Boom Operator
Dorothy, una directora de cine no muy exitosa, se divierte mucho escribiendo su propio guion. Pero, cuando su productora le llama, a Dorothy se le quitan las ganas de reír: ¡Ya es hora de dejar las comedias queer y escribir películas universales! Para no hundirse en la más profunda de las angustias, Dorothy busca consuelo en su serie preferida: Romy contra los vampiros. Pero, por desgracia, parece que sus fantasmas han decidido visitarla esa noche.
Boom Operator
The Inspection is a mighty film without (luckily) any morality in the end — it is a story about what can and what cannot be told to children. A school teacher receives a visit from an educational inspector, who is trying to coherently react to the parents’ complaints. It turns out she spends too much time telling children about the horrible events of the 20th century, in particular about the Holocaust — all in contradiction to the logically drawn school curriculum. She is deeply convinced that while one cannot talk too much about the genocide of the European Jews, it is way too easy not to say enough, not to warn and not to explain.
In his first film, Julien Chauzit gathers four young adults in their twenties who are on holiday in Martigues, and he shows their political awakening, in the face of the environmental disaster to come.
Boom Operator