Años antes de convertirse en el tiránico Presidente de Panem, el Coriolanus Snow de 18 años es la última esperanza de su desvaneciente linaje, la una vez orgullosa familia que había caído en desgracia en un Capitolio post-guerra. Con los décimos Juegos del Hambre aproximándose rápidamente, el joven Snow se sorprende cuando es asignado como mentor de Lucy Gray Baird, la niña tributo del empobrecido Distrito 12. Pero luego de que Lucy Gray consigue toda la atención de Panem al cantar desafiante durante la ceremonia de la cosecha, Snow piensa que podría dar vuelta su suerte. Uniendo sus instintos de espectáculo y de encontrada astucia política, la carrera de Snow y Lucy Gray para sobrevivir revelerá quién es un pájaro cantor, y quién es una víbora.
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“Emmett − Tief in meinem Herzen” (“Emmett – Deep in My Heart”) is a film with theatrical elements, telling the story of the 14-year-old Black teenager Emmett Till, who became the victim of a racist murder in Mississippi, USA, in 1955. This murder is considered the spark for the civil rights movement in the USA as well as a global, public-media confrontation with racism.
Emmett’s story is not an exclusively Black or American story. Emmett had to die because he (allegedly) whistled after a White woman, while his killers were acquitted by an all-male, all-White jury, only to openly admit to the murder in an interview a short time later. “Cases like Emmett's are repeated in Germany and around the world. They affect us all – they are the stories of each and every one of us. Almost 70 years after Emmett Till’s murder, we live in a world that is still shaped by structural racism.