During a taping of an 80s-themed TV show, Henrychment meets Goliath, who is quite nervous holding the long boom mic for the first time. In the initial performance, oppressed by the deafening silence on set, they are limited to exchanging provocative looks that could lead up to something else. It is a colourful musical about an improbable fling, an excessive episode of mutual desire. Allow yourselves to be henryched!
1975, soplan vientos de cambio en la Portugal posrevolucionaria. Al Berto, ahora un aspirante a poeta, regresa a su pueblo natal de Sines. Se instala de forma ilegal en una mansión expropiada a su familia durante la revolución, y frecuenta a vecinos que comparten su interés por las artes y sueñan con una vida diferente. Pronto consigue un amante, João Maria, mientras provoca la ira de los residentes más conservadores.