Shinji Tanaka
Nacimiento : 1940-03-26, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Yoshie Nogami, a factory worker by day, moonlights as a hostess at a bar. One of the regulars, Eiji Kitami, invites her out on a date. Still only 19, she goes along out of curiosity and ends up spending the night at a hotel where she gives herself to him. They begin a passionate love affair and move in together, after which Yoshie begins skipping work at the factory and rarely returns to her family home. Before long, Eiji’s demeanor changes and he begins to constantly ask her for money. Despite claiming to be a businessman, he is actually a local thug, and his inability to pay his dues to his gang leads him to force Yoshie into prostitution.
A young factory worker struggles to figure out what she wants to do with her life.
Futari dake no toride
A story about four best friends and their lives inside and outside college. Then suddenly one of them receives a surprising offer to be a movie star.
El joven Sabu trabaja en una empresa portuaria como lacayo del patrón de personal, a quien profesa lealtad absoluta después de que éste le salvara la vida en la guerra cuando él tenía cuatro años. Cuando los trabajadores se declaran en huelga y empiezan a promover la creación de un sindicato, Sabu será el encargado de silenciar las protestas por medio de la violencia, sin ser consciente de las terribles consecuencias que ello acarreará.
A treasury official passed over for promotion and obsessed with careerism interferes in the lives of his three sons, who seek escape from his relentless pressure in the mortal danger of mountain climbing.
Japanese drama film.
Keiko y Saeko son una pareja de hermanas que ayudan económicamente a sus padres trabajando en una fábrica local. Además, tienen que aguantar la carga de un padre chapado a la antigua, que presiona a Keiko para que se case con un buen partido y así salve el negocio familiar. Ella se siente atraída por un compañero de trabajo pobre, pero también desea seguridad económica.
Hatsuko, una joven a punto de graduarse en el instituto, sufre un accidente de motocicleta mientras acompañaba a su novio Fusao. El doctor que la atiende en el hospital resulta ser un viejo conocido de su enviudada madre.
Tarô, the elder son
Al este de Japón, en la zona que posee el paisaje más bello del país, en un pequeño islote vive una familia: los padres y sus dos hijos. Llevan una vida sencilla y austera debido a la escasez de agua y víveres. A pesar de ello son felices. Pero, un día, la desgracia llega a la isla y afecta duramente a la familia, que luchará silenciosa y resignadamente contra los elementos de la naturaleza. Un drama sin diálogos, en el que la imagen adopta el papel de narrador absoluto.
Heikichi - 3rd Son
In a time of continuous civil wars ravaging the fields of feudal Japan, the eldest son of a very poor peasant family, living alongside the bridge over the Fuefuki river, decides to serve a warlord to escape his miserable condition, being soon followed by his younger brothers. Although not all the men of the family take this tragic path of death, women of the family will be doomed to endure the pain of loss during the next five generations.
Two outsiders start a relationship in a mining town.
Takao Nagai
En 1960, el impacto político que la revisión del Tratado de Seguridad entre Estados Unidos y Japón causa en la sociedad japonesa hace que Shimojo, un joven despreocupado que vive temerariamente, abandone el movimiento estudiantil y a sus compañeros, y empiece a interesarse en organizaciones terroristas.
Yoshimi Ito
A Makoto, que todavía va al instituto, la salva del ataque de un hombre un estudiante universitario llamado Kiyoshi. Al día siguiente, él intenta aprovecharse de la situación y se acuesta con ella, aunque luego la rechaza. Pero ella no se resigna e insiste en volver a verlo. Comienza así una relación entre ambos: ella lo sigue a todas partes y se va acostumbrando a sus actos delictivos.
Eiichi Katô
When a wealthy, selfish family decides to take care of an elderly hobo who collapsed near their home, they are beset by visits from his numerous friends.
Man C
A father curries favor with his bosses to further his career, but his wife has lost faith in him. She returns to her family home while they rent out their house during the summer to pay off their mortgage, and there she meets a lonely old man...
The plans of a trio of burglars are continually thwarted by the arrival of visitors to the house they plan to rob.
Chôshichi Tsuji
Ignoring the protests of his working-class mother, a young man becomes wrapped up in the world of delinquents and yakuza.
Yôichi Akimoto
A coming-of-age story portrayed as the loss of all youthful illusions. Sixteen-year-old Yoichi dreams of becoming a sailor. His parents are fishmongers, and Yoichi lives together with them and his four siblings in cramped living conditions. His beloved younger sister is given to a wealthy, childless uncle; his best friend moves away; the girl he fell in love with from afar is with someone else: little by little, Yoichi loses all the people that are important to him.
Masao, as a teenager
Now an old man, Masao returns to his childhood home and begins to recall his upbringing in this abandoned sector of Japan.
Japanese film.