Desde niño, Yazid tiene una gran pasión, la repostería. Criado entre casas de acogida y hogares de acogida, el joven intentará hacer realidad su sueño: trabajar con los mejores pasteleros y convertirse en el mejor.
In the last days of the summer, a group of teenagers prepare for the police re-enactment of an event that occurred a month earlier. Fatim face more than the others the return of her friend, Helena, who is accused of the case.
Chateauneuf-sur-Valone, Mayor Félix de Ponte is preparing for his re-election, hoping to beat the far-right candidate Jean-Luc Molment Martinez. But when a video revealing his extra-marital affair is broadcast on the networks, Félix's life will be turned upside down. Devastated, betrayed and humiliated, his wife, Rose, decides to react and runs against him in the elections.
Détenu mineur Larbi
Alexis Pasquier, a young French teacher, begins his first day of classes at the Nancy prison. There he meets Léa, a young woman with whom he falls madly in love. Two worlds open up to him: true love and the prison environment. He will never be the same anymore.