Melody Anderson

Melody Anderson

Nacimiento : 1955-12-03, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Melody Anderson (born December 3, 1955) is a Canadian American social worker and public speaker specializing in the impact of addiction on families. She is also known as an actress, with her most high-profile role being Dale Arden in the 1980 adaptation of Flash Gordon. Born in Edmonton, Alberta, Anderson started off as a performer and entertainer. She made her debut at age five on a radio show. While doing singing, she also trained as an actress, leading to roles in films and television during the 1970s and 1980s. Description above from the Wikipedia article Melody Anderson, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


Melody Anderson
Melody Anderson
Melody Anderson


Life After Flash
"Life After Flash" looks at the roller coaster life of Sam J Jones since his role as Flash Gordon, his struggles and successes, and the aftermath of when he went up against one of the most powerful producers in Hollywood.
Electric Boogaloo, la loca historia de Cannon Films
¿Qué tendrá la Cannon para inspirar no uno, sino dos documentales? La respuesta es fácil: cinefilia sin complejos, descaro y dos cerebros, Menahem Golam y Yoram Globus, más grandes que la vida. Si The Go-Go Boys se centra en la tormentosa relación entre los dos primos, Electric Boogaloo analiza las demenciales estrategias publicitarias con que la productora sacudió los cimientos de Hollywood.
Marilyn & Bobby: Her Final Affair
Marilyn Monroe
The 1960s. Bobby Kennedy is in power in Washington. Marilyn Monroe is a legendary film star. For years there has been widespread speculation and rumors of a secret romance between Marilyn and Bobby. Now that story is told for the first time in this account of two very public figures whose brief romance fired the imaginations of millions and fueled debate over their mysterious and untimely deaths.
Clair Trinavant
An amnesiac finds his life in jeopardy as he gradually regains his memory.
Under Surveillance
Cathy Meadows
Two insurance investigators try to find out why the ex-partner of one of them was murdered.
Hitler's Daughter
Sharon Franklin
Hitler's Daughter wants to occupy the White House. She might just do it, unless the ineffectual Nazi hunters and their latest recruit can figure out who the heck she is.
Final Notice
Kate Davis
Detective Harry Stoner has only a few clues. A year ago someone mutilated the nude photos found in the city library's art books. And shortly after, a young murder victim was found carved up in the same grisly way. Now, more mangled art books have suddenly turned up. And it's Harry's job to make sure another corpse doesn't.
Los locos del Cannonball 3
Lea Roberts
De nuevo, los más disparatados del volante se dan cita en la loca e ilegal carrera de Cannonball. El comisario Spiro T. Edsel detiene a todos los conductores oficiales para suspender la carrera y evitar accidentes. Los organizadores sin embargo no están dispuestos a renunciar a la carrera más emocionantes del año, así que se ven obligados a contratar conductores primerizos. A lo largo del accidentado ?rally? se suceden las más increíbles aventuras. Un conductor gordo y tímido se enamora de una rubia despampanante que se le asigna como copiloto. Un avión de pasajeros confunde la pista 8 y circula como un bólido entre los coches... entre tanto, el comisario persigue a los participantes dispuesto a acabar con todos, con la carrera y con los Estados Unidos, si es preciso.
Deep Dark Secrets
Julianne Wakefield
A woman finds hidden truths when her husband disappears and is presumed dead.
El templo del oro
Patricia Goodwin
Después de una larga racha de percances, decisiones erróneas y fracasos estrepitosos, los arqueólogos Max y Leo (Norris y Gossett) han decidido dejar su trabajo, pero se vuelven atrás cuando una bella mujer los contrata para buscar un tesoro azteca. Lo que ignoran es que un poderoso y vengativo espíritu sigue sus movimientos y, con tal de proteger el tesoro sagrado, no se detendrá ante nada.
Beverly Hills Madam
Claudia Winston
A bordello catering to rich and wealthy clients, run by Lil Hutton experiences a series of crises as one girl ends up pregnant, and another dead. As a subplot, a young woman, Julie Taylor, makes a trip to LA to surprise a friend, but never finds her. Julie is mugged, and seeks help from Lil Hutton. She sees how much the prostitutes are making, and is tempted into the lifestyle. On her first "job" is hired by a rich father for his 18-year old virgin son as a birthday gift, and they fall in love. But the relationship comes to a quick end as soon as the son learns she is a "whore"; Julie breaks down and runs off after realizing prostitution is a cold and loveless occupation that cannot fulfill her emotional emptiness.
Raza de campeones (The Boy in Blue)
Drama ambientado a finales del siglo XIX y basado en la historia real de Ned Hanlan, un delincuente juvenil que llega a convertirse en un remero de talla mundial. Al ver en él una oportunidad de hacer dinero fácil, Bill (David Haughton), aficionado a las apuestas, decide entrenar y promocionar a Hanlan en el mundo de las competiciones. Con el tiempo crece el talento de Hanlan y con él su fama, llegando a convertirse en campeón del mundo, cosechando premios en tres continentes y siendo el primer remero que utilizó con éxito el "asiento móvil". Pero todo se complica cuando Hanlan cae presa de un hombre de negocios sin escrúpulos (Christopher Plummer) que le enseñará el alto precio que, en ocasiones, hay que pagar por la fama.
High School U.S.A.
Cindy Franklin
Ernie Kovacs: Between the Laughter
Edie Adams
This is a splendid little sleeper of a movie. Ernie Kovacs was one of the giants of early television. I think he would be pleased with the way Jeff Goldbloom captures his wonky personality. Melody Anderson also distills that of Edie Adams. There is a very basic heart tugging story about the search for Kovacs' two abducted daughters. But at the same time the film is funny --- Cloris Leachman is a hoot as Kovacs impossible mom --- and has many of the offbeat and innovative qualities of the old Kovacs show itself.
Policewoman Centerfold
Jennifer Oaks
A policewoman loses her job after she poses naked for an erotic magazine. Based on a true story.
Brooke McKenzie
Jonathan Chase is a British college professor at New York University who has the unusual ability to transform into any kind of animal he wants. He decides to use his power to assist the New York Police Department in solving unusual crimes, and in this series pilot, he teams up with cute cop Brooke and war buddy Ty to stop some terrorists from stealing a supply of toxic gas.
Muertos y enterrados
Janet Gillis
En la pequeña y tranquila población de Potters Bluff ocurren una serie de extraños fallecimientos. Los muertos son forasteros, y todos ellos presentan señales de violencia. Dan, el comisario, investiga estos sucesos casi en solitario, ya que el forense, que podría aportar alguna pista sobre el caso, se entrega más a la tarea de reconstruir los cuerpos que a la de buscar las pruebas que el investigador necesita. De los mismos escritores que "Alien".
Flash Gordon
Dale Arden
El doctor Zarkov, un científico expulsado de la NASA, viaja en un cohete espacial, junto al joven jugador de rugby Flash Gordon y su amiga Dale Arden. Los tres intentarán salvar al planeta de la amenaza de Ming, el emperador del lejano reino Mongo, que ha lanzado una de sus lunas para que choque contra la Tierra.
El Rey, Elvis Presley, va a reaparecer en Las Vegas... Antes del concierto, en un hotel de ciudad, a Elvis le vuelven recuerdos de su pasado, de su rebelde juventud, de sus primeros días en Menphis, su escalada a la fama y a la fortuna y, sobre todo, recuerda a su verdadero amor, Priscilla.
Pleasure Cove
The story of a posh seaside vacation resort, and the lives and adventures of its guests and staff.