Kersti Ilves


Natural Born Liar
Assistante d'Oleg
Jerome es un mentiroso compulsivo. Su familia y amigos ya no pueden soportar sus mentiras diarias. Sin escuchar lo que le reprochan, Jérôme se hunde más y más en la mentira hasta el día en que una maldición divina le golpea: todas sus mentiras cobran vida. Entonces comienza para él una verdadera pesadilla.
I am not him
Andre is 35 years old. he is released from jail after 5 years. He stays in a hostel nearby train station for that night. The day after Juliya, his wife goes to a hospital to remove her leg's cast. In a way back, she calls to the jail and discovers that her husband was released yesterday and he is in a way to a home. Juliya prepares the house and waits.meanwhile she gets a shower, Andre enters and finds a prepared table for two people. He abandons the house without seeing his wife