Marcos Banina


Sueño con trenes
Camera Operator
Un recuerdo difuso de mi abuelo me sumerge en un viaje. En él, transito por unas vías casi abandonadas por las que pasan unos pocos trenes. La amenaza latente de que ese tren nos pase se transforma en el miedo a perder ese recuerdo. En un acto desesperado, recurro a la memoria de mi abuela, a los álbumes de fotos y a los pocos registros que tengo de vhs para intentar comprender cómo funciona la memoria afectiva. Pero es Bautista, mi sobrino de 6 años, la persona que se encarga de mostrarme otra forma de acercarme a los recuerdos. “Sueño con trenes” es un retrato familiar donde se encuentran tres generaciones para dialogar sobre la memoria personal y colectiva.
Ópera Prima
Director of Photography
A trip across various parts of the world and of other times to understand my ideologic heritage and what to do with it. Opera Prima is my first look at the world that becomes a mirror in which to recognize myself.
Ópera Prima
A trip across various parts of the world and of other times to understand my ideologic heritage and what to do with it. Opera Prima is my first look at the world that becomes a mirror in which to recognize myself.
Ópera Prima
A trip across various parts of the world and of other times to understand my ideologic heritage and what to do with it. Opera Prima is my first look at the world that becomes a mirror in which to recognize myself.