Jules is a drag artist in London who withdraws into himself and loses his career after a horrific attack. Months later, he recognizes one of his assailants in a gay sauna and quickly realizes he has the perfect opportunity to get revenge.
Una diseñadora de moda sufre una enfermedad misteriosa que desconcierta a sus médicos y frustra a su esposo, hasta que llega la ayuda de un cuidador filipino, que usa la curación popular tradicional para revelar una verdad horrible.
Casting Assistant
Violet (Fanning) es una introvertida adolescente que vive en la Isla de Wight (Inglaterra) y que sueña con convertise en una estrella del Pop para poder así alejarse de tu triste panorama familiar. Con la ayuda de un inesperado mentor, Violet se inscribe en un concurso de canto que pondrá a prueba su integridad, talento y ambición.
Several decades ago, a highly infectious, constantly mutating micro-organism – capable of extinction-level destruction – was contained in a military facility. In the present day, the military has sealed the facility’s lowest sublevel selling the remaining space to a self-storage company. As temperatures rise underground, the micro-organism finds a way to escape – and if left to spread, it will soon uncontrollably multiply around the world. The fate of humanity now rests on a retired bioterror operative and two unlikely heroes employed in the facility – who are caught in a race against time to destroy the organism and save mankind.