Fosco Giachetti
Nacimiento : 1900-03-28, Sesto Fiorentino - Tuscany - Italy
Muerte : 1974-12-22
Fosco Giachetti est un acteur italien, né le 28 mars 1900 à Sesto Fiorentino, dans la province de Florence, en Toscane, mort le 22 décembre 1974 à Rome.
Luigi Balazzi
Bart Cordell, hijo de un importante magnate, ha de hacerse cargo de las empresas de su padre tras la muerte de éste en un fatal accidente de avión. Sin embargo, sucios informes que implican a determinados estamentos le hacen sospechar que detrás del accidente puede que hubiese un crimen.
Aulio Gellio
Publio Cornelio Escipión, llamado "el africano", y su hermano Lucio, llamado "el asiático", son acusados en el Senado por Catón, el Censor, de haberse adueñado de quinientos talentos, tributo de Antioco, rey de Siria. En realidad Catón no le preocupa tanto saber dónde ha ido a parar ese dinero, sino que le interesa inflingir un golpe al prestigio del Africano para evitar que, en un periodo en el que en Roma escasean los grandes hombres, la personalidad del célebre caudillo pueda hacer correr a la República el riesgo de una dictadura. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Colonel
Cuando tenía trece años, Marcello Clerici le disparó a Lino, un adulto homosexual que intentó seducirlo. Años más tarde, Clerici es un ciudadano respetable, profesor de filosofía y va a casarse con Giulia. Pero ideológicamente Clerici es fascista, tiene contactos con el servicio secreto y se muestra dispuesto a combinar su luna de miel en París con un atentado contra un exiliado político italiano que había sido profesor suyo.
Después de diez años de matrimonio y dos hijos, Ana María se encuentra con Andrés, un viejo amigo del que siempre había estado enamorada. Cuando Pepa Turull, su amiga más íntima desde los tiempos del colegio, se da cuenta de lo que está sucediendo, lucha por apartarla del camino equivocado. (FILMAFFINITY)
João Fernandes de Oliveira
Un viejo millonario que tiene trastornadas sus facultades mentales mata a una famosa cantante de la que está enamorado. El cadáver se lo llevan unos contrabandistas a quienes les interesa ocultar su muerte. Belén, una hermosa muchacha de los arrabales de Río que tiene un asombroso parecido físico con la difunta, conoce casualmente a los contrabandistas, que la llevan a la mansión del millonario. Éste, confundiéndola con su amante muerta, la colma de atenciones.
A film about twin bothers Jacob & Esau
Durante el décimo año de la guerra de Troya, la tensión entre Aquiles y Agamenón aumenta, dividiendo al campamento griego y aumentando la esperanza de los griegos.
Monsignor Barca
Virginia de Leyva, daughter of a Spanish Lord, becomes a nun in Monza, in 1600s. She becomes very strict with herself and the students until she's unable to resist a romance with the nobleman Gian Paolo Osio which will lead both to danger.
Italian adaptation of the historical novella of the same name by Nikolai Gogol.
Omar - Nadir's Father
Siglos atrás, la presión fiscal sobre el pueblo condujo a una revuelta contra el usurpador del trono y la llegada al poder de un nuevo líder.
Captain Hugh Hardy
A wealthy and self-serving man, sets out on a perilous ocean voyage with his son. An unexpected incident with the vessel causes him to reflect on his not so perfect life.
General Benito Mesci
Gerardo es un actor al que nadie considera como tal. Pero éste no es su único problema: Su amigo Lallo le meterá en una serie de líos y Elena, su prometida, le presionará para que cambie de vida y se case con ella.
Doctor boxing
The changing fortunes of two boxers are explored in this interesting drama by Paolo Heusch, seen from the point of view of the women the boxers love. One of the pugilists is a rookie on the rise and his sister has married the reigning champion. Now the champ is getting older and less able to hold his own against the newcomers -- including his brother-in-law. As his fortunes begin to decline, his wife whom he married while affluent is slowly forced to deal with the difficulties of poverty. This Italian drama was an entry in the 1959 Berlin Film Festival.
The Provence, somewhere in the 1950's. Paul Verdier, traveling salesman, leaves his home and his quarrelsome wife for his weekly round. On the train he meets a young woman, Marie, who looks a little lost. No wonder. Marie is pregnant but lacks the customary husband. She's returning to her village but is not exactly looking forward to the confrontation with her parents and the villagers, all pretty conservative people. After getting to know Paul a little better (for which there is ample time during the trip by train and bus) Marie decides to ask Paul to act as her husband, just to allay the suspicions of her family. After some hesitating Paul accepts, charmed by the girl and unaware of the complications such is bound to cause to his own life.
Giuseppe Verdi
The film covers a hundred years in the lives of the Ricordi family, the Milan publishing house of the title, and the various composers and other historic personalities, whose careers intersected with the growth of the Ricordi house. It beautifully draws the parallel between the great music of the composers, the historic and social upheavals of their times, as well as the "smaller stories" of the successive generations of Ricordi.
En el siglo XIX, en Sierra Morena y en la Serranía de Ronda proliferaban los bandoleros, quienes en solitario o reunidos en partidas, sembraban el pánico asaltando y asesinando a los viajeros. Muchos de ellos fueron cantados, como benefactores de los pobres, en coplas y romances de ciego que dieron origen al mito del bandido generoso. En realidad, casi todos ellos eran hombres despiadados y sin sentimientos. Sin embargo, uno de ellos, Lucero, era considerado en toda la serranía como el paladín de los desheredados de la fortuna.
Ispettore Moroni
Producers of phony currency become the object of a crackdown by law enforcement agencies.
Laurent Bertal (Italian version)
Evelyne, a judge's young wife, falls in love with Rémy while vacationing in Italy. Upon returning home, she must decide between telling her husband and continuing to see Rémy.
Tito Ansperti
Drama set in Milan in 1858. Dr. Antonio Ansperti from Como, implicated in the clandestine activities of the Young Italy revolutionary movement, is arrested by the Austrian authorities. After a trial he is sentenced to death and executed, in spite of efforts by his countryman Count Lamberti to intervene on his behalf with the Governor of Milan.
Pianista Marco de Santis
Alberto Reyes
El azar reúne a cuatro hombres en la mesa de un café durante una partida de póquer. La entrada de una mujer les trae recuerdos a todos ellos y hace que cada uno hable de su experiencia amorosa pasada.
A bordo de un submarino en el Oslo de 1945, Gilbert, un médico francés, es secuestrado por un grupo de oficiales nazis. En la embarcación habitan todo tipo de fugitivos evitando ser capturados por el bando aliado. Un jefe de la Gestapo, un general alemán, un industrial italiano y un periodista francés colaborador nazi viajan en este barco. Cuando se recibe la noticia del armisticio, un motín estalla a bordo del submarino.
Román Brunet
Andrea, al iniciar sus estudios universitarios, deberá soportar a sus molestos parientes mientras viva en casa de su abuela. La casa está cargada de rencillas familiares y sólo podrá sobrellevarlo con un fuerte carácter.
The story is taken from the drama "I Pescatori" (The Fishermen) by Raffaele Viviani, and is set in a fishing island off the coast of Naples (clearly identifiable with Ischia). Here lives Concetta, a widow with two children, who now lives with another man who however secretly lusts after his stepdaughter until when, on a stormy night...
Carlo Sanna
In Naples, a local composer falls in love with an American tourist.
The life of Saint Benedict, the founder of Western Monasticism.
Dr. Paolo Martini
A compelling portrayal of postwar Rome
il cardinal Giovanni de' Medici
Un marinero, Paolo, se enamora de una chica llamada Luisa conocida gracias a un amigo. Los dos,después de algunos eventos, se casan, pero el día del matrimonio la mujer sufre un grave accidente automovilístico. El hombre trata de olvidar al amor perdido perdiéndose a sí mismo en el alcohol, pero un día conoce a una mujer, Rita, que se parece mucho a la chica de la que se había enamorado locamente.
Ruggero D'Anzi
Andrej Taganov
The second part (Part One released the same year was Noi vivi) of the adaptation of Ayn Rand’s debut novel We the Living , a story of life in post-revolutionary Russia and Rand's first statement against communism.
Andrei Taganov
Part One (Part Two was released as Addio Kira!) At 18, the beautiful and smart Kira comes to Petersburg as the Communists consolidate power. She rebuffs a cousin who rises in the Party and may remember the slight. She falls in love with Leo, the son of an aristocrat, who gets into political trouble and never gets out. Meanwhile, a Party leader, Andrei, also loves her, and she feigns love for him to get political protection for Leo and money to pay for his TB treatment. But can Leo forgive her being Andrei's mistress?
Andrea Anickoff
Count Anikoff, a Russian officer, challenges his best friend, Sergei, to a duel when he finds him courting the young woman he, too, is in love with. Sergei can't bring himself to kill his friend. He fires only after taking the bullet out of his pistol. Now, it is the Count's turn to fire...
Hauptmann Enrico Berti / Il capitano Enrico Berti
The film is set in 1941 during the Second World War, when the city of Benghazi in Italian-ruled Libya was occupied by British forces. Italian inhabitants of Benghazi work to resist the British and discover their military plans. One man, Captain Enrico Berti, appears to be collaborating with the British but is in fact working undercover for Italian intelligence. The film ends with the city being recaptured by Italian troops and their Nazi German allies.
Alberto Serrani
Alberto Serrani, a mining engineer, meets doctor's daughter Marina, sweet and simple, and the notorious and frivolous Clara who falls for him immediately.
When she is in jail to defend her colleague, the secretary Anna Alessandri finds out that her man got engaged to another woman.
Carlos de la Riva
Salvatore, fratello di Adele
Seduced and abandonned by her fiance, Maria Ferrante leaves home to avoid any scandal. She is trying to find work and place to stay but one misfortune after another comes into her life Venice Film Festival 1940
Cap. Vela
Dos jóvenes alumnos de la Academia Militar de Toledo, de permiso en Madrid, reciben la noticia de la sublevación militar del general Franco. Temerosos de la situación en la capital, deciden presentarse ante su superior en la Academia y ponerse a sus órdenes, lo que hace que se trasladen a Toledo y decidan apoyar desde allí a los facciosos, estableciendo su cuartel general en el Alcázar.
Javier Navarro (Italian cut)
Javier Navarro, un falangista, recibe la orden de infiltrarse en el Madrid republicano para entregar un mensaje a un miembro de la Quinta Columna.
Harry Peters
Italian filmmaker Carmine Gallone was still in his "operetta" mode when he helmed 1938's Il Sogno di Butterfly (Dream of the Butterfly) Maria Cebotari plays opera diva Rosa Belloni, currently starring in a production of Puccini's Madama Butterfly. The plot thickens when Rosa's backstage life begins to mirror the travails of the character she is portraying. The climax comes when Harry Peters (Fosco Giachetti), the American father of Rosa's illegitimate child, returns after four years with his new wife in tow, leading inexorably to a doleful ending both on- and offstage. Critics complained about the substandard photography in Il Sogno di Butterfly, but this might have been due to poor laboratory work.
Giuseppe Verdi
Giuseppe Verdi, adolescente soñador e inconformista, decide abandonar su ciudad natal para estudiar música en Milán. Enfrentado al rechazo inicial del selecto círculo de la ópera italiana, Verdi vive en el fracaso hasta que conoce a la popular soprano Giuseppina Strepponi, con la que contrae matrimonio y comienza así una intensa trayectoria tan llena de éxitos como de fracasos.
Giorgio Duclos
An adventuress serves as bait for a swindler, who robs the naive people she brings to him with poker. A childhood friend helps him.
Captain Massinissa
Película histórica que se centra en la figura del procónsul romano Escipión y en sus esfuerzos para terminar con el poder del general cartaginés Aníbal.
Capitano Negri
Directed by Romolo Marcellini.
Il capitano Santelia
Lieutenant Mario Ludovici, an army officer, gets himself transferred to a Libyan post when his romance with society girl Cristiana goes on the rocks. Ludovici is looked upon as a weakling by Captain Santelia, the hard-boiled commander of the troops, but after a bitter campaign against a rebel tribe Ludovici proves his true worth and returns as commander when Santelia is mortally wounded. Cristiana arrives and tries to entice him to return to Rome, but he decides to stay in Africa with the army.
Colonnello Redfern