Erdinç Aktürk


Art Direction
A quirky receptionist in a hotel in Istanbul welcomes guests as they tumble upon their daily struggles, all to end up in a mix of chaos and dread after the arrival of a mysterious man who declares that he is their patron Saint.
Art Direction
Ghosts recorre las calles de Estambul en las horas previas a un apagón de la mano de tres mujeres: una joven aficionada al baile, una activista feminista y una mujer cuyo hijo está en la cárcel. En una ciudad en vías de gentrificación que apenas les deja sitio, el pulso y la urgencia del día termina por hacer confluir esas vidas cruzadas en una dudosa operación de tráfico de drogas. Las idas y venidas temporales, un ritmo incesante y el carisma de sus personajes completan el mosaico que compone este filme.
A suicide case is informed to the police from a mental hospital in a rocky district. Two policemen comes to hospital to investigate the case. In the same morning, Dr. Deniz comes to hospital as the new psychiatrist. Because of the heavy rain and landslide the only road and telephone connections that provide access to hospital from the city are damaged.There is no transportation to hospital and none can leave hospital. During three days, three patients are killed wildly in the hospital. Everyone becomes anxious. The police deepen the investigation. A mystical patient attracts attention.