Erin Gray
Nacimiento : 1950-01-07, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
The very beautiful and talented model, actress, and author Erin Gray (born January 7, 1950) was one of the first models to successfully crossover into television. She is best known as "Kate Summers" on the highly watched TV show "Silver Spoons" (1982), and "Colonel Wilma Deering" on the TV show "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" (1979). Many women admired her commanding role as Col Deering, while many men admired her beautiful looks and sexy figure. Erin Gray was born on January 7, 1950 in Honolulu. Gray moved with her family from Hawaii to California when she was eight years old and graduated from Pacific Palisades High School. She was fifteen when a chance meeting with Nina Blanchard, head of one of Hollywood's top model agencies, convinced her what she wanted to do in life. Moving to New York, she became one of the town's most sought-after models, in elite company with Farrah Fawcett, Veronica Hamel and Susan Blakely. TV viewers encountered her commercials for Breck, Max Factor, Clairol, Camay Soap and RC Cola, and a classic spot--for English Leather cologne--in which she provocatively declared, "My men wear English Leather--or they wear nothing at all!" Between modeling assignments, she studied acting with well-known coach Warren Robertson and, when movie-TV offers came in, she was ready. Universal was impressed by her performances on such series as "Police Story" (1973) and "Gibbsville" (1976) and signed her to a seven-year contract. Under that pact, the studio co-starred her as a tough-minded newspaper reporter in Irwin Shaw's Evening in Byzantium (1978) (TV). Her performance scored with both critics and audiences, and led directly to the role in "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" (1979). As a result, she has become a regular commuter between Hollywood and New York, the hub of the magazine and fashion world.
In the middle of preparing for her business’ biggest season, Diana Hart learns she inherited an old house from her beloved aunt. Matt, the estate attorney and her former flame, insists she stick around and sort out the details over Christmas break, as he tries to rekindle their old romance. But the longer Diana stays the more she finds clues that suggest her aunt was murdered, and that the culprit might be her handsome companion. Yet the bigger question is–will she survive Christmas?
Judge Ariel Harper
Una familia que lucha, ya al borde de la desintegración, enfrenta nuevos desafíos que pondrán a prueba su fe en Dios y en los demás.
Queen Alice
Jessica, una chef con dificultades que vive en un distrito de moda de Nueva York, se hizo cargo de un pequeño restaurante donde solía trabajar como mesera, pero cada vez es más difícil llegar a fin de mes. Prince Jack, que está en la ciudad para la cena benéfica navideña anual de su familia, se encuentra en la necesidad de un chef de última hora para el evento real cuando conoce a Jessica. A medida que su relación evoluciona y el romance florece, también lo hacen los obstáculos. Pero a medida que llega el evento, decide seguir adelante con la cena y puede que reciba el mejor regalo de Navidad de todos ... amor.
Molly Anderson
Cuando están a punto de ascenderla, Jean hereda un hostal muy acogedor en Alaska y poco a poco se enamora de sus tradiciones navideñas.
Patricia Faber
Steve y Cynthia son una pareja de recién casados que celebran su primera Navidad juntos. Invitan a sus familias a unirse a ellos durante las vacaciones, pero cuando Steve es despedido justo antes de Navidad y Cynthia descubre que está embarazada, ambos mantienen la noticia en secreto con la esperanza de que la celebración transcurra sin problemas.
Mayor Tomlin
Melissa y Joe están separados. Sin embargo, cuando ella tiene que ir a Palm Springs para una presentación, sus dos hijos piensan hacer todo lo posible para que estén juntos en Navidad.
Herself - 'Diana Kimble'
El documental lleva al espectador a los sucesos que tuvieron lugar en la creación de la franquicia, allá por el año 1980 en un campamento de verano de Nueva Jersey, hasta el lanzamiento del blockbuster de 2009 en el que se reiniciaba la serie. En él se ofrece una amplia variedad de material inédito, que va desde fotografías a cortes de vídeo, documentos de archivo, artes conceptuales y entrevistas con muchos de los miebros que componen el amplio reparto de las películas. El documental está basado en el libro "Crystal Lake Memories: The Completo Story of Friday the 13th".
Ethel Swift
Jordan está a punto de casarse con la pareja perfecta: un ambicioso abogado llamado Peter. Todo cambia cuando Jordan viaja con sus amigas Claire y Jessica a Las Vegas para la despedida de soltera. (FILMAFFINITY)
Mrs. Deegan
When a thirty-something couple set aside the home furnishings catalogue and decide to rekindle their relationship, they return to their old neighborhood and end up squatting illegally in their twenty-something lives.
"Four Days at DragonCon" chronicles the weekend when the largest fan-run pop-culture convention in America descends upon Atlanta.
Hope Emrys
While on vacation a disconnected family gets stranded near mystical Mt. Shasta and gets more than they could have ever bargained for. A family drama grows into a spiritual mystery, and finally becomes a mystical adventure. A glimpse into the subtle but intense possibilities of the human spirit, this story delves into that magical lore between reality and illusions, dreams and awake, and life and immortality.
Debut en el largometraje de Sandy Collora, más conocido por haber dirigido los cortometrajes de ficción "Batman: Dead End" y "World's Finest". "Hunter Prey" es un largometraje de bajo presupuesto de 90 minutos, donde soldados del futuro harán frente a criaturas del espacio.
Stefan invites his daughter, Jennifer, to travel to Romania for the funeral of his mother. His mystic girlfriend Liz travels with them to the cursed village of Pelosoara, where they are welcomed by Stefan's brother Vladimir, and Jennifer finds the locals are very peculiar people. Jennifer learns that she is the only woman from the bloodline of her father. At the funeral a stranger approaches and asks Jennifer to meet him in the square in one hour. When Jennifer arrives at the meeting place, she sees a creature devouring the man she was there to meet and is saved by Thomas. The man tells her that he is the last druid on Earth, protecting the world against the evil ancients. They were defeated by the druids in the past and banished to the spiritual world. That night, there was to be a reclamation ceremony where the evil queen possesses a vessel to open a vortex between the spiritual and the real world to bring the ancients back to Earth...
Susan Price
A young, wealthy club kid's life spirals downward into an out-of-control world of drugs, sex and violence.
Laura Sands
En una fiesta organizada por la agencia estatal de investigación, una agente resulta asesinada. La intuición de Jane Doe le lleva a investigar el programa de entrenamiento de jóvenes policías que son instruidos mediante hipnosis.
Las alarmas se disparan en una central nuclear, que para colmo, se ve afectada por una tormenta de gran intensidad. Los encargados deberán hacer frente a esta situación para evitar una catástrofe...
Mrs. Jones
La agente Kate Parker debe custodiar a una sospechosa de asesinato en su traslado de un estado a otro. Al poco rato de haber iniciado el viaje descubre que el vehículo está siendo rastreado.
Gloria Day
4 women fast from men for 100 days. No talking to, no touching of, no flirting with, and above all: no sex with men. When $1 million is offered to the first man who can break the fast, all hell breaks loose.
Bill (Robert Urich) es un policía felizmente casado que decide llevar a su mujer e hijos a una acampada familiar. Cuando se detienen a repostar gasolina, unos atracadores les atracan e intentan tomar a la mujer de Bill como rehén. En el forcejeo, ella resulta muerta de un disparo... (FILMAFFINITY)
Sharon Cox
Directed by Rene Villar Rios, this teen drama takes place at a tough love work camp for teens that is a cross between The Lord of the Flies and The Breakfast Club. As the cruel warden and brutal guards make their lives miserable, the ensemble of troubled teens confront each other and numerous problems facing their generation.
Liza Collins
La periodista Nikki Barrington debe realizar una entrevista en una cárcel de máxima seguridad por encargo de su editor jefe.
Dee Freeman
Sonny Wexler es un viejo productor de Hollywood del que ya nadie se acuerda. A él le gustaría recuperar el éxito y el respeto que le tenían en su juventud, pero los grandes estudios ya no lo quieren. Así que, al saber que tiene los días contados, decide apostar todo lo que tiene para producir su última gran película y pasar a la posteridad.
A half-Native American cop falls in love with the ghost of a young woman. He struggles to help her come to terms with her death while also seeking to bring to justice the man responsible for her murder.
Un artista marcial adolescente se ve arrojado a un mundo de robos y comportamientos riesgosos mientras investiga la muerte de su hermano mayor.
Mayor Pendleton
In the 21st Century, cybernetic research has developed advanced robots with human traits, whioch are widely used in the service industry. They have also been turned into cyber cops with a licence to kill....
Pamela Bozanich
TV movie based on the novel "Blood Brothers," about the murder of Jose Menéndez and his wife Kitty by their sons, Erik and Lyle.
Annie Corliss
A UFO abductee joins a secret government agency in order to communicate with the sole surviving alien of a downed spacecraft.
Diana Kimble
El último descendiente de la familia Voorhess debe detener a Jason, que, tras volverse loco, ha sembrado el terror y va dejando tras de sí un rastro de sangre. Si no lo consigue a tiempo, Jason podría volverse inmortal y nadie podría detenerlo.
Jenny Barrett
Larry Hogan, using various aliases, meets middle-aged women through dating services and personal ads and uses his charm to cheat them out of their money. When a number of his 'victims' ...
Captain Terry O'Malley
Un teniente de las Fuerzas Aéreas es acusado de asesinar a una joven con la que mantenía relaciones ilícitas. La mujer del militar, convencida de la inocencia de su marido, contrata a Perry Mason para que le defienda.
Inspired by a Norman Rockwell painting, this 1950s coming of age drama centers on a young man leaving home to attend college, where he will learn the lessons in becoming a man. While his family must deal with a life threatening illness.
Nadine Flowers
A Vietnam veteran who has become a drifter helps a young, single mother avenge her brother's murder and finds himself the target of a gang of dope smugglers on the Mexican border.
Betsy Forrest
This is the story of Betsy a model who is nearly 30. Now in the world of modeling that is considered to be the age of retirement. She then sets out to see what else she can do and at the same time try to straighten out her personal life cause her husband has demanded that she should be either a full time wife or give him a divorce. And she has also taken an aspiring model under her wing, and is considering also being a photographer.
Brewster Baker, corredor de coches profesional, conoce a seis huérfanos que hacen todo tipo de tareas para sobrevivir, como hacerse pasar por expertos mecánicos. Como ve que tienen una gran habilidad para la mecánica, Baker decide convertirles en su equipo técnico para las carreras.
Beatrice 'Bucky' Tate
A series pilot about a secret agent who is armed with skills learned by a computer-brain link-up -- lasting only 72 hours at a time -- and is sent to rescue a Russian submarine commander, a defector who has been kidnapped by an agent for another nation.
Paula DeFalco
An ex-football star, paralyzed from the waist down during Vietnam, accepts the challenge of coaching football in a juvenile reform school.
Beautiful Woman Three
Diecinueve años después del asesinato de un Presidente, su hermano investiga su misteriosa muerte. (FILMAFFINITY)
Col. Wilma Deering
En 1987 la NASA envía al espacio profundo la nave de prueba Ranger III. Por una lluvia de meteoritos, la nave se desvía de la órbita planeada y queda a la deriva por quinientos años. Su único ocupante, el capitán William "Buck" Rogers, es hallado en animación suspendida por una nave del Imperio Draconiano, en el año 2491. Una vez descongelado, el confundido Buck se entera que los Draconianos, un pueblo belicoso, planea un ataque e invasión sorpresa a la Tierra. Buck escapa en el Ranger III y llega a nuestro futurista mundo, donde es recibido con cierta desconfianza por las autoridades, pues sospechan que sea un espía del Imperio Draconiano. Pero conforme se adapta a este mundo del siglo XXV, va ganando amigos que prestan oidos a sus advertencias, justo cuando la nave "Draconia" está orbitando el planeta Tierra.
Gail McKinnon
While the prestigious Cannes Film Festival goes on around him, American movie producer Jesse Craig struggles to develop a pitch-worthy thriller about a terrorist plot. Before long, Craig becomes concerned that a shocking act of real-life terrorism already may be underway. Meanwhile, radical actor Bret Easton works in cahoots with a group of extremists to coordinate the hijacking of a trio of passenger planes in a devastating, multi-city nuclear attack.