Albert DeMond


D-Day on Mars
This is a shortened version of the 1945 Republic serial "The Purple Monster Strikes," which was released to television in 1966.
Marshal of Cedar Rock
Banker Mason is after the ranchers land so he can resell it to the railroad for a profit. He has the railroad agent killed and replaces him with his stooge who then offers even less than Mason. But Rocky eventually suspects Mason and when Bill Anderson informs him the agent is a fake, they head out after Mason
Desperadoes' Outpost
Nugget Clark has been having his stagecoaches wrecked and Marshal Rocky Lane arrives to investigate. The foreman of a nearby mine is stealing part of the mecury output and selling it in Mexico. Nugget's house has a direct pipeline from the mine and they are trying to drive him into bankruptcy to obtain his ranch. Rocky is quickly aware that the Foremen is behind Nugget's holdups but they are also onto Rocky when he accidently drops his badge during a fight.
Old Oklahoma Plains
One-time cavalry officer Rex Allen, between jobs as a star rodeo rider, is asked by his former commanding officer, Colonel Bigelow, to help settle a dispute between the army and local ranchers. The cavalry has commandeered a large parcel of land needed to test their newly-designed tank and prominent rancher Jenson has encited the locals to rebel at this intrusion. It is up to Rex and his sidekick, Slim, to thwart Jenson and convince the residents that these army tests are essential.
Border Saddlemates
Rex Allen ('Rex Allen'), a U. S. government veterinarian, rides into the picturesque town of Pine Rock, near the Canadian border, to take the place of the regular vet who is on vacation. Used to doctoring animals in Texas, Allen finds out that herein the heart of the fox-farming industry, he is to doctor the most finicky and high-priced of fur on four feet. On the farm of Mel Richards (Tom London), Allen learns the habits of the valuable creatures from Richard's niece, Jane (Mary Ellen Kay, and her ten-year-old brother Danny (Jimmy Moss'), and on his own learns that the trusted owner of the trading post, Steve Baxter (Roy Barcroft) heads a gang that is smuggling counterfeit money across the American/Canadian border in the fox cages.
Pals of the Golden West
US Border Patrolman Roy Rogers is assigned to prevent a herd of diseased cattle from crossing over from Mexico.
Million Dollar Pursuit
A petty thief schemes a big score when he plans an armored car robbery.
Million Dollar Pursuit
A petty thief schemes a big score when he plans an armored car robbery.
Trial Without Jury
A homicide detective suspects a playwright who bases his play on a murder.
Federal Agent at Large
A crime ring is smuggling gold from Mexico across the border in the US. The Customs Service sends an agent to Mexico to try to infiltrate the ring and stop the smuggling.
The editor of a sleazy tabloid newspaper has been borrowing money from his lover, the wife of a rich theatrical producer, and promises to marry her when she gets a divorce. However, the husband refuses to grant her a divorce, and takes back all the money and jewelry he has given her. The editor sees her husband leaving her apartment and, seeing his opportunity, kills her, takes all his IOUs (and the jewelry) and frames the husband for the murder.
Alias the Champ
Slammin’ Sammy Menacker is killed in the ring, and Gorgeous George (in his only film appearance) is arrested for murder. Out to clear his name is his manager Lorraine and cop Ron Peterson, who was already on the scene to investigate the Mob’s influence on pro wrestling.
Flame of Youth
Outside the Wolf Club, wayward high school student Geraldine “Jerry” Briggs waits in the parking lot, while her partner in crime, Al, steals hubcaps from parked cars. When a patron named Steve Miller notices his hubcaps missing, he phones the police, and Jerry is apprehended.
The Red Menace
A couple try to leave the Communist party after a murder by the group they were once loyal to.
The Red Menace
A couple try to leave the Communist party after a murder by the group they were once loyal to.
Prince of the Plains
Banker Ned Owens refuses to call in the many unpaid loans made to the local ranchers as he knows they are being terrorized by a gang of crooks and unable to pay. But the secret leader of the gang is James Taylor large stockholder of the bank.....
Duke of Chicago
To save his publishing firm, a prizefighter comes out of retirement in a fixed match.
Madonna of the Desert
A jeweled Madonna, property of rancher Joe Salinas, attracts two crooks to his ranch, Monica Dell, a smooth operator, and ruthless Nick Julian. Joe believe that the statue has a miraculous power to ward off evil, and Monica, after a narrow escape from injury while trying to steal the statue, is converted to Joe's faith and refuses to go through with the robbery. Nick has no such intentions.
The Wild Frontier
Outlaws are in control of the land so the town of Clayton City writes the governor for an honest marshal. That marshal is Frank Lane, who brings his son Rocky with him.
Additional Dialogue
A private detective is offered a job protecting a rich business man from suspected blackmail. Before he can accept the case a murder is uncovered.
The Crimson Ghost
A criminal mastermind known as The Crimson Ghost is out to steal a device called the Cyclotrode, which can short-circuit all electrical current on the planet.
Daughter of Don Q
When the unscrupulous Carlos Manning discovers that an old Spanish land grant recently unearthed will leave a huge section of California real estate to the heirs of Don Quantero, he employs Mel Donovan and his killer henchmen to murder them all. That will leave Manning as the sole heir to millions. However, Delores Quantero tumbles to this plot and enlists the aide of two-fisted reporter, Cliff Roberts to save all her relatives
King of the Forest Rangers
An Indian rug is the key to the location of a lost treasure. When the rug's owner is murdered, it becomes a case for Forest Ranger Steve King
El susto
En este thriller, el psiquiatra Dr. Cross (Vincent Price) mata a su esposa y espera salirse con la suya, hasta que descubre que el asesinato fue observado por una vecina de al lado, Janet Stewart (Anabel Shaw). Mientras Janet intenta convencer a su esposo (Frank Latimore) de la vil hazaña del médico, Cross aparece para advertirle que Janet necesita urgentemente un asesoramiento profundo.
The Phantom Rider
A new town doctor arrives at the same time as local Indians needprotection from troublemaking looters.
The Purple Monster Strikes
A Martian invader crashes his spaceship conveniently close to the workshop of a scientist who is developing an interplanetary craft. If the extraterrestrial Purple Monster can complete the rocket ship and return to Mars, he will be able to start a full-scale invasion of Earth. Good thing Craig Foster sets out to thwart the Monster's mission!
Trail of Kit Carson
Bill Harmon receives a letter from his partner, Dave MacRoy informing him of a rich gold strike in their California mine. Arriving there, Bill learns from elderly miner John Benton that Dave is dead and that he sold the mine at a strangely low price the night before his supposed accidental death. Harmon suspects murder.
Federal Operator 99
Jerry Blake (aka Federal Operator 99) teams-up with Joyce Kingston to thwart the plans of escaped crime boss Jim Belmont.
Manhunt of Mystery Island
Claire Forrest seeks her kidnapped scientist father, hidden somewhere on Mystery Island. He is held and forced to work on diabolical inventions by Captain Mephisto, a costumed villain.
Code of the Prairie
Just after the Oklahoma Panhandle was annexed into the united states an ex-lawman turned newspaper man arrives to town to civilize it. He brings along Frog, a photographer and Sunset Carson as muscle. The seedy element in the territory doesn't want law and order and they plot against them and try to stop Sunset Carson being sheriff.
Shadow of Suspicion
Brash ladies' man James Dale and his partner, wisecracking Everett Northrup, are sent by Cartell & Co. jewelers to safeguard the arrival of the famous Stonehaven necklace at one of its branch offices, recently the victim of a jewel robbery.
Call of the South Seas
FBI Agent Kendall Gaige goes undercover on a South Seas island in order to expose the underhanded and exploitative business practices of Steve Landrau. In the course of his investigation Gaige is introduce to the Paris-educated native princess Tahia, who believes that he has arrived to save her people from poverty. A romance, of course, ensues as Gaige attempts to expose Landrau before his cover is blown.
Beneath Western Skies
To combat the lawlessness in her town, school teacher Carrie Stokes writes to her former students in search of a lawman. Johnny Revere arrives and starts to clean up the town. But things go bad when he is hit on the head and loses his memory.
Beneath Western Skies
To combat the lawlessness in her town, school teacher Carrie Stokes writes to her former students in search of a lawman. Johnny Revere arrives and starts to clean up the town. But things go bad when he is hit on the head and loses his memory.
Riders of the Rio Grande
A banker struggles to keep his bank solvent and his town from going bankrupt after the bank is robbed and all its money taken. The Three Mesquiteers ride into town and set out to help.
Ridin' Down the Canyon
Roy Rogers takes on crooked wartime profiteers in the musical western Ridin' Down the Canyon. Posing as solid citizens, the crooks spend their evening hours stealing horses from local ranchers, then selling the steeds to the government at exorbitant prices. The head of the bad guys runs a dude ranch where Rogers and his pals (The Sons of the Pioneers) are employed.
Valley of Hunted Men
Fugitive Nazis threaten to take over the Wyoming range in this Three Mesqueteers outing, which also warns about the danger of blithely assuming that every German-American is a fifth columnist. Which is exactly what rancher Clem Parker (Hal Price) does when learning that a couple of escaped Axis war criminals may be heading towards the local valley.
Raiders of the Range
Daggett is out to stop the completion of an oil well. He cheats Foster at poker and then forces him to delay the drilling. But the Mesquiteers are on the job with Lulaby posing as a cleaning lady to get evidence.
West of Cimarron
The Mesquiteers return to Texas after the Civil War to find Army carpetbaggers fighting the local bushwackers. They quickly learn that Capt. Hawks and his men are the culprits and join up with Morgan and his men.
Gauchos of El Dorado
It's "The Three Mesquiteers" again. Gaucho escapes from Braden's gang only to be shot by them. The Mesquiteers drive away the outlaws and take his money on to his mother. But Isabella thinks Tucson is her long lost son and they don't have the heart to tell her he is dead.
Outlaws of Cherokee Trail
The Cherokee Strip is off limits to the Rangers, so that is where badman Lemar operates from. When the Rangers capture his brother and the jury sentences him to hang, Lemar starts killing the jurists. Then the scoundrels kidnap the Captain's daughter Doris... Written by Tony Fontana
Gangs of Sonora
Commissioner Tredwell is the law of the land and he gets whatever he wants with the help of hired guns and lackey lawyer Conners. The only one who publicly stands up to Tredwell is Beecham of the Clarion. Beecham has his paper burned to the ground and when he starts a petition to make Wyoming a state, taking the power away from Tredwell, he is killed. But when Kansas Kate comes in to visit her son Conners, she sees what is going on and she takes over the paper and keeps the pressure on Tredwill. With this Conners has mixed emotions, but the boys do everything they can to protect Kate and the paper. Written by Tony Fontana
The Three Mesquiteers, as army scouts, soothe hostilities between the Army and Indians after both have been riled by someone with a hidden agenda - a renegade chief, who is found to be masquerading as an Army interpreter.
The Great Swindle
In this mystery, an insurance investigator must find the arsonists behind the burning of a warehouse. The detective does get some good photographs as evidence, but they are stolen from his apartment. He really isn't a great sleuth and winds up accusing everyone but the real culprit of the crime. As a result, he loses his job and must perform the investigation on his own.
The Great Plane Robbery
Assigned to keep watch over a recently released gangster, an insurance investigator must keep the client alive after he is taken hostage by former henchmen.
Fugitive from a Prison Camp
Sheriff Holt is determined to prove that prisoners can be rehabilitated and released into society in this prison drama. In charge of a new kind of program, the sheriff places inmates in a clean environment and makes them build a road. Despite the improved conditions, the criminals continue to pull off a few shady shenanigans as an innocent man who is sent there soon discovers.
Passport to Alcatraz
George Hollister, crack investigator for the NYC police, is assigned to run down the enemy aliens who dynamited a Detroit munitions plant. The trail takes him to a customs inspector who is known to have honored fake passports provided by Leon Fenten, chief henchman of Drexel Stuyvesant who heads the sabotage ring. Aided by his partner Ray Nolan. Hollister arrests an agent named Reed and takes his place using the fake passport. As Reed, he is met by Karol Roy, an innocent assistant, who takes him to Fenten. Working undercover, Hollister is still unable to learn the name of the head man, not even from dumb gang-member Hank Kircher. Stuyvesant warns Fenten of his suspicions about "Reed" and the latter gives Hollister an assignment as a test.
Outside the Three-Mile Limit
Government Agent Conway, posing as a crew member of a ship, is investigating the flood of counterfeit money that seemingly is originating for a gambling ship, moored off-shore beyond the three-mile limit and operated by gangster Dave Reeves.
Outside the Three-Mile Limit
Government Agent Conway, posing as a crew member of a ship, is investigating the flood of counterfeit money that seemingly is originating for a gambling ship, moored off-shore beyond the three-mile limit and operated by gangster Dave Reeves.
Sweepstakes Winner
A scatterbrained waitress invests her inheritance in a broken-down race horse and a sweepstakes ticket.
Women in the Wind
A famous aviator helps an amateur enter a cross-country air race for women.
Torchy Gets Her Man
A notorious counterfeiter passes himself off as a Secret Service agent to Steve and gets him to unwittingly help him bilk the racetrack out of tens of thousands.
Little Miss Thoroughbred
A young orphan girl wants a small-time gambler to be her father.
Little Miss Thoroughbred
A young orphan girl wants a small-time gambler to be her father.
Blondes at Work
When a rival newspaper publisher complains to his captain about possible collusion between himself and reporter Torchy Blane on scooping her rivals in crime news reporting, Det. Lt. Steve McBride determines to thwart her efforts to get inside information - and she determines to go on getting it, by whatever means necessary.
Girls Can Play
Al escribir un reportaje sobre una jugadora de softball, un periodista descubre que el novio de la chica, que se hace pasar por hombre de negocios, es en realidad un gangster.
Woman in Distress
Investigating rumors that a priceless Rembrandt, believed destroyed years ago, is actually in the possession of an elderly spinster, a male newspaper reporter and his female rival determine that it is genuine but subsequently learn it has been stolen by a gang of art thieves who plan to kill the spinster to prevent her from later identifying it.
North of Nome
John Raglan is a seal hunter being hounded by hijackers, so he strands himself on an isolated island in the Bering Sea that is owned by a corporation. During a fierce sea-storm, Raglan rescues the passengers of a floundering ship, which includes the owner of the island, his daughter and her fiancée. The owner threatens to charge Ragland with poaching on private property, and then a gang of seal-skin thieves make an entrance.
Navy Born
A naval officer gets more than he bargained for when he adopts a recently orphaned young boy, the son of his late best friends. Despite the resistance of the lad's surviving relatives, who worry that growing in the Navy will be hard on the boy, the officer loves and takes good care of the boy. At least he does until the child is abducted by a gangster who has mistaken him for his long-lost boy. Fortunately for the young fellow, the officer rallies the entire Navy and comes to the rescue.
The Leavenworth Case
Director Lewis D. Collins' 1936 whodunit is about the investigation into the death of an elderly tycoon, who is murdered shortly after announcing he plans to change his will and give away his fortune.
The Spanish Cape Mystery
Ellery Queen's vacation is interrupted when murder strikes next door to his oceanside cabin.
Storm Over the Andes
A war between Bolivia and Paraguay is the setting for the stories of flyers involved with both sides in the conflict.
The Perfect Clue
Mona Stewart, madcap, spoiled daughter of a wealthy man, becomes upset when she learns that her father is engaged to a woman she hates. She runs away, via various modes of transportation, and hires an ex-con, David Mannering, to drive her around as she eludes the all-out search conducted by her father and her fiancée, Ronnie Van Zandt. A romance is blossoming until her chauffeur is arrested for the murder of a crime-syndicate boss.
Death Flies East
Evelyn Vail (Florence Rice) is a nurse convicted of poisoning a patient. Out on parole, Evelyn decides to fly to Sing-Sing and confront death row inmate who accused her of the deed in the first place. On board the airliner, Evelyn makes the acquaintance of John Robinson Gordon (Nagel), who is transporting a revolutionary munitions formula to Washington, D.C. Another passenger, Baker (Robert Allen), complains of having been poisoned and leaves the plane during a stopover in Dallas. Back in the air, Gordon's bodyguard, Lieutenant O'Brien (Fred Kelsey), suffers the same fate, but this time the poison proves fatal. The plane returns to Dallas, where Police Captain Barrie (William B. Davidson) accused poor Evelyn of the crime. Happily, Gordon can prove otherwise and the real culprit is unmasked.
Flirting with Danger
Three brash and cocky powder mixers are sent to South America to work at a dynamite plant there.
Lost in the Stratosphere
Two military pilots are close friends, and share in a lot of hazardous missions while engaging in a series of good-natured romantic rivalries. But when one of the pilots loses a girl he really cared for, he cannot forgive his friend. Soon afterwards, they must work together on their most dangerous mission yet.
No Ransom
In this family comedy, the wealthy executive of a steel company must endure life with a strict, teetotaling wife, a wild daughter, and a deadbeat son. To gain some much needed attention, the lonesome fellow hires a hitman to kill him. Instead, the gunman kidnaps him to frighten the family into appreciating their devoted father.
Two Heads on a Pillow
A lawyer handing a divorce case discovers the attorney for the opposition is his ex-wife.
Take the Stand
A radio columnist is threatened by gangsters and later murdered during a broadcast. A detective sets out to find the killers.
The Loudspeaker
A young man from a small town hits New York City, bound and determined to become a radio star. Amazingly, he achieves his ambition, but in the process alienates everyone around him with his arrogance and egomania.
House of Mystery
Out of the Mystic Temples of Old India crept this terrible Monster to wreak vengeance of the Hindu Gods. One by one its victims fell with not a trace of the bloody assassin.
School for Girls
After being convicted of stealing some jewels, Annette Eldrige is sent to a reformatory administered by a sadistic and corrupt female warder. However, one of the board of trustees takes an interest in the new arrival and begins to investigate the management of the institution.
Above the Clouds
Robert Armstrong stars as Scoop Adams, an ace newsreel cameraman whose love affair with the bottle all but destroys him professionally. Scoop manages to get his photographer pal Dick (Richard Cromwell) fired as well, but he promises to restore Dick's reputation, some way or another. He gets his chance while covering a dirigible wreck (some three years before the Hindenburg), saving the day for both Dick and himself.
The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi
A campus flirt who has been "pinned" by most of the boys of Sigma Chi fraternity falls for a no-nonsense athlete who doesn't have time for such diversions as women.
A cocky young pilot, at the urging of his girlfriend, takes a nice, "safe" job at the bank where her father is president.
The Sphinx
A man known to be a mute is suspected of committing a murder, as he was noticed at the scene. However, witnesses saw and heard him talking as he was leaving the scene of the crime. The police must determine if he is the actual killer or if he is being framed.
A wisecracking narrator mocks footage featuring Frankenstein's monster and Count Dracula.
A wisecracking narrator mocks footage featuring Frankenstein's monster and Count Dracula.
A wisecracking narrator mocks footage featuring Frankenstein's monster and Count Dracula.
The Unshod Maiden
A condensed re-edit of Lois Weber's social drama Shoes (1916), with satirical narration.
The Unshod Maiden
A condensed re-edit of Lois Weber's social drama Shoes (1916), with satirical narration.
Little Accident
Associate Producer
On the day before his second wedding, a man finds out that his bride-to-be has had a baby.
Dames Ahoy
Three sailors go searching for a girl who swindled one of them out of half his pay.
Skinner Steps Out
William Henry Skinner's young wife has great confidence in her husband's abilities and is ambitious for his success. He informs her of his importance at the office; but in reality he is an insignificant employee on a small salary, and when refused a raise, he hasn't the courage to tell his wife. Distressed at her husband's shabby appearance, "Honey" persuades him to buy a dress suit, and at a charity bazaar she pushes him to the front so that he dominates the affair and comes to the attention of the dignitaries. Skinner forces himself upon the attention of his employer and the employer's chief rival, whose admiration he wins when he bluffs him out of a poker pot. In spite of Skinner's efforts to prevent it, the rival companies are consolidated; and impressed by his spirit and enthusiasm, his superiors promote him to sales manager.
La trampa amorosa
Title Designer
Al ser despedida de su trabajo, la corista Evelyn Todd tiene que abandonar su apartamento por no poder pagar el alquiler. A partir de ahí las cosas van de mal en peor hasta que conoce a Paul Harrington, que podría ser su salvador. Pero, en una fiesta, a la que la invita una amiga, ocurre un incidente que supone para ella un nuevo mazazo.
Modern Love
In order to keep her job, a young dress designer must keep her recent marriage a secret from her boss. An important client arrives from Paris and her boss decides to hold a dinner party for the man at the girl's house. When her husband finds out that the client wants to take her back to Paris so she can "study," he comes up with a plan to stop it, and it begins with his being the "server" at the dinner party.
El testaferro
La vida de un boxeador cambia radicalmente cuando recoge a un huérfano y decide ocuparse de él.
Red Hot Speed
A newspaper publisher's daughter is arrested for speeding. In order to avoid embarrassing her father, since his newspaper is in the midst of an anti-speeding campaign, she uses an assumed name. She is paroled into the custody of an assistant district attorney, who doesn't know who she really is.
Give and Take
The owner of a fruit cannery is facing financial ruin as a result of a strike. Unbeknownst to him, his son is the person who is organizing it.
Give and Take
Scenario Writer
The owner of a fruit cannery is facing financial ruin as a result of a strike. Unbeknownst to him, his son is the person who is organizing it.
The Cohens and the Kellys in Paris
That's My Daddy
A wealthy bachelor lies his way out of a speeding ticket by telling the cops he's on his way to visit his baby girl in hospital - ever helpful, they accompany him whereupon a little girl attaches herself to him, with hilarious results.
Love Me and the World Is Mine
In Old Vienna in the days prior to The Great War, a beautiful woman, Hannerl, has her choice of two men; the first is a dashing young army officer who can provide blazing romance and little long-time security. The other is an older man, influential in the affairs of Austria, who could provide wealth...and tender devotion. Hannerl thinks about it.