Jim Gillespie

Nacimiento : , Scotland


Jim Gillespie is a Scottish film director. His directing work includes I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997), and D-Tox (2002).


Rescate millonario
Unos jóvenes rebeldes de familias adineradas son enviados a un campamento de verano en el desierto para aprender disciplina. Pero la escuela será asaltada por un grupo de secuestradores, y los jóvenes deberán hacer frente a la situación.
En los tenebrosos pantanos del Sur de Louisiana, un grupo de adolescentes trata de investigar la verdad sobre la muerte de una amigo. Pero lo que encuentran allí es una fuerza demoníaca más terrible de lo que jamás nadie podría imaginar. Ahora deberán luchar por salvar sus vidas de una muerte casi segura...
Cinema16: British Short Films
Self - Commentary, Joyride (voice)
This critically acclaimed DVD contains 16 of the best classic and award winning British short films and delivers a snapshot of British cinema past and present. It includes films from Britain's most exciting new talent alongside early shorts from it's most successful filmmakers' amongst them Chris Nolan (Memento, Insomnia, Batman Begins), Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Alien), Mike Leigh (Secrets and Lies) and Stephen Daldry (Billy Elliot, The Hours). 01 About a Girl - Brian Percival 02 Boy & Bicycle - Ridley Scott 03 Dear Phone - Peter Greenaway 04 Doodlebug - Christopher Nolan 05 Eight - Stephen Daldry 06 Gasman - Lynne Ramsay 07 Girl Chewing Gum - John Smith 08 Home - Morag McKinnon 09 Joyride - Jim Gillespie 10 Inside Out - Tom & Charles Guard 11 Je T’aime John Wayne - Toby Macdonald 12 The Sheep Thief - Asif Kapadia 13 The Short & Curlies - Mike Leigh 14 Telling Lies - Simon Ellis 15 UK Images - Martin Parr 16 Who’s My Favourite Girl? - Adrian J. McDowall
Cinema16: British Short Films
This critically acclaimed DVD contains 16 of the best classic and award winning British short films and delivers a snapshot of British cinema past and present. It includes films from Britain's most exciting new talent alongside early shorts from it's most successful filmmakers' amongst them Chris Nolan (Memento, Insomnia, Batman Begins), Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Alien), Mike Leigh (Secrets and Lies) and Stephen Daldry (Billy Elliot, The Hours). 01 About a Girl - Brian Percival 02 Boy & Bicycle - Ridley Scott 03 Dear Phone - Peter Greenaway 04 Doodlebug - Christopher Nolan 05 Eight - Stephen Daldry 06 Gasman - Lynne Ramsay 07 Girl Chewing Gum - John Smith 08 Home - Morag McKinnon 09 Joyride - Jim Gillespie 10 Inside Out - Tom & Charles Guard 11 Je T’aime John Wayne - Toby Macdonald 12 The Sheep Thief - Asif Kapadia 13 The Short & Curlies - Mike Leigh 14 Telling Lies - Simon Ellis 15 UK Images - Martin Parr 16 Who’s My Favourite Girl? - Adrian J. McDowall
D-Tox (Ojo asesino)
Jack Malloy es un agente del FBI que se ha refugiado en la bebida para olvidar las heridas del pasado: unos años antes un psicópata asesinó a su esposa y a varios de sus compañeros. Para recuperarse decide ingresar en una clínica de rehabilitación para policías, pero el centro terapeútico se convierte en una una verdadera pesadilla cuando, al quedar aislado por la nieve, empiezan a aparecer pacientes muertos en circunstancias sospechosas
Sé lo que hicisteis el último verano
Una noche de verano, cuando volvían de una fiesta, dos jóvenes parejas en estado de embriaguez atropellan a un hombre en una carretera desierta. Confundidos y asustados, deciden tirar el cadáver al mar. Un año después, una de las chicas, Julie, recibe un mensaje en el que alguien dice saber qué pasó el verano anterior. A partir de ese momento, un hombre con gabán de marino y un garfio se dedica a matar a los adolescentes.
A power-line repairman gets off of work early and heads home (to his family?). Unfortunately, he gets kidnapped is locked up in the trunk of his own car.
Beautiful Lies
August 1941: HG Wells confronts George Orwell, who has just published a scathing attack on him. As wartime London endures the Blitz, they speculate on life and death, truth and propaganda.
The Girl in the Picture
Assistant Director
Alan and Mary are pretty miserable together and split up. As a very presentable Glaswegian photographer, Alan soon has chances to find consolation elsewhere, but more and more thinks of Mary. She, however, seems a lot less keen to try again.
Restless Natives
Third Assistant Director
Two lads in Edinburgh embark on a non-violent spree of robberies. They dress up in clown masks and act as modern highwaymen, robbing coach loads of tourists in the highlands. In the process they become folk heroes to the locals. Their adventures make for a whimsical and gentle comedy, in the Bill Forsyth vein.