Linus James Nilsson


The intense thriller follows two homeless siblings who turn to the criminal world to survive. Their new life lives take a radical turn when the goods they are meant to transport turn out to be two young girls.
Beck 44 - Rage Room
A man is found brutally murdered at a running track in the woods. At the same time, Josef resumes the relationship with a former girlfriend from school, Cissi, whose father recently died of a sudden heart attack during a robbery. Josef goes against Alex's directive and begins an unofficial investigation into Cissi's father's death, which puts him in a complicated conflict situation.
Margrete, reina del norte
La producción danesa más cara de la historia es este drama histórico ambientado a principio del siglo XV, una historia de poder, intrigas y juego político con una impresionante ambientación y unas no menos espectaculares actuaciones.Aunque con algunas libertades narrativas (no se puede saber con certeza qué ocurrió tras las puertas del castillo de Kalmar hace más de 600 años), la película narra los hechos ocurridos en el año 1402, cuando la reina Margrete de Dinamarca, que había conseguido unir a las monarquías nórdicas de Noruega, Suecia y Dinamarca en un estado conocido como Unión de Kalmar, ve cómo la paz y la estabilidad de los pueblos nórdicos está amenazada por los alemanes.
One morning just before Christmas, Leena receives a phone call from a hospital in her childhood hometown telling her that her mother is dying. This news takes her on a journey to face her mother for the first time in her adult life. Leena has fought all her life to let go of her grief over her lost and dark childhood. She is now forced to deal with her past to be able to move on.