Mauro Vélez Díaz

Nacimiento : 2007-01-29, Barcelona, España


Hacerse el muerto
Marcel y su madre viven ocultos en una casa abandonada, lejos de la sociedad. Frente al aburrimiento, Marcel le da la bienvenida a un nuevo compañero de juegos, abriendo las puertas a los fantasmas del pasado; aquellos de los que su madre ha intentado protegerle todo este tiempo.
The Strange
Amadeu, nine years old, goes to a summer camp for the first time. The first few days are tough, but Nil, the most expert monitor, gains his trust and helps him integrate into the group. Just when Amadeu starts to feel comfortable a violent experience forces him to rebel against everything he had learned.
Víctor is in his last year of his Violin Studies and is about to perform his last recital. During his years as a student, he has put his family and friends aside to focus entirely on his true passion. Now that the first defining moment of his future professional career is approaching, he feels emotionally blocked, unable to play his piece well. Víctor will have to make amends with his close ones, those who have supported him and have been by his side, in order to feel at peace with himself. He will have to remember who he really is to find the right emotional balance that will allow him understand music and life in a much healthier and human way, and carry on with the concert.