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Joan of Arc is being burned alive for heresy. In a kind of dream state, she departs from her body and begins to look back upon her life. She begins this journey in a depressed and demoralized state. However, a priest appears to help guide her. First, he shows her those that accused her in the guise of animal characters, in order to show her their true nature. Then, he shows her the good that she has performed for people. In the end, she is proud of what she has done and is ready to face the flames.
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Un matrimonio inglés viaja a Italia para vender una villa que ha heredado cerca de Nápoles. Al alejarse del ambiente londinense y encontrarse en un paisaje y en un mundo ajenos, la pareja experimenta sentimientos olvidados, como los celos y el resentimiento.
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Año 1866. Livia, una bella dama de una aristocrática familia italiana, vive un intenso romance con el teniente Franz Mahler, un oficial del ejército austriaco, en plena guerra de independencia italiana frente a Austria.