Robert M. Beche


La primera ametralladora del Oeste
Unit Production Manager
Joe Baker tiene un sueño, pero para cumplirlo necesita una ametralladora Gatling. En el mercado negro, un vendedor le ofrece un trato: el precio de la pieza será una mujer. Baker secuestra a una mujer de una diligencia pero no sabe que es la mujer del comandante de la caballería local.
Production Manager
A deranged mother avenges herself on the man she thinks seduced her daughter by imprisoning him in a cage in her basement.
Production Manager
Jenny and her six-year-old son, Tommy, are flying over the Belgian Congo when they are forced to bail out and become separated. Jenny lands in a dense jungle and is rescued by a safari headed by two wild-animal collectors, but Tommy is not found. He has amnesia and is lost, but is adopted by Zamba, a huge gorilla. He lives happily with his new family. Jenny comes back with a searching party, and Zamba, the gorilla mother, is determined to protect Tommy from his real mother.
Pacto tenebroso
Production Manager
Después de acostarse en su dormitorio, Alison (Claudette Colbert) se despierta sobresaltada a bordo de un tren al que no recuerda haber subido. El tren se dirige de Nueva York a Boston. El médico que la atiende sospecha que ha tenido una pesadilla, pero Alison no recuerda nada y no sabe por qué tiene una pistola en su bolso. Cuando llega a Boston, llama a su marido Richard (Don Ameche), y éste le dice que ha informado a la policía de su desaparición.
Little Iodine
Production Manager
Little Iodine does her best to break up the marriage of her parents, ruin a romance and cost her father his job.
Daredevils of the Red Circle
Escaped Prisoner 39013 impersonates the rich and influential Horace Granville, allowing him to create a variety of disasters. Fortunately, he is thwarted repeatedly by three daring circus daredevils.
The Lone Ranger Rides Again
Associate Producer
Homesteaders are moving into the valley settled many years ago by rancher Craig Dolan. He wants to keep them out by legal means but his nephew Bart brings in outlaws to drive them out. The Lone Ranger is on hand to help the homesteaders battle Bart's men as he overcomes traps, ambushes, burning buildings and other obstacles in his attempt to bring peace to the valley.
Hawk of the Wilderness
An expedition arrives on an uncharted jungle island to rescue the local natives, led by a jungle boy, from a volcano that is about to erupt.
Flash Gordon
El planeta Mongo se acerca peligrosamente a la tierra. El Dr. Zarkov tiene preparada una nave espacial con la que puede resolver el misterio, así que, junto con Flash Gordon y Dale Arden, viajan al cuerpo celeste, que es dominado por el Poderoso Emperador Ming. Primera entrega del serial de la Universal Pictures basado en el inmortal personaje creado por la pluma y el pincel de Alex Raymond.