Léa Adriansen


The Peace and Love Process
Property Buyer
Marie and Simon, a couple with two children, are deeply in love despite constant fights in their paired life. To save their marriage, they come up with a chart of Ten Rules to seek love and peace.
Astérix y Obélix: El reino medio
Assistant Set Dresser
Un carro llega a la aldea de Astérix y Obélix, llevando a la emperatriz china Fu Yi. Ella vino a pedir ayuda después de la toma del poder por un tal Deng Tsin Qin, que derrocó a la princesa. Al parecer, la fama de los indomables galos se conoce hasta Shanghai...
Set Decoration
Sophie, 28, just found out she landed that job at a famous Parisian publisher. Her dream? Not exactly: she would rather see her own graphic work printed… When she tells her boyfriend Jean she is pregnant, everything explodes. They break up and she must return to waiting tables like her friend Julia, an aspiring actress. How can one survive in the city under such conditions?