Kyung-Sook Kim


Ultimate Avengers
Estrenada en USA y Europa directamente en video y DVD, La historia de Ultimate Vengadores está basada en el primer arco argumental de The Ultimates, en donde se nos presenta al grupo de superhéroes formado por Iron Man, Thor, La Avispa, El Hombre Gigante y Hulk, que se unen a un Capitán América recién rescatado del hielo que le ha aprisonado durante cinco décadas, desde el final de la II Guerra Mundial.
Little Monsters: The Adventures of Koby & the Oakie Dokeys
Little Koby and his friends are the cutest, smallest monsters in the world. Disguising themselves as common household objects, Koby and the Oakie Dokeys awake at night and imagine the day they will grow into big monsters. However, trouble is brewing in outer space. Alien Duck-men are planning to invade Earth and capture school children in order to turn the world into Duckland! Only Koby and the Oakie Dokeys have the tricks to quack-up the Duck-men's scheme and save the world for man and monster!