Pauline Thomas


Second Assistant Art Director
Paris 2052. Julia, 80 years old, had a fulfilled life. On her birthday, she reflects on the decisions and circumstances that could have led her on different paths. From the age of 17 to this day, her life was full of small but critical moments. Each was a turning point with dramatic consequences. What would have happened if she had forgotten her passport, chosen a different line at the store, driven the scooter this one time...? Is her life a succession of coincidences and accidents or a ready-made path?
Tropic of Violence
Production Design
Moses era solo un bebé cuando llegó ilegalmente a Mayotte, una isla francesa de ultramar. Criado por una enfermera francesa, ahora es un niño de 13 años temido por algunos lugareños porque tiene los ojos de diferentes colores, lo que llaman los “ojos del diablo”. Tras la muerte repentina de su madre, y por temor a la deportación, se va solo a los barrios marginales donde decenas de niños viven por su cuenta, completamente abandonados de la sociedad. Siguiendo a Bruce, el tirano líder de la pandilla, Moses debe adoptar sus códigos para poder sobrevivir.
Production Design
In an abandoned warehouse, a crowd is dancing as one on 145 BPM techno music. Among them is Dustin, a young transgender woman and crew: Felix, Raya and Juan. As the night draws on, collective hysteria morphs into sweet melancholy, and euphoria into yearning for tenderness.
Production Design