Reginald Denny

Reginald Denny

Nacimiento : 1891-11-20, Richmond, Surrey, England, UK

Muerte : 1967-06-16


Reginald Denny (born Reginald Leigh Dugmore) was an English stage, screen, and television actor, as well as an aviator and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) pioneer.


Reginald Denny


Batman: La película
Commodore Schmidlapp
Adaptación a la gran pantalla del popular cómic de Bob Kane, que ese mismo año y con los mismos protagonistas conocía una exitosa versión en formato de serie de televisión que duraría dos años en la pequeña pantalla. Batman y Robin se enfrentan a un grupo de criminales entre los que se encuentran sus eternos rivales Joker y El Pingüino, quienes se han apoderado de un sofisticado artilugio para dominar el mundo.
Asalto al Queen Mary
Historia de unos modernos piratas que intentan secuestrar y robar el famoso trasatlántico Queen Mary.
La ingenua explosiva
Sir Harry Percival
El rancho familiar de Catherine "Cat" Balou (Jane Fonda) se ve amenazado por la inminente llegada del ferrocarril. La joven maestra de escuela, empeñada en conservar sus raíces, busca la ayuda de Kid Shelleen (Lee Marvin), pero descubre que es el pistolero más borracho de todo el Oeste. Cuando su padre muere asesinado por matones a sueldo de la compañía del ferrocarril, ella jura vengarse.
The Phantom
Commissioner R.G. Mallory
The Phantom, along with canine companion Devil, investigate wicked doings at the plantation of Mrs. Harris. An unsold TV pilot based on the popular superhero.
The Last Tycoon
Based off the F. Scott Fitzgerald novel of the same title, a movie producer is slowly working himself to death.
La vuelta al mundo en 80 días
Police Chief
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Julio Verne. Un ladrón ha robado 55.000 libras del banco de Inglaterra. Todos creen que ha sido Philleas Fogg, un auténtico caballero inglés, que ha hecho una apuesta con sus compañeros de club, asegurando que es capaz de dar la vuelta al mundo en 80 días.
Fuga a Birmania
En la antigua Birmania dominada por los ingleses, una joven ha heredado una plantación de té en Oriente. Los problemas se le multiplican a la muchacha, pero sabe vencerlos con coraje, hasta que un peligro superior la acecha cuando un perseguido por la justicia busca cobijo en sus posesiones.
Sir Cedric
El hombre, su elefante y su tigre disuelven un culto de adoración al fuego del indio.
World for Ransom
Major Ian Bone
In Singapore, a private detective and the British authorities are on the trail of a crime syndicate that kidnaps a nuclear physicist with the aim of selling him to the highest bidder.
Abbott y Costello contra el Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde
Abbott y Costello se meten en la piel de un par de policías norteamericanos que viajan a Londres para aprender nuevas técnicas de sus compañeros ingleses. Allí conocen al rarito Dr. Jekyll y por error uno de ellos acaba inyectándose con una extraña jeringa que hace que el médico se convierta en un siniestro personaje.
Fort Vengeance
Inspector Trevett
Two brothers flee America and join the Canadian North West Mounted Police. One brother is good, the other bad, both men on a collision course just as trouble starts to brew with the Indians.
The Iroquois Trail
Capt. Edward Brownell
An American scout and his Indian friend help the English troops against the French during the French and Indian War.
Screen Actors
Self (uncredited)
This short film takes a look at the off-screen personas of screen actors.
Los Blandings ya tienen casa
Henry L. Simms
El publicista Jim Blandings, casado y con dos hijas, está harto de los ruidos, las prisas y las tensiones de Manhattan. Por eso, decide comprar una casa de campo en Connecticut; pero la casa se encuentra en tan mal estado que la única solución es derribarla y construir una nueva. La hipoteca, mil gastos imprevistos y toda clase de incidentes hacen que Jim Blandings empiece a arrepentirse de su decisión.
Nunca huyas de mí
Mr. MacLean
Venecia 1900. Cuando Fenella se entera de que su prometido, el compositor Caryl Dubrok, está viviendo con Gemma, una madre soltera, rompe su compromiso. En un viaje a los Alpes conoce a otro compositor llamado Sebastian Dubrok; ignora que es el hermano de Caryl y el hombre con quien vive Gemma. Se enamora de él, pero no puede evitar que se case con Gemma. Al volver a Inglaterra, se compromete otra vez con Caryl, pero el ballet que le dedica Sebastian hará que no pueda olvidar su amor por él.
Christmas Eve
Phillip Hastings
The greedy nephew of eccentric Matilda Reid seeks to have her judged incompetent so he can administer her wealth, but she will be saved if her three long-lost adopted sons appear for a Christmas Eve reunion. Separate stories reveal Michael as a bankrupt playboy loved by loyal Ann; Mario as a seemingly shady character tangling with a Nazi war criminal in South America; Jonathan as a hard-drinking rodeo rider intent on a flirtatious social worker. Is there hope for Matilda?
La vida secreta de Walter Mitty
Walter Mitty, es un escritor soñador con una madre sobreprotectora, al que le gusta imaginar que es un héroe que vive fantásticas aventuras. Su sueño se convierte en realidad cuando conoce accidentalmente a una misteriosa mujer que le entrega un pequeño libro negro. Según ella, contiene las ubicaciones de las joyas de la corona holandesa, ocultas desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Pronto, Mitty se encuentra en medio de una conspiración, donde tendrá dificultades para diferenciar entre la realidad y la ficción.
Pasión en la selva
Police Inspector
A Wilson, un cazador profesional afincado en Kenya, lo contratan Margot y Francis Macomber para hacer un safari por la sabana africana. Wilson organiza para ellos una cacería, pero, cuando llega el momento de enfrentarse con un león, Francis, dominado por el miedo, huye despavorido. Por otra parte, el señor Macomber empieza a sospechar que su mujer se ha enamorado de Wilson y trama un plan para comprobarlo.
Morena y peligrosa
James Collins
El fotógrafo infantil Ronnie Jackson, cuenta la historia que le llevó al corredor de la muerte en San Quintin. Cuando se queda a cargo de la oficina de un detective privado vecino suyo, Ronie recibe a la Baronesa Montay; a fin de localizar al Barón que, al parecer, ha desaparecido. La trama irá complicándose y Ronnie tendrá que descubrir la verdad para salvar su vida mientras es perseguido por un crimen.
La huella de un recuerdo
Mr. Wendall
La vida sentimental de una bella mujer y la de los hombres que se enamoran de ella se ven condenadas al fracaso por culpa de un trauma que sufrió de pequeña: fue acusada de robar un relicario por una cruel y violenta mujer
Maria Montez plays a Spanish dancer named Rita, who is determined to bring Nazi collaborator Colonel Jose Artiego (Preston Foster) to justice. Artiego is at presently working incognito, as military governor of the North African city of Tangier. Maria finds an unexpected ally in the form of Artiego's discarded mistress Dolores (Louise Allbritton).
Cartas a mi amada
Defense Counsel Phillips
Roger pide a su compañero de armas, Allen, que escriba en su nombre cartas de amor a Victoria, joven a la que conoció en un encuentro breve en Inglaterra antes de ser enviado al frente italiano.
Song of the Open Road
Director Curtis
A beautiful child star tires of life in the spotlight and so disguises herself and sneaks off to join a Civilian Conservation Corps camp to work with normal kids. It doesn't take her long to discover that being "normal" isn't easy as it looks. When a crop is in danger of being ruined because there are not enough people to harvest it, the girl employs some of her famous colleagues to lend a hand. Songs include: "Too Much in Love," "Here It Is Monday," "Delightfully Dangerous," "Hawaiian War Chant" and "Notre Dame."
The Crime Doctor’s Strangest Case
Paul Ashley
The Crime Doctor gets involved in the case of the poisoning of a wealthy industrialist.
Thunder Birds
On a secluded base in Arizona, veteran World War I pilot Steve Britt trains flyers to fight in World War II. One of his trainees, Englishman Peter Stackhouse, competes with Britt for the affections of Kay Saunders, the daughter of a local rancher. Despite their differences, Britt makes sure Sutton passes his training and becomes a combat pilot -- even though he loses Kay to the young man in the process.
Eyes in the Night
Stephen Lawry
Blind detective Duncan Maclain gets mixed up with enemy agents and murder when he tries to help an old friend with a rebellious stepdaughter.
Hedda Hopper’s Hollywood No. 6
Narrator Hopper covers two war benefit affairs, a garden party and a USO fashion show, at Pickfair, "The White House of Hollywood."
Sherlock Holmes y la voz del terror
Sir Evan Barham
La historia traslada a una época en la que el conflicto con la Alemania nazi es la orden del día. En esos días, una serie de emisiones de radio llegan de parte del bando alemán, en la que se relatan operaciones recientes de estos en contra del ejército británico, muchas de estas acciones se llevan a cabo a misiones de alto secreto británico, por lo que hay algo que no funciona bien en el alto mando, así que solicitarán la ayuda del gran detective para poder llegar al fondo del asunto.
Capitanes de las nubes
Commanding officer
James Cagney es un piloto que se enrola en la fuerza aérea canadiense durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945).
Over My Dead Body
Richard 'Dick' Brenner
Berle plays a mystery writer who forever writes himself into corners and is never able to finish a story. While visiting his wife (Mary Beth Hughes) at the office where she works, Berle overhears several men discussing the suicide of a coworker. Struck with a brilliant notion, Berle decides to confess to the murder of the dead man, certain that he'll be able to wriggle out of the situation and thereby have plenty of material for a story.
Appointment for Love
Michael Dailey
André Cassil y Jane Alexander deciden impulsivamente casarse. La luna de miel termina muy rápidamente cuando Jane expresa sus puntos de vista progresistas sobre el matrimonio, que incluyen dormir en habitaciones separadas. André trata de ponerla celosa con el fin de atraerla hacia su habitación.
International Squadron
Wing Commander Severn
The true story of the exploits of the RAF's (Royal Air Force) foreign legion battling the German Luftwaffe (Nazi Germany's Air Force) during the early months of 1941 during WWII before America officially entered the war at the end of the year when Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan and Hitler declared war on the United States. The United States then drafted all of their airmen and fighter pilot aces into the United States Air Force for their own combat missions against the Luftwaffe
One Night In Lisbon
Erich Strasser
Saucy screwball comedy wherein lovely Madeleine falls in love with flier Fred despite interference from her fiancee and his ex.
De isla en isla
Captain Church
La cantante de cabaret Bijou, expulsada de varias islas del Océano Indico por suscitar peleas, recala en Boni Komba para trabajar en el Café Seven Sinners. Tiene mucho éxito entre los marineros americanos, especialmente con el Teniente Dan Brent. Cuando Dan le propone matrimonio, su carrera y su vida correrán peligro
Spring Parade
The Major
In this light and lovely romantic musical, a Hungarian woman attends a Viennese fair and buys a card from a gypsy fortune teller. It says that she will meet someone important and is destined for a happy marriage. Afterward she gets a job as a baker's assistant. She then meets a handsome army drummer who secretly dreams of becoming a famous composer and conductor. Unfortunately the military forbids the young corporal to create his own music. But then Ilonka secretly sends one of the drummer's waltzes to the Austrian Emperor with his weekly order of pastries. Her act paves the way toward the tuneful and joyous fulfillment of the gypsy's prediction.
Frank Crawley
Al poco tiempo de perder a su esposa Rebeca, el aristócrata inglés Maxim De Winter conoce en Montecarlo a una joven humilde, dama de compañía de una señora americana. De Winter y la joven se casan y se van a vivir a la mansión inglesa de Manderley, residencia habitual de De Winter. Pronto la señora Winter se da cuenta de que no puede borrar en su marido el recuerdo de su difunta esposa.
Bulldog Drummond's Bride
Algy Longworth
Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond is on the precipice of matrimony to his beloved Phyllis -- but a bank robbery and a daring escape is going to get in their way before they reach the altar.
Hollywood Hobbies
Himself (uncredited)
In this short film, two starstruck movie fans hire a tour guide and see a plethora of Hollywood stars.
Bulldog Drummond's Secret Police
'Algy' Longworth
Captain Drummond and his girlfriend want to marry but a hidden treasure in the house in which they want to celebrate their marriage is complicating the situation involving a series of deaths and an elusive murderer.
Everybody's Baby
Dr. Pilcoff
The Jones family encounters new theories of childrearing when an author arrives in town to lecture on the topic.
Arrest Bulldog Drummond
Algy Longworth
The invention of a machine that can cause remote explosions brings the attention of Scotland Yard and Bulldog Drummond.
Bulldog Drummond in Africa
Algernon 'Algy' Longworth
Drummond has to leave for Morocco on his wedding day with his fiancee and trusted friends to rescue his friend Nielsen who is kidnapped by an international criminal.
Edward Grant
En la guerra civil española, un campesino se rebela ante la idea de abandonar su tierra para incorporarse a filas. Cuando es trasladado al cuartel general para entrar en combate, conoce a una hermosa mujer, que resulta ser una espía del bando contrario. Durante un ataque aéreo, buscan cobijo refugiándose en una casa que resulta bombardeada, quedando ambos bajo los escombros. El campesino intentará convencer a la mujer de que sus ideas representan la opresión...
Cuatro hombres y una plegaria
Douglas Loveland
Tres jóvenes hombres buscan al asesino que mató a su padre, un hombre al que admiraban mucho. Su viaje les lleva desde la India hasta América del Sur, Londres, Egipto, y EE.UU. Mientras avanzan en sus investigaciones, empiezan a descubrir la verdad oculta y perturbadora sobre la muerte de su padre
Bulldog Drummond's Peril
Algy Longworth
Drummond's wedding with Phyllis is interrupted when the inspector guarding their gifts is killed. He tries to trace the killers and uncovers the mystery of diamond counterfeiters.
Bulldog Drummond's Revenge
Algy Longworth
Captain Drummond is travelling to Switzerland to marry his girlfriend. However, when a cargo containing dangerous explosives goes missing from its place, Drummond is forced to delay his plans.
Beg, Borrow or Steal
Clifton Summitt
We find con-man Ingraham Steward living by his wits by steering wealthy Paris visitors to sellers of fake paintings and other assorted dodges. He and his wife, Agatha, have been separated for 15 years, but he promises to give their daughter, Joyce, a lavish wedding at his "château" in France. The fact that he doesn't have a château in France is just a minor trifle. He induces the caretaker, Bill Cherau, of a large country estate to allow it to be used for the wedding. The wedding party arrives and Bill falls madly in love with Joyce and she with him, but a gal has gotta do what a gal has gotta do, and her intended marriage to stuffed-shirt Horace Miller stays on the books. But Steward has a change of heart and he tells one and all that he and his friends, Von Gersdorff, Lefevre, Iznamof, Clifton Summitt and Sasch, are all frauds and crooks. Horace and his family stalk out, which is just fine with Joyce as her true love, the caretaker, is waiting on the grounds.
Sunday Night at the Trocadero
Master of Ceremonies
A series of vignettes with a loose plot. Featured are Frank Morgan, Groucho Marx, Frank McHugh, Robert Benchley and The Brian Sisters. Not bad, more interesting for the historical significance than for entertainment.
Bulldog Drummond Comes Back
Algy Longworth
Drummond's girlfriend is kidnapped by his enemies and he along with his friend Nielsen, an inspector from Scotland Yard, follow the trail and try to rescue her from the kidnappers.
Jungle Menace
Ralph Marshall
Mystery and adventure, surrounding a stolen rubber harvest.
The Great Gambini
William Randall
A millionaire is found murdered in his apartment. Suspicion falls on a variety of suspects, including his fiancée and her parents, the butler, and a professional mentalist known as The Great Gambini.
Let's Get Married
George Willoughby
Let's Get Married is a 1937 American comedy film starring Ida Lupino, who plays the daughter of a political consultant, Joe Quinn. From Wikipedia
Women of Glamour
Fritz 'Frederick' Eagan
A girl with a reputation falls for a wealthy playboy.
Join the Marines
Steve Lodge
New York City cop Phil Donlon leaves the force to join the U.S. Olympic team. When he falls for a Marine colonel's daughter he gets kicked off the team. Joining the Marines to win the Colonel's approval many adventures follow.
Bulldog Drummond Escapes
Algy Longworth
Drummond manages to save a woman from jumping in front of his car but she runs away with his car. He traces her and she asks him to help her out of a dangerous situation.
We're in the Legion Now
Dan Linton
Two petty gangsters trying to elude their enemies join the French Foreign Legion.
More Than a Secretary
Bill Houston
When the co-owner of a secretarial school visits a magazine editor to find out why he runs through secretaries, she's mistaken for an applicant. Drawn to him, she accepts the position.
Two in a Crowd
James Stewart Anthony
When two halves of a thousand-dollar bill are discovered in the snow, the penniless pair that individually grabs each half must come to terms. Actress Julia Wayne needs the whole $1,000, and so does sportsman Larry Stevens. Since compromise will serve neither of their needs, they are stalemated - until complications arise.
Romeo y Julieta
Adaptación de la inmortal obra de William Shakespeare sobre el romance de dos jóvenes que se enamoran a pesar de las desavenencias de sus respectivas familias. Llama la atención la elección de Cukor de dos actores maduros (Leslie Howard contaba con 43 años de edad y Norma Shearer con 34) para los papeles principales.
It Couldn't Have Happened (But It Did)
Greg Stone
When a play's two producers are murdered, the playwright tries to solve the crime.
The Preview Murder Mystery
Johnny Morgan
The star of "Song of the Toreador" receives threatening messages that he will not survive the preview screening of the film. The studio publicist works with the Director, the Producer and the police, to discover who is behind the threats.
Midnight Phantom
Prof. David Graham
A newly hired police chief vows to clean up a notoriously corrupt police department. When he is murdered, investigators find that there is no shortage of suspects, most of them being fellow cops.
Remember Last Night?
Jake Whitridge
After a night of wild partying at a friend's house, a couple wake up to discover the party's host has been murdered in his bed.
The Lady in Scarlet
Oliver Keith
When a wealthy art dealer is murdered, the private investigator hired for the case discovers a web of blackmail, corruption and stolen bonds.
Here's to Romance
Emery Gerard
Kathleen Gerard, a high society wife fed up with her husband's artistic "protegées", decides to take one of her own in Nino, a promising tenor, patronizing him to study in Paris. He and her girlfriend are perfectly happy until the Gerards pay a visit and Mrs. Gerard starts to show too much interest in him.
Starlit Days at the Lido
Basically this is a commercial for Hollywood's Lido Lounge and for MGM contract players. The Lido is a large watering hole; we visit one afternoon with an orchestra playing, all sorts of stars and would-be stars sitting at tables near the pool alongside paying customers, and bathing beauties parading and diving. The Lido's manager, Reggy Denny, introduces the stars in the audience. He's sometimes interrupted by someone who does a bit, sings a song, or otherwise entertains: most of these are novelty acts. By the end, everyone's having a swell time.
Ana Karenina
El conde Vronsky, joven y apuesto oficial, se enamora perdidamente de Anna Karenina, esposa de un alto funcionario de San Petersburgo. Cuando se conocieron en una estación de tren, un guardavías murió arrollado por un tren, y Anna interpretó este hecho como un mal augurio. Como el marido de Anna se niega concederle el divorcio, deciden vivir juntos, pero, a partir de ese momento, se verán marginados por la sociedad a la que pertenecen.
No más mujeres
Oliver Allen
Una mujer de la alta sociedad trata de reformar a su marido, un playboy, tratando de ponerle celoso.
Vagabond Lady
John 'Johnny' Spear
Josephine Spiggins is thinking of marrying John Spear, the stuffed-shirt son of a department store owner. When John's free-spirit brother Tony returns from touring the South Seas in his boat, the "Vagabond Lady," Jo is attracted to him instead.
Without Children
Phil Graham
Struggling architect David Cole is encouraged by his boss, Phil Graham, to fraternize with high society as a means of drumming up business. This inadvertently leads to him having an affair with a rich older woman. When his wife Sue discovers the infidelity, she divorces him and takes away their two children. It turns out this was Phil's intent all along - so he could marry Sue. With David now living in Europe, the two children grow up spoiled and self-centered under Phil and Sue's neglectful care. When one of them is shot while roughhousing, David realizes he must own up to his responsibilities as a father...but it may be too late to make a difference in his children's lives...
The Lottery Lover
Captain Payne
A crew of young military-school cadets are enjoying their first weekend in Paris. Frank Harrington, a girl-shy cadet, wins the lottery which "They" have organized, an Frank wins the right to woo the star of the Folies Bergere, Gaby Aimee, with her garter serving as proof of conquest. Meanwhile Frank has found the one girl-of-his-heart, Patty, and this serves to complicate matters.
Sangre gitana
Captain Halliwell
Los feligreses de una pequeña parroquia escocesa tratarán de impedir por todos los medios, las relaciones entre su clérigo y una bella joven de raza gitana. (FILMAFFINITY)
La venus de oro
Phillip Lockwood
Dorothy Hunter (Miriam Hopkins), una joven millonaria, se hace pasar por su secretaria Sylvia (Fay Wray), antes de embarcarse en un romance con Tony Travers (Joel McCrea). La razón es que Dorothy aspira a que la quieran por sí misma y no por su dinero
One More River
David Dornford
A young lady leaves her brutal husband and meets another man on board a ship.
Cautivo del deseo
Harry Griffiths
Philip, un estudiante de medicina, se enamora perdidamente de una camarera llamada Mildred. Ella, que le hace creer que también lo ama, ejerce sobre el joven un influjo tan poderoso que, a pesar de las humillaciones y desprecios a que lo somete, vuelve con ella una y otra vez. Esta situación de inestabilidad lo lleva a fracasar en los estudios, pero entonces empieza a comprender cuáles son las verdaderas intenciones de Mildred.
We're Rich Again
Bookington 'Bookie' Wells
La boda de su hija aporta muchas sorpresas, incluidos un cobrador de recibos muy decidido, un negocio fallido, una novia en fuga y dinero caído del cielo
Paz en la tierra
Erik von Gerhardt
Historia de una familia propietaria de una prospera fábrica textil a lo largo de un siglo (1824-1924), desde su expansión hacia Europa (Inglaterra, Francia y Alemania), pasando por la I Guerra Mundial y finalmente en la recuperación económica post-bélica, centrándose en los esfuerzos de sus miembros por mantener a la familia unida.
Dancing Man
Paul Drexel
A dancing gigolo gets involved with a wealthy lady and her young step-daughter, and murder is the result.
La patrulla perdida
Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), un grupo de soldados británicos se encuentra perdido en medio del desierto de Mesopotamia. Su comandante, que era el único que conocía el destino de la misión, resulta asesinado por un disparo de unos bandidos.
The Big Bluff
In order to show up a rival, a snobbish woman throws a party and hires an actor to pretend to be from British royalty who is an "old friend".
The Big Bluff
In order to show up a rival, a snobbish woman throws a party and hires an actor to pretend to be from British royalty who is an "old friend".
The Big Bluff
In order to show up a rival, a snobbish woman throws a party and hires an actor to pretend to be from British royalty who is an "old friend".
Dr. Winstay
The murders are committed in swift succession on board a liner crossing the Atlantic in a dense fog, and many of the passengers come under suspicion before the actual killer is bought to justice with the aid of a very substantial "ghost."
Parece que fue ayer
Película inspirada en la novela de Stefan Zweig “Carta de una desconocida”. La protagonista es una mujer que es seducida en dos ocasiones por el mismo hombre, sin que éste la reconozca la segunda vez.
Una noche en El Cairo
Gerald Hume
Melodrama con guión de Anita Loos. La acción tiene lugar en Egipto, donde una mujer americana se enamora de un rico mercader local. El choque de culturas resultará inevitable: ella es una mujer sofisticada y él un hombre de rudos modales.
Hamlet, Act I: Scenes IV and V
A 1933 screen test for a proposed, but never filmed, movie version of "Hamlet" in Technicolor, starring John Barrymore - this is the Ghost Scene.
The Iron Master
Steve Mason
The wealthy owner of an iron foundry dies, and his greedy heirs are outraged when they find out that he left his entire estate not to them but to the foreman of his foundry.
Strange Justice
Henry I. Judson
Socialite banker Henry Judson maintains his extravagant lifestyle by embezzling from his bank, but is caught by sleazy assistant manager Waters and is blackmailed by him into continuing. Close to being found out, the two devise a scheme which sends Wally, the ex-con boyfriend of pretty hat check girl Rose Abbott, to death row.
The Christmas Party
In this holiday short, Jackie Cooper wants to throw a Christmas party for his friends on his football team but doesn't know how to go about it. His fellow stars at MGM help him out.
Vidas íntimas
Victor Prynne
Elyot y Sibyl se casaron en una gran ceremonia en la iglesia. Amanda y Victor fueron casados por un juez francés de la Paz. Ambas parejas van a un hotel el mismo día y se ponen en la habitación contigua con terrazas colindantes. Las cosas van bien hasta que Amanda ve a su ex marido Elyot en la terraza adyacente...
Stepping Out
Tom Martin
After catching their husbands with other women, two wives go on a girls-only vacation.
Victor Randall
A young Frenchwoman is determined to get into and stay in show business, no matter what. Then she's determined to win a recently divorced man's heart... again, no matter what.
Pobre tenorio
Jeffrey Haywood
Reginald Irving, tímido entre los tímidos, es atropellado por Jeffrey Haywood, quien para ayudarle le lleva a casa de su prometida, Virginia Embrey, que vive con su hermana mayor, Angélica, y su madre.
Oh, for a Man!
Barney McGann
Disenchanted opera star Carlotta Manson falls for ruffian cat burglar Barney McGann and gives up her career to marry him. But Barney grows disenchanted himself at being known as the husband of a diva and itches to get back to his life of crime and manliness.
A Lady's Morals
Paul Brandt
Romantic biography of Swedish opera singer Jenny Lind and her famous affairs.
Those Three French Girls
An addled Englishman's efforts to save three young women from eviction land them all in jail and leads to other adventures and mischief.
Madame Satán
Bob Brooks
Angela y Bob Brooks son una pareja de clase alta. Por desgracia, Bob es un marido infiel. Pero Angela tiene un plan para recuperar el afecto de su marido. Un baile de máscaras se llevará a cabo a bordo de un dirigible. Angela asiste y se disfraza de diablesa. Escondida detrás de su máscara y envuelta en un atrevido vestido trata de seducir a su marido para darle una lección.
What a Man
Wade Rawlins
Wade Rawlings, a former Captain in the Gold Stream Guards, has lost his fortune and has become a wanderer in the United States. He is hired as the Kilbourne-family chauffeur after Mrs. Kilbourne, whose hobby is reforming tramps, takes note of his skill as an auto-mechanic. The rest of the family objects strongly, especially 22-year-old Eileen who takes an immediate dislike to him, but Mr. Kilbourne allows him to stay on. Shortly afterward, Mr. Kilbourne is surprised to learn that Eileen has eloped and he has a new son-in-law, and even more surprised to learn this his son-in-law is the family chauffeur.
The Voice of Hollywood No. 3
Reginald Denny hosts. Reginald Denny presents a performance by a famed female impersonator Julian Eltinage. Anita Page and Julia Faye discuss the latest fashions for women. Bobby Vernon attempts to provide musical entertainment.
Embarrassing Moments
Thaddeus Cruikshank
A couple meet, fall in love and get married in a 24-hour period.
One Hysterical Night
The scheming aunt and uncle of William Judd, heir to the family fortune, persuade him to pose as Napoleon at a fancy masquerade ball, but they are actually having him committed to an insane asylum. Since all the other inmates/attendees think they are historical figures such as Robin Hood, the Duke of Wellington, Paul Revere, William Tell, Salome, Robinson Crusoe, Sherlock Holmes and others, it takes a while for Judd to separate the wheat from the chaff and prove he is not deranged. His quest becomes more urgent when he falls in love with a nurse named Josephine, who does not think she is Napoleon's "Josephine" but is convinced Judd thinks he is Napoleaon.
One Hysterical Night
William 'Napoleon' Judd
The scheming aunt and uncle of William Judd, heir to the family fortune, persuade him to pose as Napoleon at a fancy masquerade ball, but they are actually having him committed to an insane asylum. Since all the other inmates/attendees think they are historical figures such as Robin Hood, the Duke of Wellington, Paul Revere, William Tell, Salome, Robinson Crusoe, Sherlock Holmes and others, it takes a while for Judd to separate the wheat from the chaff and prove he is not deranged. His quest becomes more urgent when he falls in love with a nurse named Josephine, who does not think she is Napoleon's "Josephine" but is convinced Judd thinks he is Napoleaon.
His Lucky Day
Charles Blaydon
When a young man acts foolish, he's either insane, in debt or in love, and there's not much difference! Real estate agent Charles Blaydon is in love and in order to get the father of his sweetheart Kay Weaver to purchase a nearby property he is must fill the vacant house next door. So he does something foolish when he offers a few months rent free to the first group of prospective buyer he finds. However in his eagerness he doesn't suspect that this peculiar group isn't a family looking for a home but actually a gang of robbers on the lam!
Clear the Decks
Jack Armitage
This 1929 drama about mistaken identities contains three eight minute scenes that involve talking. The rest of the film is silent and subtitled. The trouble begins when the hero follows a pretty lady aboard an ocean liner. He boards the ship using the name of his friend who was supposed to take the cruise for health reasons. The friend was told that if he did not board the boat, he would not receive his inheritance. Unfortunately for the hero, a male nurse believes that he is the sick friend and forces him to stay in the cabin and subsist upon a diet of goat's milk.
Red Hot Speed
A newspaper publisher's daughter is arrested for speeding. In order to avoid embarrassing her father, since his newspaper is in the midst of an anti-speeding campaign, she uses an assumed name. She is paroled into the custody of an assistant district attorney, who doesn't know who she really is.
The Night Bird
Kid Davis
A boxer falls in love with a girl he meets in the park.
Good Morning, Judge
Freddie Grey
Freddie, a rich young idler, meets Julia Harrington, a wealthy social service worker who runs a haven for reformed criminals. By telling her he is a hardened criminal, he is allowed to stay at the mission.
That's My Daddy
A wealthy bachelor lies his way out of a speeding ticket by telling the cops he's on his way to visit his baby girl in hospital - ever helpful, they accompany him whereupon a little girl attaches herself to him, with hilarious results.
That's My Daddy
James 'Jimmy' Norton
A wealthy bachelor lies his way out of a speeding ticket by telling the cops he's on his way to visit his baby girl in hospital - ever helpful, they accompany him whereupon a little girl attaches herself to him, with hilarious results.
On Your Toes!
Elliott Beresford
Silent boxing sports comedy about a boxer whose grandmother wants him to be a ballet dancer, so he has the boxers at his training camp pose as ballet dancers to fool granny, with predictable results
Una noche serrana
John Graham
Un joven se casa con una actriz, pero mientras su tío ha firmado un contrato que la vincula a la soltería, surgen muchas complicaciones.
Life in Hollywood No. 3
Part of a 7-part series exploring all aspects of Hollywood.
Fast and Furious
When Tom Brown, a wealthy young bachelor with a reckless penchant for speed, wrecks his car in an accident, he is assisted by Mr. Smithfield… When he meets Ethel, Mr. Smithfield's beautiful daughter, Tom falls in love with her at first sight…
Fast and Furious
Tom Brown
When Tom Brown, a wealthy young bachelor with a reckless penchant for speed, wrecks his car in an accident, he is assisted by Mr. Smithfield… When he meets Ethel, Mr. Smithfield's beautiful daughter, Tom falls in love with her at first sight…
El barón de incógnito
Sir Michael Fairlie
Farsa en el momento oportuno. ¡Absolutamente ridícula! Pero sin embargo divertida ...
Take It from Me
Tom Eggett
Tom Eggett, with the help of his pals, Dick and Van, loses the last cent of his inheritance, is evicted from his apartment, and is rejected by Gwen, his fiancée. A codicil to his uncle's will, however, stipulates that he shall inherit the Eggett department store provided that he operate it for 3 months at a profit. Cyrus Crabb, manager of the store, is determined to gain possession of the business and arranges for the company's credit to be canceled during Tom's management, though Grace Gordon, a stenographer, has evidence of his perfidy.
Rolling Home
Nat Alden
Nat Alden, un promotor, ha tenido mala suerte con su trato y está arruinado. Conoce a un viejo amigo del ejército que ahora es chófer del empresario que echó al infortunado Nat de su oficina. Nat va de regreso a su pequeña ciudad natal, donde se cree que es millonario. Para mantener viva la creencia, pide a su amigo que lo lleve allí en el automóvil del empresario. Las complicaciones surgen rápidamente.
El traje de etiqueta
Skinner es un humilde oficinista cuya mujer fantasea con que consiga un esperado aumento de sueldo que les permitiría mejorar su nivel de vida. Cuando un día llega a casa y se encuentra con que ella ya da por hecho que lo ha logrado, éste se siente demasiado mal como para confesarle la verdad y le sigue la corriente. El problema es cuando ella en consecuencia empieza a gastar cada vez más hasta prácticamente acabar con sus ahorros.
What Happened to Jones?
Tom Jones
La noche antes de su boda, Tom Jones es convencido por un grupo de amigos para unirse a una partida de póker, pero una redada de la policía les obliga a huir. Como única escapatoria posible, Jones se esconde en una clínica de adelgazamiento para mujeres.
California Straight Ahead
Tom Hayden
Wealthy racing driver Tom Hayden (Reginald Denny) loses his inheritance and his fiance due to a wacky mishap on his wedding day.
Where Was I?
Thomas S. Berford
A young man gets engaged to a business competitor's daughter.
I'll Show You the Town
Alec Dupree
British comedian Reginald Denny plays a professor who is escorting three different women and needs to make a choice.
Ay, Doctor
Rufus Billings Jr.
Nadie creía que Rufus Billop sobreviviría como recién nacido. Luego vivió su infancia y adolescencia rodeado de médicos y medicinas, preocupado por su frágil salud y convirtiéndose en un hipocondríaco consumado. Cuando tres comerciantes consideran que su caso es una buena inversión a cambio de una futura fortuna, un médico sabio le prescribe una vista encantadora para contemplar desde su cama de enfermo y todo empieza a cambiar. (filmaffinit)
The Fast Worker
Terry Brock
Roxbury asks his friend Terry to assume his identity and go on vacation with his wife, Edith, and their daughter. When Terry falls in love with Edith's sister, a scandal erupts at the resort.
The Reckless Age
Dick Minot
Lord Harrowby takes out an $100,000 insurance policy to be paid if his wedding to Cecilia Meyrick is cancelled. The insurance company sends Dick Minot to make sure the wedding takes place, but he falls in love with the bride.
The City of Stars: A Reporters Visit to the Universal Studios
The City of Stars is structured as a "coming attractions" promo within the fictional framework of an Eastern editor (vaudeville actor Broderick O'Farrell) arriving in Los Angeles to meet with Universal's advertising manager. The sceneic resources of the studio are showcased throughout, with a "See America First" wagon visible in one scene, and a scattering of panoramic shots of Universal City and the Universal zoo.
Sporting Youth
Jimmy Wood
Jimmy Wood, a chauffeur, is mistaken for famous racing driver Splinters Wood. Because he is deeply in debt, he enters a race on the advice of Betty Rockford, daughter of a wealthy automobile manufacturer.
The Thrill Chaser
Himself - Cameo
In this partially lost silent film, a man working as a motion picture extra in Hollywood westerns impresses a visiting sheikh with his boxing skills and is engaged to go to Arabia, where he becomes involved in warring and falls in love with a beautiful princess.
Barnaby's Grudge
Kane Halliday / Kid Roberts
18th episode in the first 'Leather Pushers' series of two-reel boxing shorts.
Columbia, the Gem, and the Ocean
Kane Halliday / Kid Roberts
Fifth entry in the 2-reel New Leather Pushers third series.
Something for Nothing
Kane Halliday / Kid Roberts
16th episode in the first 'Leather Pushers' series of two-reel boxing shorts.
Don Coyote
Kane Halliday / Kid Roberts
Fifteenth entry in the Leather Pushers series of two-reel shorts.
The Wandering Two
Kane Halliday / Kid Roberts
13th episode in the first 'Leather Pushers' series of two-reel boxing shorts.
Abysmal Brute
Pat Glendon, Jr
A young man is raised in the mountains by his prizefighter father. Although he possesses great strength and athletic skill, he is completely out of his league when it comes to women. He becomes a successful boxer in San Francisco and is given the name "The Abysmal Brute". When he rescues a drowning man, he meets a beautiful socialite named Maude Sangster and falls in love. His lack of social skills proves a hindrance when a rival suitor competes with him for Maude's affections.
Joan of Newark
Kane Halliday / Kid Roberts
Twelfth episode in the first 'Leather Pushers' series of two-reel boxing shorts.
Strike Father, Strike Son
Kane Halliday / Kid Roberts
Eleventh episode in the first 'Leather Pushers' series of two-reel boxing shorts.
When Kane Met Abel
Kane Halliday / Kid Roberts
Tenth episode in the first 'Leather Pushers' series of two-reel boxing shorts.
The Chickasha Bone Crusher
Kane Halliday / Kid Roberts
Ninth episode in the first 'Leather Pushers' series of two-reel boxing shorts.
He Raised Kane
Kane Halliday / Kid Roberts
Eighth episode in the first 'Leather Pushers' series of two-reel boxing shorts.
Young King Cole
Kane Halliday / Kid Roberts
Seventh entry in the Leather Pushers series of two-reel shorts.
The Kentucky Derby
Donald Gordon
Posing as relatives, Ralph and Helen Gordon visit Col. Moncrief Gordon's Kentucky mansion, hoping to marry Helen to the colonel's son, Donald. The colonel agrees, but Donald balks at the suggestion, then reveals his secret marriage to Alice Brown. The colonel turns them out, and Ralph conspires with Bob Thurston to frame Donald for theft of Colonel Gordon's wager money and to shanghai him. After 3 years Donald discovers the source of his misfortune, returns, finds his wife, hears of a plot against his father's best racehorse, wrings a complete confession from Thurston, and saves the Derby for his repentant father.
The Jaws of Steel
Cpl. Haldene, N.W.M.P.
The Jaws of Steel is a 1922 Silent Western.
Never Let Go
Campbell - the Mountie
Never Let Go is a 1922 Western short.
Kane Halliday / Kid Roberts
A film short as part of The Leather Pushers film series
The Taming of the Shrewd
Kane Halliday / Kid Roberts
Part of The Leather Pushers boxing film series.
A Fool and His Money
Kane Halliday / Kid Roberts
A Fool and His Money part of the Leather Pushers film series. May be actually titled A Fool and Honey
Payment Through the Nose
Kane Halliday/Kid Roberts
"The Leather Pushers" were a charming series of comedies based upon the story of a prize-fighter from the Colliers articles by H.C. Witwer. Each episode was self-contained and complete in itself. Formerly wealthy Kane Halliday ( Reginald Denny), fighting as the elegant "Masked Mystery", pays more attention to his flirtation with a chorus girl, Estelle, than his boxing career - frustrating his manager at every turn. Estelle, not realizing her new beau is is actually a prize fighter, is under the mistaken impression that he's a rich playboy, a belief that Halliday does nothing to correct. The manager sets out enlighten her in spectacular fashion!This entry from the series includes some terrific night scenes of New York's Times Square as it appeared in 1922. Titles from other Universal productions are prominently displayed on the theater marquees!
Round Two
Kane Halliday/Kid Roberts
"The Leather Pushers" were a charming series of comedies based upon the story of a prize-fighter from the Colliers articles by H.C. Witwer. Each episode was self-contained and complete in itself. Formerly wealthy Kane Halliday, finds he must support himself with his fists in the ring after his father goes suddenly broke. A great mix of comedy and action set against the gritty world of the old New York boxing scene.
Sherlock Holmes
Prince Alexis
Sherlock Holmes is a master at solving the most impenetrable mysteries, but he has his work cut out for him on his latest case. Prince Alexis is accused of a theft that he insists he didn’t commit. The evidence is stacked against him, but Holmes’ trusted friend, Dr. Watson, vouches for the prince. As the famed detective investigates, he’s brought face to face with his most devious adversary yet — Professor Moriarty.
Let's Go
Kane Halliday / 'Kid' Roberts
The first film in the first "Leather Pushers" series from Universal.
The Iron Trail
Dan Appleton
Alaskan railroad magnate Curtis Gordon hires engineer Dan Appleton to design a railroad route up the Salmon River to the rich gold country. Gordon turns down the engineer's proposed route in favor of his own, and Appleton quits. Murray O'Neil, a rival builder, hires him and falls in love with his sister Eliza, while Appleton courts Natalie, Gordon's stepdaughter. Following Appleton's plan, O'Neil lays the trail with a bridge crossing the river in face of Gordon's opposition.
Tropical Love
The Drifter
Tropical Love is a 1921 Romance film
Tropical Love
Tropical Love is a 1921 Romance film
Brett Page
Exotic Russian actress Lisa Parsinova tires of her glamorous life on the New York stage and returns, under her actual identity as Lizzie Parsons, to her small New England hometown. But she is pursued by a young man who is in love with the famed Russian alter ego.
The Beggar Maid
The Earl of Winston / King Cophetua
The painter Burne-Jones and his famed painting "The Beggar Maid" are depicted in this speculative drama about the creation of the painting. Burne-Jones plays matchmaker for a young British nobleman who has fallen in love with a servant girl on his estate. The artist shows that love can thrive between members of different classes by depicting on canvas a picture from Tennyson's poem about the love of King Cophetua for a beggar maid. As he relates the story of the poem in words and through his painting, the young earl sees the application to his own situation.
The Beggar Maid
The painter Burne-Jones and his famed painting "The Beggar Maid" are depicted in this speculative drama about the creation of the painting. Burne-Jones plays matchmaker for a young British nobleman who has fallen in love with a servant girl on his estate. The artist shows that love can thrive between members of different classes by depicting on canvas a picture from Tennyson's poem about the love of King Cophetua for a beggar maid. As he relates the story of the poem in words and through his painting, the young earl sees the application to his own situation.
Charles, Viscount Deeford
The story of British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli and the purchase by England of the Suez Canal.
Youth meets Ambition and leaves Love, his mother, and his small-town roots for the big city. There, in his search for Experience, he meets Pleasure and hangs out at the Primrose Path with the likes of Temptation and Intoxication. Back home, Youth's mother dies, and Love tries unsuccessfully to reach him. When Youth's money runs out his newfound friends all leave him and he sinks into a life of drug addiction, aided by Habit.
The Price of Possession
Robert Dawnay
After Jim Barston is mysteriously killed in Australia, his wife, Helen, lays claim to the estate of Gerald Mortimer Barston in England, asserting that her husband was the missing son and heir. In reality, Jim was the cousin of the true heir, who is also named Jim Barston. Despite having no legal proof, Helen convinces the trustees to accept her claim and is installed as mistress of the manor. Jim Barston appears and proves his identity, although Helen initially believes him to be an impostor.
Paying the Piper
Keith Larne
Larry and Barbara, both the products of rich but broken homes, plan a marriage of convenience. He really loves Marcia, a dancer, and Barbara vamps Keith, an architect. Keith's good sense prevails, and he marries Marcia and helps Larry make a man of himself. Barbara, after an unsuccessful attempt at an acting career, returns and asks forgiveness.
39 East
Napolean Gibbs Jr.
The eldest daughter of a poor preacher, Penelope Penn leaves her country home to seek her fortune in the big city.
A Dark Lantern
Prince Anton of Argovinia
Although loved by a respectable doctor, a society-girl is fascinated by a prince and follows him to Rome. When he reveals himself in his true colours, she has a nervous breakdown and her faithful doctor restores her to health - and to himself.
The Oakdale Affair
Arthur Stockbridge
Refusing to marry her stepmother's choice, Gail Prim leaves her life of luxury, after cutting her hair, dressing in her butler's clothes and stealing money and jewels from her father's safe. Spending the night in a barn, she introduces herself to the thieves already there as the Oskaloosa Kid, a wanted criminal, and barely escapes their struggle to get her loot. Meanwhile, the real Oskaloosa Kid kills Reginald Paynter and throws Nettie Penning, whom Reginald was trying to seduce, onto the highway.
Bringing Up Betty
Tom Waring
During a lawn party at his New York home, steel magnate Theodore Morton claims he is bankrupt as a deterrent to Lord Dormer and the Duke of Medonia, two fortune hunters competing for his niece, Betty. After the suitors depart, unscrupulous Carl Gates is informed by his fiancée, banker's secretary Adele Shelby, that Theodore was lying. Carl pursues Betty, who accepts his proposal with the belief that the marriage will benefit her uncle. During a yachting expedition with Carl, Betty falls overboard and is rescued by architect Tom Waring, who is competing in a race. Tom wins with Betty on board, and a romance develops.
The Melting Pot
The wide-ranging storyline of The Melting Pot takes its characters from the Jewish ghettoes of Russia to the Lower East Side of New York.
Cornelius Griffin (as Leigh Denny)
The statue of Niobe comes to life through the dream of a hen-pecked old man.