cubrir un reportaje acerca de un ataque a una base americana en el que mueren ocho marines. El grupo responsable obedece al nombre de Octubre Negro y parece que sólo ha afectado a la puerta principal. Sin embargo Michael cree que la versión oficial no tiene demasiado sentido y averigua que en el asalto los terroristas han llegado hasta el polvorín y que se han llevado una cápsula de vital importancia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Like Adults
"Kemo gedolim" is a collection of well known Israeli, children songs sang by Ariḳ Ainshṭain and others. In between the songs embedded short skits starring Moni Moshonov and Tsevi Shisel , who embody two porters hauling a giant crate up a winding staircase and unexpectedly run into Ariḳ, a group of kids, jugglers, clowns and storytellers emerging from the crate. The two, try to do their job faithfully but occasionally they also try to sing, dance and play, which creates a variety of funny moments.
A Man Called Sarge
In the midst of WWII, a group of half-witted soldiers lead by a slightly smarter sergeant, battle the Germans and especially Von Kraut in the desert.
Durante la noche, cuando escapa de la rutina de su trabajo como mecánico, Rico (Roby Rosa) -un muchacho de origen puertorriqueño- entra en su habitad natural: el exuberante club de salsa "La Luna". Allí, el junto a su novia Vicky, buscaran ser "el rey y la reina de la salsa" en la próxima gran competencia de "La Luna".
Cita con la muerte
Director of Photography
Cuando una multimillonaria, cuya fortuna es ambicionada por varias personas, muere asesinada, las sospechas recaen sobre sus posibles herederos. El detective Hércules Poirot es el encargado de investigar el crimen.
Directed by Boaz Davidson and Uri Zohar.
The Emperor's New Clothes
In Europe several several centuries ago, a group of prisoners about to be executed are freed as part of the celebration of the upcoming marriage of the emperor's daughter, Princess Gilda, to a very rich prince from another country. Sid Caesar composed the song "Clothes Make the Man". Ran 93 minutes on German TV.
A musical version of the classic story about a miller's daughter who recieves help from a mischievous dwarf, then ends up over her head. Now, she and a mute servant girl may be the only hope for her baby son, John.
Yo, el halcón
Director of Photography
Lincoln Hawk es un camionero que no deja de pensar en su hijo, al que no ha visto desde su nacimiento. Ahora, Lincoln debe recogerlo en la academia militar de Virginia para llevarlo a Denver, donde su madre -de la que Lincoln está divorciado- agoniza. Pero el suegro de Lincoln no quiere que llegue. Ésta es la historia de un padre que conquista el amor de su hijo, pese a que todo está contra él, un hombre con la ambición de ganar el concurso mundial de pulsos, contra todo pronóstico, y compartir sus sueños con su hijo.
America 3000
Director of Photography
Hace 900 años de la última guerra nuclear. La raza humana sobrevive, pero lo hace de una forma muy diferente a lo que hoy conocemos: se agrupan en dos grandes tribus, plugots (hombres) y fraus (mujeres). Las "frau" son la tribu dominante, y usan a los "plugots" como esclavos o como sementales para perpetuar la especie.
Delta Force
Director of Photography
Cuando unos terroristas secuestran un avión de pasajeros lleno de ciudadanos estadounidenses, un comando especial de fuerzas de élite será el encargado de intentar liberar a los rehenes.
Mata Hari
Mata Hari (Sylvia Kristel), la mujer más tentadora y peligrosa en una Europa destrozada por una guerra total, arrancaba secretos nacionales a hombres de estado en ambos lado de la contienda. Ella no pertenecía a nadie. Ninguna nación merecía su lealtad. Hoy es una leyenda, la espía más famosa de todos los tiempos. 1914. El conde von Beyerling y el capitán Ledoux conocen a lady MacLeod en un museo de París. Días después, en una fiesta de embajada, los dos amigos descubren su verdadera personalidad, se trata de MATA HARI. (FILMAFFINITY)
An ex-con and break-dancer helps save a neighborhood from a greedy developer while trying to win a rap contest.
A cara descubierta
Por alguna misteriosa razón, un psiquiatra de Chicago es víctima de una retorcida conspiración criminal por parte de una peligrosa banda de asesinos.
Aventuras en el Sahara
"Aventuras en el Sahara" es una película dirigida por Andrew V. McLaglen. Dale Gordon es una intrépida jovencita que se encuentra sola y desvalida en pleno desierto africano. La razón es que su padre, un magnate de la industria del automóvil, muere antes de poder cumplir su sueño de participar en el gran Rally del Sahara. Mientras tanto, dos tribus nómadas se enfrentan en una cruel guerra.
La venganza de Ninja
Director of Photography
Procedente de una larga tradición de maestros ninja, Cho decide abandonar su Japón natal acompañado por su madre y su hijo tratando de olvidar el pasado violento que destruyó a su familia. Años después, en Estados Unidos, deberá enfrentarse a la traición y retomar el camino del ninja.
La justicia del ninja
Director of Photography
Después de completar su formación como ninja, Cole (Franco Nero) recibe un angustioso telegrama de su amigo Frank (Alex Courtney), pidiéndole que vaya a Filipinas para que le ayude con un grave problema. Tanto él como su esposa están siendo acosados por un grupo de matones. Cole tendrá que emplearse a fondo y más cuando sepa la verdadera naturaleza de su rival.
La manzana
Director of Photography
Musical futurista acerca de una pareja que participa en un concurso de canciones pero que son saboteados por el villano Mr. Boogalow. (FILMAFFINITY)
Worlds Apart
After fighting the Arab armies, Assaf, an Israeli soldier, falls in love with an American living in the Arab district of Jerusalem. One day, he believes he recognizes a wanted terrorist.
The Magician of Lublin
Director of Photography
Yasha is a Jewish stage magician who tours through eastern Europe while destroying his career through personal problems. He has one more chance at theatrical success, but he needs to do a brand new trick in a Warsaw theater.
Aunt Clara
Clara, a polish born Jew, living in Tel Aviv of the 1970's, has her ideas about how people should behave, and runs everybody's life accordingly: her husband, her sisters, their husbands, their children, her brother who lives in London (probably because it was the only way to get away from her...). Whenever something "improper" does happen, Clara's way of handling it is simply to shove it under the carpet and ignore it completely, as if it never happened. 3 basic rules, are, of course: 1. Never marry some one "under" your class (Or the class you think you are). 2. Never become pregnant out of wedlock and 3. No Abortions. As one may expect, everything crumbles when her niece gives her no option, but to break at least one of those rules
La venganza
Director of Photography
La historia trata de una venganza de un muchacho de apenas 14 años, cuyos padres son asesinados por un grupo de bandoleros mexicanos, dirigidos por McClain (Lee Van Cleef). La inesperada ayuda de un buscador de oro, víctima también de los bandoleros, hace que el chico no caiga en la venganza y ataque sin pensar. (FILMAFFINITY)
Festival At The Poolroom
Director of Photography
The story is about two twin brothers, Azriel and Gavriel. Azriel is a shy, religious Jew who works in a fruit shop in Jaffa. Gavriel, is a hoodlum and a good-for-nothing hustler who runs a Snooker Bar. Gavriel and his friend Hanuka make easy money by swindling people into gambling on Snooker games.One day Gavriel is forced to renew contact with his brother because he is in trouble with a gangster.
The Father
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
An adaptation of a popular Israeli stage musical. Kazablan is an army veteran turned gang leader in the Israeli port of Jaffa who masks his feelings of bitterness with a lot of bravado. He's sweet on Rachel, a young woman who lives with her father and stepmother. The budding relationship scandalizes the neighbors (not to mention Rachel's parents) and infuriates Yanush, a middle-aged shoe store owner who wants Rachel for himself. (Yanush feels he's entitled to marry Rachel since they're both Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern European origins, whereas Kazablan is a Sephardic Jew from Morocco.) The neighborhood has something else to worry about besides the antics of Kazablan and his gang: the city wants to tear down their crumbling homes. The residents pool their resources to save their houses, but the money that's collected is stolen. When he's jailed for the theft, Kazablan must find a way to clear himself.
Escape to the Sun
Two young university students wish to escape the oppressive Soviet Union. But their plans are monitored by the KGB, who try to intimidate them. One of them is taken into custody and tortured, which spurs them to make an escape attempt that could cost them their lives
The Policeman
Director of Photography
Azulai is a policeman in Jaffa, whose incompetence is only matched by his soft-heartedness. His superiors want to send him to early retirement, but he would like to stay on the force, and the criminals of Jaffa don't want to see him leave either...
The Highway Queen
A story of a street walker, who tries to leave the world of prostitution when she gets pregnant.
Take Off
Director of Photography
3 friend try to have swingers night.
Three Days and a Child
Director of Photography
Based on a short story by Abraham B. Jehoshua, the movie follows Eli (Oded Kotler) taking care of an old girlfriend's child for three days. He wants him to get hurt, he worries about him. Will the child survive the three days? Will Eli?
Director of Photography
Story of a war-widow pressured by her friends to behave in the role of the heroic widow, and the journey she takes in a country of people under siege.
Every Bastard a King
Director of Photography
An American reporter and his girl-friend are visiting Israel to get a "sense of the people", in the process he meets many Israelis and some Arabs as well, particularly becoming friends with an Israeli Army reserve officer as well as an idealistic young man who is a pacifist.
The Other Side
An experimental and absurd avant-garde film about a bunch of unrelated people, all standing on the side of the road waiting for the traffic light to change from red to green, but the traffic light won't change. More and more people gather on the sidewalk, and a kind of class society is formed there. The film was shot during one day in which Ephraim Kishon lent Uri Zohar the set of "Blaumilch Canal" at Herzliya Studios.