Natalia Tsupryk


La inspiración más profunda
Descendiendo a notables profundidades bajo el mar, a pulmón, Alessia Zecchini entra en lo que ella describe como el último lugar tranquilo en la Tierra. La campeona italiana está decidida a marcar un nuevo récord mundial en apnea, un deporte extremo y peligroso en el que los competidores intentan alcanzar la mayor profundidad sin usar equipo de buceo.
Struggling to make it in a big city, a young artist finds herself retreating into the rose-tinted memories of the village she left behind.
A supposed accident at sea makes a daughter doubt the innocence of her father.
The Daydreamers
What if you're addicted to your own fantasy? Maladaptive Daydreaming is a condition discovered by professor Eli Somer. Protagonists Agatha and Jessica meet Somer on-camera, providing a moving testimony of their experience living life cut off from reality.