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Since childhood Victor perfectly manipulated others in his own interest. Until one day he discovered that his entire life Victor himself had been an object of some cleverly thought out manipulation.
Unit Production Manager
Since childhood Victor perfectly manipulated others in his own interest. Until one day he discovered that his entire life Victor himself had been an object of some cleverly thought out manipulation.
A young pianist, who recovered from blindness, is returning home, to see his father’s face for the first time in his life and to apologize.
Executive Producer
La película está basada en una serie de novelas de Stas Dombrowski, un antiguo drogadicto y criminal que supo que era VIH positivo a los 17 años y se sumergió en la autodestrucción absoluta durante las siguientes dos décadas. Solo en su lecho de muerte en la terapia carcelaria, sabiendo que moriría en dos semanas, Stas comprendió que quería vivir más que nada en este mundo.