Unit Manager
La irresponsabilidad de la prensa sensacionalista y su capacidad para ìdestruir reputaciones y vidas constituye la base de un convencional melodrama ìcon pretensiones. Un habilidoso guión y unas notables interpretaciones no ìimpiden que su obsoleta realización malogre gran parte de sus propuestas....
Unit Manager
Tras el trágico desenlace de la primera parte, "I figli di nessuno", Guido (Amedeo Nazzari) decide divorciarse, pero antes de que esto suceda, su mujer y su hija mueren en un accidente. Algunos años después, Guido conoce a Lina (Yvonne Sanson) de la que se enamora.
Unit Manager
Dante Trilli, who has been teaching in his village school for about twenty years, wins a competition for Milan. Waiting for him is his childhood friend, where he is the janitor in the school where Trilli will teach.
Unit Manager
Sor Clemente escapes the surveillance of his wife and goes to attend a variety show.
Production Supervisor
A jockey buys his favorite horse.
Production Supervisor
Combining musical and dance numbers with comedy sketches (performed by members of The Armando Curcio Company and The Gauthier Ballet Troupe)without any plot, this is more of a revue than a movie, along the lines of The Ed Sullivan television series in the U.S.
Unit Manager
Unit Manager
Guido es el rico propietario de una cantera de mármol y Luisa la hija de uno de sus empleados. Los dos se aman, pero la madre de Guido no ve con buenos ojos este amor debido a la diferencia de clase social. Cuando Luisa da a luz un hijo de Guido, su madre hace raptar al hijo y hace creer a Luisa que el niño ha muerto en un incendio. A partir de ese momento Luisa decide hacerse monja, y Guido, creyendo que ella ha muerto en el incendio (y desconociendo que había tenido un hijo suyo) decide casarse con otra mujer. Pasan los años, y cuando su madre está a punto de morir...
Unit Manager
A luckless young teacher it's suspected of committing two murders. When his lover begins to have doubt about his innocence, he seems to be doomed.
Unit Manager
Following World War II, the Allies designate that an unidentified town in the Trieste area as being partly Yugoslavian and partly Italian. A white line of demarcation splits the town in half and the townspeople are given just a short time to decides on which side of the line they will live. This leads to the dividing of homes, friends, families and the church and tensions run high.
Production Secretary
Thanks to wartime smuggling Gioconda Perfetti, a roman fruit vendor, becomes very rich. She leaves her shop and moves to a magnificent villa which once belonged to a count. She also becomes involved with some very dubious characters who profit from her ignorance and cheat her out of her money.