Reed Hadley

Reed Hadley

Nacimiento : 1911-06-25, Petrolia, Clay County Texas, USA

Muerte : 1974-12-11


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Reed Hadley (June 25, 1911 – December 11, 1974) was an American movie, television and radio actor. Reed Hadley was born Reed Herring in Petrolia in Clay County near Wichita Falls, Texas, to Bert Herring, an oil well driller, and his wife Minnie. Hadley had one sister, Bess Brenner. He was reared in Buffalo, New York. He graduated from Bennett High School in Buffalo and was involved in local theater with the Studio Arena Theater. Hadley and his wife, Helen, had one son, Dale. Before moving to Hollywood, he acted in Hamlet on stage in New York City. Throughout his thirty-five-year career in film, Hadley was cast as both a villain and a hero of the law, in such movies as The Baron of Arizona (1950), The Half-Breed (1952), Highway Dragnet (1954) and Big House, USA (1955). With his bass voice, he narrated a number of documentaries. He starred in two television series, Racket Squad (1950–1953) as Captain Braddock, and The Public Defender (1954–1955) as Bart Matthews, a fictional attorney for the indigent. Hadley also worked on the Red Ryder radio show during the 1940s, being the first actor to portray the title character. In films, among other things, he starred as Zorro in the 1939 serial Zorro's Fighting Legion. He is immortalized on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his television work. He was the voice of cowboy hero Red Ryder on radio and the narrator of several Department of Defense films: "Operation Ivy", about the first hydrogen bomb test, Ivy Mike, "Military Participation on Tumbler/Snapper"; "Military Participation on Buster Jangle"; and "Operation Upshot-Knothole" all of which were produced by Lookout Mountain studios. The films were originally intended for internal military use, but have been "sanitized", edited, and de-classified, and are now available to the public. During the period he narrated these films, Hadley held a Top Secret security clearance. Hadley also served as the narrator on various Hollywood films, including House on 92nd Street (1945), Call Northside 777 (1947) and Boomerang (1947). He died at age 63 on December 11, 1974, in Los Angeles, California, of a heart attack. He is buried at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in the Hollywood Hills. Description above from the Wikipedia article Reed Hadley, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.​


Reed Hadley


The Men Who Made the Movies: Samuel Fuller
Jesse James (archive footage)
Samuel Fuller discusses his career as a filmmaker, illustrated by plenty of clips.
Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie
Self (archive footage)
"Trinity and Beyond" is an unsettling yet visually fascinating documentary presenting the history of nuclear weapons development and testing between 1945-1963. Narrated by William Shatner and featuring an original score performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, this award-winning documentary reveals previously unreleased and classified government footage from several countries.
Hombres de Crisis: El Harvey Wallinger historia
Dr. Harvey Wallinger is one of Nixon's aides who rises through the ranks to become the "real" power behind the president.
El hombre del cerebro sintético
Un científico que tiene sus facultades mentales desconectadas con la realidad que le rodea, realiza un transplante de cerebros, y pone el cerebro de un político de Medio Oriente en el cráneo de un deficiente mental deformado. El resultado es una criatura que inicia una oleada de muerte y violencia.
The Fabulous Bastard from Chicago
Narrator (voice)
During Prohibition, two gangsters go to war with each other. (Plus, sex!)
La matanza del día de San Valentín
Hymie Weiss
El 14 de febrero de 1929, día de San Valentín, fue la fecha en la que Al Capone se proclamó jefe supremo del crimen organizado de Chicago. Sus secuaces, vestidos de policías, asesinaron en un garaje a los principales miembros de la banda de su rival, pero esta acción traería terribles consecuencias para todos.
La maldición de la mosca
Tercera de "La mosca" (1958). En esta ocasión, muestra a una joven que escapa de una institución para enfermos mentales para esconderse en la casa de la familia Delambre. Allí se encuentra con que el líder de la familia continúa con los experimentos de teletransportación que tan nefastos resultados habían dado en las películas anteriores.
Young Dillinger
Federal Agent Parker
The 1930s outlaw teams up with Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson and Homer Van Meter.
Moro Witch Doctor
Robert Collins
The murders of two American plantation owners leads an Interpol agent into a battle with Filipino drug smugglers and violent religious fanatics.
Todo en una noche
General Pettiford (uncredited)
El fundador de un gran imperio de empresas de publicidad amanece muerto, con una sonrisa en su rostro, en su hotel de vacaciones. Su sobrino hereda la poderosa compañía, y tanto él como su junta directiva sospechan que una empleada puede ser la asesina de su tío. El motivo: un detective del hotel la vio salir casi desnuda de la habitación.
Mobs, Inc.
Capt. John Braddock
Captain Braddock of the Los Angeles Racket Squad schools a group of cadet policemen by telling them of three precarious and dangerous cases of con artistry. Included are tracking down a dance hall girl, who, together with a big operative, are thwarted in attempting a robbery; a racketeer fleecing a book publisher on a Trans-Atlantic voyage, and the tripping up of the plans of a phony land syndicate.
Lincoln Speaks for Himself
Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln Speaks for Himself (1955) uses Lincoln's own words to dramatize his progression from the first political speech he gave in 1832, as a candidate for the Illinois state legislature, to those immortal words spoken at Gettysburg to his second inaugural in 1865.
La justicia al acecho
Special FBI Agent James Madden
Un chaval infeliz escapa de un campamento de verano, lo que provoca la búsqueda de su millonario padre. Da con el chico Barker, pero en vez de comunicar su paradero, lo mantiene oculto y pide un rescate. Con lo que no cuenta Barker, una vez cobrado el dinero, es con la muerte accidental del muchacho. Aunque ni el dinero ni el cadáver se encuentran, Barker es detenido por extorsión y enviado a prisión. Allí sus codiciosos compañeros de celda están dispuestos a organizar una fuga para recuperar el botín.
Highway Dragnet
Det. Lt. Joe White Eagle
An ex-Marine on the lam from a murder charge. He hitches a ride from glamor-magazine photographer, who is travelling cross-country with her principal model. Tensions rise when the woman realize the man with them may be a killer.
Hazard House
Television Host
A married couple watches a documentary program which presents the hazards children face in the home.
Woman They Almost Lynched
Bitterroot Bill Maris
Durante la Guerra de Secesión, Border City es un pueblo minero situado entre la zona unionista y la confederada, y está dirigido con mano de hierro por su alcaldesa y principal empresaria, que castiga con la horca a aquellos que no respetan su neutralidad. Sally Maris llega para visitar a su hermano Bill escoltada por la banda de Quantrill, que ha interceptado y asaltado su diligencia poco antes y pretende hacerse con plomo de las minas del lugar. La esposa de William Quantrill, Kate, era la novia de Bill antes de ser raptada por el jefe guerrillero, pero ahora le provoca y el capataz Lance Horton se ve obligado a matar a Bill en legítima defensa. Debido a las deudas de su hermano, a Sally no le queda más remedio que asumir la dirección del saloon y Lance siente el deber de erigirse en su protector.
Kansas Pacific
Bill Quantrill
Western con toques románticos que narra la historia de la construcción del ferrocarril de Kansas durante la década de 1860. En los albores de la Guerra de Secesión, esta línea de tren tenía una dura oposición por parte de las tropas confederadas. El capitán yanqui John Nelson será enviado hasta allí para poner orden y supervisar la construcción. Pero los ataques serán cada vez más frecuentes por parte de Bill Quantrill, un confederado que lidera la oposición a que esa línea llegue a dominios tan occidentales.
The Half-Breed
Frank Crawford
An Apache of mixed blood tries to make peace between Indians and whites.
Operation Ivy
Host / Narrator
A short produced by the US government about the development of the hydrogen bomb leading up to its testing and explosion over Bikini Atoll.
Little Big Horn
Sgt. Maj. Peter Grierson
Two cavalry officers (Lloyd Bridges, John Ireland) lead a patrol to warn Gen. Custer about an ambush.
Insurance Investigator
Chuck Malone
When a businessman who has had a double indemnity policy taken out on him dies mysteriously, his insurance company sends an undercover investigator to town to determine exactly what happened.
Dallas, ciudad fronteriza
Wild Bill Hickok
Acabada la guerra de Secesión, un oficial del ejército del sur, que está reclamado por la ley por haber formado parte de las bandas guerrilleras de Quantrill, llega a la ciudad de Dallas, en Texas, siguiendo la pista de los hermanos Marlow, los que, en su ausencia, asesinaron a su familia, y expoliaron sus propiedades en Georgia.
The Killer That Stalked New York
Narrator (uncredited)
Una pareja -Evelyn Keyes y Charles Korvin- que contrabandea diamantes de Cuba a Nueva York, trae también un misterioso cargamento: viruela. La mujer, insospechadamente enferma, debe sortear el seguimiento de un agente del tesoro, así que se oculta en el hotel de su hermana -Lola Albright-. Cuando cae enferma, acude a un doctor -William Bishop-, quien piensa que sufre de un resfriado. Pero cuando una niña que también estaba en la oficina, muere repentinamente de viruela, la verdadera situación surge a la luz. La alerta cunde entre las fuerzas del orden, que tratan de atrapar a la persona que puede estar diseminando la infección sobre la gran ciudad.
The Return of Jesse James
Frank James
Frank James resents and tries to stop a ruthless drifter who has adopted the name of his dead brother in order to duplicate his crimes.
A Modern Marriage
Dr. Donald Andrews
A psychiatrist tries to help a newlywed wife, who is depressed and suicidal over her sexual problems.
Motor Patrol
Detective Robert Flynn
A cop poses as a member of a stolen-car ring to capture the men responsible for the murder of his fiancee's brother.
El barón de Arizona
John Griff
Basada en las aventuras de James Addison Reavis (Vincent Price), uno de los estafadores más ambiciosos e inteligentes del siglo XIX, que llegó a elaborar un plan para quedarse con el territorio de Arizona. (FILMAFFINITY)
Los jinetes de las praderas
Clint Burrows
Kansas y Chito son dos vaqueros que buscan trabajo. Un día salvan a una bella dama, Dusty, de la paliza que le iba a dar el propietario del ‘saloon’, y ésta, agradecida, les ofrece trabajo en su rancho. Una vez allí deberán ayudar al hermano de Dusty a saldar sus deudas con el juego y esto les meterá en muchos problemas, llegando incluso, a estar acusados de asesinato.
Red Desert
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
A Government agent is sent to track an outlaw who has stolen gold boulion. The chase leads into a desolate desert region where the agent is forced to utilize his survival skills.
Grand Canyon
Mitch Bennett
A film company is shooting a western on location when the star breaks his leg. A local mule herder, who had never acted before, is "shanghaied" into taking over the role. Complications ensue.
The Abilene Kid
An undercover Army captain links missing gold and murder to a gambler's ghost.
Balas vengadoras (Yo maté a Jesse James)
Jesse James
Esta no es la historia de Jesse James, sino la caída en desgracia de su asesino, el tristemente famoso Bob Ford, que traicionó a su amigo para conseguir el indulto del gobierno y casarse con su novia Cynthy. En lugar de ello, se vió condenado al ostracismo y al desprecio incluso por parte de la mujer amada.
Orden: caza sin cuartel
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Película rodada en estilo casi documental que relata la caza de un ladrón que asesina a sangre fría a un policía y que es perseguido por las calles de Los Ángeles. Los policías siguen su rastro hasta las mismas alcantarillas de la ciudad.
Last of the Wild Horses
Riley Morgan
A cowboy must clear himself of a murder he did not commit.
Walk a Crooked Mile
Narrator (voice)
A security leak is found at a Southern California atomic plant. The authorities stand in fear that the information leaked would go to a hostile nation. To investigate the case more efficiently, Dan O'Hara, an FBI agent, and Philip Grayson, a Scotland Yard sleuth, join forces. Will they manage to stop the spy ring from achieving their aim?
The Return of Wildfire
Marty Quinn
In this above-average western, a villainous land grabber attempts to force horse ranchers to sell their ranches so he can become king of the horse market. One stubborn rancher refuses to relent and his killed. His two surviving sisters then continue the fight. They are soon assisted by a passing drifter who ends up falling for one of them. In the end a gunfight between the good and bad guys ensues.
Jungle Goddess
Radio Newscaster (uncredited)
When a plane carrying the daughter of a millionaire crashes in an African jungle, two pilots set out to collect the reward. They discover that she has become the goddess of a primitive tribe. An insurgent witch doctor and fierce wild animals make escape from the jungle difficult for the trio.
Man from Texas
Marshall Gregg
James Craig is torn between his criminal career as the masked bandit named the "El Paso Kid," and the life of a law-abiding citizen with his long-suffering wife Zoe. He repeatedly tells Zoe, "just one more time," but he is unable to stop which angers her greatly. However, he does have brief moments of heroics such as when he helps the Widow Weeks save her farm.
Matt Garson
An ex-gunfighter woos two women while avenging his brother, victim of a crooked gambler.
The Fabulous Texan
A couple of Confederate soldiers, returning home from the Civil War, find Texas transformed into an armed camp with a quasi-dictator gathering up land and power as fast as he can. The two former Rebels take on this despot each in his own way.
El justiciero
Off-Screen Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
En una pequeña ciudad de Connecticut, un sacerdote es asesinado en plena calle, y los ciudadanos exigen una intervención contundente de la policía. Todos los testigos identifican a John Waldron como el autor del crimen, pero éste se declara inocente, aunque nadie le cree.
The Brasher Doubloon
Dr. Moss (uncredited)
Un detective (George Montgomery) busca una valiosísima moneda que ha sido robada de la colección de una acaudalada mujer. Durante su pesquisa, algunos involucrados encuentran la muerte en manos de una organización delictiva que también ansía hallar la preciada moneda.
El filo de la navaja
Party Waiter (voice) (uncredited)
Adaptación de la célebre novela de Somerset Maugham. Los horrores de la guerra hacen que Larry Darrell (Tyrone Power) lo abandone todo, incluso a los que han formado parte de su vida. Viaja a Europa y después a la India con la intención de encontrar un sentido a su vida.
If I'm Lucky
Jed Conklin, Magonnagle's Campaign Manager
Out of work swing band maneuvers a gig working for a political campaign, by drawing in and entertaining prospective voters at rallies. The candidate is really a stooge for a corrupt political machine, which discovers the band's handsome and appealing singer would make a better stooge. Meanwhile, romance blossoms between the band's singers. When election day approaches, the band's singer wants out of the campaign, but the machine threatens to smear him and his pals in the band if he quits.
It Shouldn't Happen to a Dog
Mike Valentine
A pretty blonde with a Doberman pinscher walks into a bar on April Fool's Day and asks for a bag of bones. Thus begins a merry chase in which a newspaper reporter, a drunken policeman and a hand-painted necktie help locate the missing witness in a criminal investigation.
Envuelto en la sombra
Lt. Frank Reeves
Un detective privado, que casi vive en la miseria, descubre un día que lo están siguiendo. Tras acorralar a su perseguidor, averigua que actúa a las órdenes de un antiguo socio con el que acabó enemistado. Poco después se ve envuelto en un calculado plan de asesinato.
El susto
District Attorney O'Neill
En este thriller, el psiquiatra Dr. Cross (Vincent Price) mata a su esposa y espera salirse con la suya, hasta que descubre que el asesinato fue observado por una vecina de al lado, Janet Stewart (Anabel Shaw). Mientras Janet intenta convencer a su esposo (Frank Latimore) de la vil hazaña del médico, Cross aparece para advertirle que Janet necesita urgentemente un asesoramiento profundo.
Doll Face
Flo Hartman
Burlesque queen Doll Face Carroll is dismissed from an audition for a legitimate Broadway show because she lacks culture. Her boss/manager Mike decides that she can get both culture and plenty of publicity by writing her autobiography. He hires a ghost writer to do all the work, but doesn't count on the possibility that Doll Face and her collaborator might have more than a book on their minds.
Que el cielo la juzgue
Dr. Mason
Richard Harland (Cornel Wilde), un joven escritor, conoce en un tren a Ellen (Gene Tierney), una bellísima mujer con la que se casa pocos días después. La vida parece sonreírles, pero Ellen es tan posesiva, sus celos son tan enfermizos que no está dispuesta a compartir a Richard con nadie; tanto amigos como familiares representan para ella una amenaza de la que intentará librarse.
Boeing B-29 Superfortress Bomb Loading Procedures
Tactics Colonel
This government documentary short film describes the concerns of the U.S. Army Air Forces over the safe, effective, and expeditious handling of the loading of bombs onto the Boeing B-29 Superfortress heavy bomber. A colonel briefs a command board on the problems inherent in the initial bomb-loading processes and the losses and injuries resultant from those processes. He then informs the board as to the development of new model hoists for loading bombs. The commanding general asks for approval from the board, and following input from an AAF tactical officer, the new hoist is approved.
The Last Bomb
Documentary of the planning and delivery of the last great bomber attack on the city of Tokyo by the U.S. Army Air Forces in World War II.
La casa de la calle 92
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
En 1941, El FBI desenmascaró una red de espionaje nazi, cuya misión era acceder a los secretos del llamado "Proceso 97", es decir, al sistema de fabricación de la bomba atómica. (FILMAFFINITY)
La campana de la libertad
Cmdr. Robertson
A finales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), el comandante Joppolo es destinado con su unidad a una población italiana para que se encargue de tomar posiciones. A pesar de su misión, poco a poco terminará implicándose en la vida de ese pueblo siciliano.
The Caribbean Mystery
Dr. Rene Marcel
The Caribbean Mystery is a remake of Mr. Moto on Danger Island (1939)-which in turn was a remake of Murder in Trinidad. James Dunn stars as Mr. Smith, a Columbo-like Brooklyn detective who pops up on a tropical island to track down some missing geologists.
Circumstantial Evidence
A man waits on death row while his son and friend try to prove that he did not kill a grocer with an ax.
La favorita de los dioses
High Priest Kahuna
Tres marineros mercantes huyen de Japón y se refugian en una isla del Pacífico, donde se encuentran con un médico y su hija, que se ocupan de los nativos, una tribu hostil que quiere matar a los marineros por pisar su suelo sagrado.
White House Usher (uncredited)
Biopic sobre el presidente democráta de los Estados Unidos Woodrow Wilson. Dejó su puesto en la Universidad de Princeton para presentarse a gobernador de New Jersey, y de ahí fue ascendiendo hasta llegar a presidente (1913-1921). Durante su mandato tuvo que enfrentarse a la muerte de su esposa, además de a las hostilidades alemanas que finalmente llevaron a los Estados Unidos a entrar en la Primera Guerra Mundial. Además fue fundador de la liga de las naciones en 1919, lo que le valió el Premio Nobel de la Paz.
Nuestra casa en Indiana
Narrator in Opening Scene (uncredited)
Un muchacho con una inclinación a problemas es enviado a vivir con su tía y su tío en Indiana. A pesar de que en un primer momento no está feliz con el acuerdo, su amor por los caballos y su afecto por una joven potranca que planea correr le hacen la vida soportable. Él también encuentra el amor con Char, quien comparte su amor por los caballos.
Roger Touhy, Gangster
FBI Agent Boyden
Set during Prohibition, the movie centers on Touhy's rise from small time thug to the city's most powerful bootlegger whose empire is rivaled only by that of Al Capone (who is referred to, but never named in the story). It is his rival who frames Touhy for kidnapping and arranges for him to serve a life-long term in Stateville prison. Determined to be free again, the desperate Touhy and his cellmate Basil "the Owl" Banghart, begin plotting a violent break out.
Primary Flight Training: Flight Sense
First Dive-bomber Pilot
Two young pilot trainees arrive for primary flight training and meet their instructor, Navy pilot Lt. Taylor. Lt. Taylor talks to the men about the necessity of becoming practiced in the way of the aircraft in such a way as to enable them to rely on their senses much of their time in the air, as reliance on instruments can be confusing for beginning pilots. He explains that, at first, flying will be like walking or riding a bicycle were first learned -- by trial and error and following strict instructions. But with practice, eventually the pilot's senses will take over and much of the process of flying will rely more on his feel for the plane and less on rote following of instructions.
Happy Land
Off-Screen Narrator
An Iowa drugstore owner becomes embittered when his son is killed in World War II. The druggist believes that the boy's life was cut short before he had an opportunity to truly appreciate his existence.
Radio Announcer (voice) (uncredited)
Nora and her uncle get railroaded into spending the night at a broken-down hotel in Canada. After Nora falls for the handsome owner, she convinces her uncle to invest in the inn and modernize it. After the hotel opens, Nora's uncle faces financial ruin and her romance hit a snag in the form of pretty reporter.
War Correspondent/ Narrator
Guadalcanal sigue a un entregado pelotón de marines a través de los horrores de la guerra en el sur del pacífico. Soldados que no sólo luchan contra el enemigo, sino también contra la enfermedad, un terreno peligroso y un clima implacable.
Jail House Blues
A prisoner about to be pardoned puts it off until he can put on one last variety show for his fellow inmates.
Arizona Terrors
Jack Halliday aka Don Pedro de Berendo
A crooked gambler poses as a descendant of a noble Spanish family has successfully secured court validation of a counterfeit land grant, and proceeds to drive out ranchers already settled on the land with high taxes, road tolls and violent tactics. A pair of horse sellers pitch in to help a customer, his daughter, and the other "tenant" ranchers after being roughed up by toll collectors when they refuse to pay the assessed toll.
Road Agent
Henchman Shayne
Summarily accused of murder, drifters Duke (Foran), Pancho (Carrillo) and Andy (Devine) are tossed into the hoosegow, only to be released when their alibi checks out. Far from offended by his ill treatment, Duke agrees to take the job of sheriff, retaining Pancho and Andy as his deputies. The gruesome threesome then sets about to solve a series of mysterious Wells Fargo robberies
Appointment for Love
Ferguson (uncredited)
André Cassil y Jane Alexander deciden impulsivamente casarse. La luna de miel termina muy rápidamente cuando Jane expresa sus puntos de vista progresistas sobre el matrimonio, que incluyen dormir en habitaciones separadas. André trata de ponerla celosa con el fin de atraerla hacia su habitación.
Sea Raiders
Carl Tonjes
A bunch of waterfront youths pursue the Sea Raiders, a gang of saboteurs.
Whistling in the Dark
Beau Smith
The operators of 'Silver Haven', a cultish group bilking gullible rich people out of money, is set to inherit a large sum after the deceased woman's heir also dies. Leader Joesph Jones decides to hurry the process along and kidnaps Wally Benton, his fiancé, and a friend, to further this goal. Wally, 'The Fox', is a radio sleuth who solves murders on the air. Jones wants him to devise a perfect murder, and isn't above killing others sloppily along the way to get his foolproof murder plot.
I'll Wait for You
Tony Berolli
A gangster hides out on a farm and falls for the farmer's daughter.
Las chicas de Ziegfeld
Geoffrey's Friend in Audience (Uncredited)
Tres mujeres sueñan con actuar en los musicales de Broadway de Florence Ziegfeld. Susan teme que su éxito apene a su padre, actor de vodevil en declive. Sheila se debate entre el amor a su novio y las atenciones de un millonario. Sandra está casada con un virtuoso del violín que no soporta que su mujer consiga el éxito en el mundo de las lentejuelas.
Sky Raiders
Captain Bob Dayton and Lieutenant Ed Carey are partners in a company called "Sky Raiders" which seeks US government contracts for its inventions. Enemy spies attempt to steal, sabotage and discredit the inventions and founders of the company.
Aventuras del Capitán Maravillas
Rahman Bar
Para proteger un talismán mágico, un joven recibe el poder de convertirse en un adulto con superpoderes diciendo una palabra mágica: ¡Shazam!. Serie sobre el Capitán Maravillas, personaje de cómic también conocido como Shazam. Supuso la primera representación cinematográfica de un superhéroe de cómic.
Flight Command
Admiral's Aide
Para cubrir la baja de un piloto muerto en acto de servicio, el ejército envía a Alan Drake de la academia de Pensacola a la base de los fabulosos Hellcats en San Diego. Allí, para ganarse un puesto, tendrá que mostrar su habilidad a bordo de un Grumman F3F -3 biplano, enfrentándose tanto al peligro como a sus propios sentimientos.
Detective a la fuerza
Divertida comedia, de la que W. C. Fields tuvo el control casi absoluto. Aparte de ser el protagonista, el actor firmó el guión con el curioso seudónimo de Mahatma Kane Jeeves. En realidad la trama es completamente disparatada, casi mera excusa para acumular gags sobre el personaje de Egbert Sousé, una especie de 'alter ego' de Fields, o al menos de la imagen que tenía de él el gran público. El actor da vida a un borrachín, que por casualidad detiene a un atracador de bancos. A partir de ahí nace una fulgurante carrera de detective, prácticamente a su pesar, pues él incluso intenta participar en una estafa. (FILMAFFINITY)
Meet the Wildcat
Ralph Bellamy and Margaret Lindsay, stars of Columbia's "Ellery Queen" series, let their hair down and went "screwball" in the Universal comedy-mystery Meet the Wildcat. Bellamy plays a New York gumshoe on the trail of an art thief. His investigation is confounded by the presence of snoopy girl reporter Lindsay.
Ski Patrol
Ivan Dubroski
In 1939, a group of Finnish soldiers defend the border from Russian invaders.
Esta mujer es mía
Bob Hampton
Durante un viaje en barco, Georgi Gragore, una bella modelo que acaba de sufrir un desengaño amoroso, está a punto de arrojarse por la borda, pero se lo impide Karl Decker, un médico con el que acaba casándose. A pesar de ello, Georgi sigue obsesionada por el hombre que la llevó a tomar tan fatal determinación; perfectamente consciente de ello, su marido le propone que decida libremente si quiere seguir con él o si prefiere volver al pasado.
Zorro's Fighting Legion
Don Diego Vega and his alter ego Zorro
The mysterious Don Del Oro ("Lord of Gold"), an idol of the Yaqui Indians, plans to take over the gold and become Emperor. Francisco was put in charge of a legion to combat the Yaqui tribe and protect the land, but when attacked Zorro came to his rescue. Francisco's partner recognized Zorro as the hidalgo Don Diego Vega, then ask him to take over the fighting legion as his alter-ego Zorro.
The Man from Montreal
Ross Montgomery, aka L. R. Rawlins
The Man From Montreal is a lively entry in Universal's Richard Arlen-Andy Devine action series. The stars are cast respectively as fur trapper Clark Manning and constable Bones Blair, who carry on a friendly rivalry in the Canadian Northwest. Our heroes team up in the final reels to put the kibosh on a fur-smuggling racket, permitting Universal to plunge deeply into its stock-footage files. The leading ladies this time out are Anne Gwynne and Kay Sutton, their billing status indicating which one of the two ladies will land Clark Manning in the last scene. Incredibly, the Arlen-Devine series lasted for 14 films, none of them classics but all of them worthwhile Saturday-matinee fare.
Mamá a la fuerza
Polly's First Dance Partner (uncredited)
Una joven dependienta de una tienda, que acaba de ser despedida, encuentra un bebé abandonado, creyendo todos que es su madre biológica....
Stronger Than Desire
Flagg's Party Guest (uncredited)
An attorney handling a murder case in unaware his own wife played a crucial role in the killing.
Calling Dr. Kildare
Tom Crandell
Un médico cura a un gangster y se enamora de su hermana.
Sergeant Madden
A dedicated police officer is torn between family and duty when his son turns to a life of crime.
Sunset Murder Case
Oliver Helton
Small-time showgirl poses as a stripper to infiltrate a nightclub whose owner is believed responsible for her father's murder.
Female Fugitive
Bruce Dunning
Police set up a dragnet to trap an outlaw's wife whom they believe to be his accomplice.
Hollywood Stadium Mystery
Ralph Mortimer
A boxer is killed in the ring, and the only clue is a tune that a man was whistling.